The College has an interest in providing students with a vehicle to provide feedback about their educational experiences. Students’ educational experiences are influenced by many factors, but none are more important than their experiences in the classroom. Therefore, the College will collect data about students’ perceptions of their experiences in courses for use by instructors and the institution to enhance student learning experiences.
Academic Affairs
The College will adopt a course feedback tool with the goal of providing students with an opportunity to share their perceptions about their learning experiences at SCTCC. Student confidentiality will be maintained throughout the feedback process.
Feedback Tool Adoption and Changes
Academic Affairs will be responsible for adopting the mechanisms through which the course feedback tool is administered and will regularly evaluate the content of the course feedback tool. Changes to the content of the tool will be brought to Faculty Shared Governance prior to implementation.
Different forms of the course feedback tool may be used to accommodate different learning experiences (i.e., internships, independent study, lab, lecture).
All students in all sections will have the opportunity to submit feedback each semester on a schedule determined by Academic Affairs but always taking place during the second half of the course session.
Academic Affairs will share survey results with faculty and appropriate deans after final grades are posted.
Use of Data
Faculty may use this information as part of an annual performance evaluation, to guide their own professional development, or in other ways they deem appropriate. Faculty are encouraged to reflect on their classroom practices in response to the feedback.
Administrators will review the data. In aggregate, the data can be used to identify and recognize strengths or to examine common areas of student concern where faculty across a discipline or program might need support from the institution. Data related to individual instructors may be used to follow up on patterns or initiate conversations with faculty related to student concerns. Individual student evaluations shall not be placed in a faculty member’s personnel file (MSCF Master Agreement, Article 26, Section 2).