OneSearch allows you to search the library catalog and multiple databases at the same time.

Login to your library account to search, see your loans, requests, favorites, search history, and more.
Select "Sign in" in the upper right corner.
We have many services and resources that can be accessed online. Interlibrary Loan service is available for all materials, and remote assistance is available through the library website’s “Ask a Librarian” email service or by appointment with the librarian. Curbside Checkout service is also available. If you have questions or need assistance, please email library@sctcc.edu or call 320-308-5141.
Hours, staff information, loan periods, overdue/lost/damaged materials, course reserve materials, and library courtesy.
MLA, APA, Chicago style - some tips on how to cite your sources according to each stylebook and Information on what you can cite under fair use law, and how to avoid plagiarism.
Citing, Copyright, & Plagiarism
When evaluating the information you find, ask yourself the following questions….
Off-campus access to the databases and electronic books is available to currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff. When you are researching these resources from off-campus, you will be prompted to login using your StarID and password.
If you have problems logging on, contact the Library Circulation Desk at 320-308-5141 or use the “Ask a Librarian” link.
Interlibrary Loan is the ability to borrow materials from other libraries.
Before submitting a request, make sure the SCTCC Library does not own the material you are requesting by searching the library for books, videos, and database articles using OneSearch
Requesting Materials from MnPALS Libraries
- Go to OneSearch
- Select “Sign in” upper right corner
- Login using your StarID and password
- Search your topic and select All MnPals Libraries from the dropdown menu
- When you find the item you would like to request, click on the item title
- On the page that appears, click on Resource Sharing
- When a new screen appears, verify all the information and click on “Send Request”
- To complete the request you must agree to the Copyright Restrictions by clicking on “I AGREE WITH THE TERMS” at the top of the page.
- A screen will appear that says “Your request was successfully placed.”
ILL Policies
- When your item arrives you will be notified
- Interlibrary loan materials can be picked up at the library circulation desk.
- The lending libraries determine the loan periods for requested items.
- Return materials to the library circulation desk prior to the due date.
- You are responsible for prompt return and care of the borrowed items.
- You will be billed for lost, damaged and overdue materials.
- Overdue Interlibrary Loans will incur a replacement cost determined by the lending library, a $15 processing fee, and a $20 non-refundable fine.
- You may keep photocopies of articles.
Library Instruction
Navigating through the Library’s resources can be overwhelming. Mary Jordan, the librarian, provides library instruction sessions to show students how to effectively find the information they need.
The length of the sessions depend on an instructor’s specific needs. Please try to schedule sessions at least one week in advance. To schedule or discuss a session, please contact Mary at mary.wilkins-jordan@sctcc.edu.
Open Educational Resources (OER)
Open Educational Resources are teaching, learning and research materials in any medium – digital or otherwise – that reside in the public domain or have been released under an open license that permits no-cost access, use, adaptation and redistribution by others with no or limited restrictions.
For more information, visit the Open Educational Resources page.
Course Reserves
Instructors may place items from their own personal collection or from the Library on reserve for their students. Reserve items are kept behind the Circulation Desk and may be checked out for up to two hours. Students may not leave the Library with these items.
Intellectual Property and Copyright Guidelines
- Minnesota State Copyright Guidelines
- Minnesota State Intellectual Property Forms and Tools
- Minnesota State Board Policy 3.26, Intellectual Property
- Minnesota State Board Policy 3.27, Copyrights
- Copyright Clearance Center
- U.S. Copyright Office
The library catalog is incredibly powerful and filled with tens of thousands of articles, books, book chapters, and more.
1.) You can just go to the website Ebooks Library Minnesota (ELM): https://elibrarymn.org/ebooks
2.) Scroll down to Ebooks Minnesota
“Consists of an online ebook collection for all Minnesotans covering a wide variety of subjects for readers of all ages and featuring content from our state's independent publishers.”
3.) This will open a new page. (There are a couple of different pages you might get at this point; either is fine!)
a. You can just click Log in with My Device Location “Allow your device to share your location. If you're in Minnesota, you'll get automatic access.” You can read any book on your computer or device with this option – it’s very easy. No sign in required! But you cannot check out or save a book until you set up an account.
b. You can create an account and log in with it. If you do this, you can save your books and read them on your own device (a phone, tablet, etc.).
Click on Log In, type in something you want to use as a User ID and a password, then click Register (NOT the blue Log In button – you need to be registered first!)
4.) You can search for books you might enjoy reading. There is no cost, and you can check out as many books as you want. And if you have a specific book for class, you can just search for that title.
5.) If you get stuck anywhere, you can email Mary Wilkins-Jordan, the SCTCC librarian. Mary.wilkins-jordan@sctcc.edu We can set up a Zoom session to work on this together, or if you want to drop by the library, I can walk you through the process.
Instructions for using ELM books PDF

Time Capsule Captures Students' Expertise

SCTCC Library offering Museum Access Pass in Partnership with Stearns History Museum

Black History Month at the Library
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