D2L Brightspace, Online Learning
Instructors may use D2L Brightspace and other online learning software as part of class. Check out these resources on how to use D2L.

How to log in to D2L
Learn how to log into D2L.

D2L Communications
Learn about the communications tab on D2L: The home of discussion posts.

D2L Assessments
Explore all the ways you'll use the D2L Assessments tab.
Did you know as a student you get free access to Microsoft 365? Find information and instructions for accessing your SCTCC email
Success Tips Videos Learning Online Zoom Software

Delivery Method Definitions
What do each of the Delivery Methods mean? Which one is right for you?
No delivery method listed? Your class will be face-to-face or in person.
A traditional online course. You can learn at your own pace and when it's convenient for you by logging in any day at any time to do your work, as long as you complete assignments and exams by their due dates.
Class will meet online during specific dates and times listed.
Students will have 1-4 meetings face-to-face over the course of the semester. Dates are listed on schedule. Some of these meetings may be for exams.
A traditional on campus class that meets in person. Students and instructors in the classroom will follow social distancing guidelines.
No delivery method listed? Your class will be face-to-face or in person.
Class will meet with a mixture of online and face-to-face. Face-to-face meeting dates are listed on the schedule. Some courses may be divided into groups and students may only have to come to class some of the course days listed. Unless otherwise instructed, students should come to class on campus the first day and teachers will explain how the semester will work. As we get closer to the first day of classes, be sure to monitor your e-mail and D2L for more specific information about your classes.
Students can opt to take the class face-to-face, online, or hybrid, as it works for your schedule. Lectures will be streamed so you can participate synchronously – checking the NOTES section of the class when you register is helpful to learn more about how each class will be offered. This is a very flexible way for students to take classes, as you can move between different ways of learning and find out what works best for you.
eServices and Class Registration
Need some info on:
- Logging into eServices
- How to Register for Classes
- How to Withdraw
- How to Access your DARS
- Understanding your DARS?
Academic Advising has detailed instructions along with videos at this page.
Registration Access Codes Academic Advising Center
More Tips & Tricks for Being a Student
Need to record a video? Want to make sure you look good on Zoom? Here are some tips and tricks that will help you look your best on camera.

Stay Connected
To be successful as a student at SCTCC, it's important for you to stay informed throughout the semester. It's also important to remember that at SCTCC, you're part of a broad learning community.

Finally...You Did It!
You put in the work. Now it's time to celebrate!


SCTCC & SCSU Bring Cybersecurity Education Opportunities to Wayzata High School
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