Student Learning Outcomes
This is an introduction to the basics of the Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing standards (ASME Y14.5). It is another way to communicate with manufacturing and engineering staff what degree of accuracy and precision is needed on each facet of a part or assembly. The proper creation and placement of symbols are emphasized. Theoretical and practical concepts of each of the geometric controls are explained relative to design and function.Student Learning Outcomes
- Explain what each geometric characteristic controls.
- Define what datums is.
- Designate datums on detail drawings.
- Determine which geometric characteristic should be used for different situations.
- Apply geometric tolerances of form, profile, orientation, runout and location to drawings.
- Calculate tolerance values for hole locations.
- Determine material conditions for internal and external features.
- Organize geometric symbols on a drawing for maximum readability.
Please see eServices for section availability and current pre-req/test score requirements for this course.