We are committed to creating a safe, supportive learning and working environment for all members of our campus community.
SCTCC depends on campus community members to identify and report concerns so that we can connect distressed students and employees with appropriate resources. We all share responsibility for keeping our campus safe. If you see something, please say and do something about it—report any concerning behavior or suspicious activity using one of the forms below.
Just Report It
Sexual Misconduct includes gender-based discrimination, sexual harassment, dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking behaviors
Unlawful harassment and discrimination are behaviors based on someone’s affiliation with protected class (race, religion, gender, etc.) that is so pervasive, persistent or severe that it would prevent a reasonable person from taking advantage of the educational or employment opportunities St. Cloud Technical & Community College has to offer.
This form is to be used to file a grievance involving SCTCC faculty or staff’s application of a specific provision of a college rule, regulation, policy, or procedure. This is NOT for grade or academic appeals or allegations of harassment or discrimination.
St. Cloud Technical & Community College is committed to student success wholistically. Please use this form to report information on general concerns such as facilities related, safety related, food service or any other concern. This is not for filing an official complaint or grievance.
To report any incident that you believe may be a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, contact the Office of Student Conduct by filling out the Student Conduct Referral Form.
Just Request It
The Cyclones CARE Team is an interdisciplinary team that triages referrals and provides low-level, early interventions to assist students with challenges that may be interfering with their ability to be successful at college
Request an exception to the Add, Drop Withdrawal Policy, Graduation Requirement Policy, Transfer of Credit Policy or Assigning and Changing Grades Policy
SCTCC is committed to supporting students in achieving their academic and personal goals. If a student, or someone with legal authority to act on their behalf, notifies an SCTCC employee about the student’s pregnancy or a related condition, the employee is required to report the student’s name to the Title IX Coordinator. Additionally, the employee must provide the student with the Coordinator’s contact information and explain that the Coordinator can assist in ensuring the student’s equal access to SCTCC’s educational programs and activities.
A pregnancy or related condition includes: childbirth, termination of pregnancy1, lactation, recovery, or other medical conditions associated with pregnancy.
1The Department of Education interprets "termination of pregnancy" to mean the end of pregnancy in any manner, including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion
This is the form to fill out if you have a disability, and would like to receive resources and campus information!
It is the policy of St. Cloud Technical & Community College to prohibit discrimination and ensure equal opportunities in its educational programs, activities and all aspects of employment for all individuals regardless of race, color, creed, gender (including pregnancy), religion, national origin, veteran’s status, marital status, sexual orientation/affectional preference, age, mental or physical disability, status with regard to public assistance or inclusion in any group or class against which discrimination is prohibited by federal, state or local laws and regulations. Further, the college will not tolerate acts of sexual harassment/assault within its area of jurisdiction.
If there is a crime in progress or you need immediate medical care or safety measures, please call 911.
Relevant resources:
- Equal Opportunity & Civil Rights
- Mental Health Services for students
- Cyclones Support - Non-Academic Support and Basic Needs
- Pregnant and Parenting Resources
- Faculty Accommodation Denial form