Student Learning Outcomes
This lecture/laboratory course provides dental hygiene students with the knowledge of radiographic principles and exposure techniques in digital radiography. Course content includes theoretical concepts of radiation, effects of radiation exposure, radiation production, radiation safety and monitoring, infection control, operation of x-ray unit, intraoral and extraoral radiographic techniques, and anatomical landmarks. The laboratory portion of the course will prepare the student to demonstrate competency in exposing digital radiographs using the paralleling and bisecting techniques. Students will practice taking radiographs on phantom skulls and DXTTR (Human-like mannequins).
Student Learning Outcomes:
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Identify the concepts, effects, production and monitoring of radiation according to OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) guidelines for both traditional and digital radiology.
- Recognize the difference between the paralleling, bisecting, and bitewing technique for digital imaging.
- Demonstrate the exposure of digital radiographs according to the 'SCTCC Radiology Criteria' manual.
- Identify images of anatomical structures and images recorded on all dental radiograph.
Please see eServices for section availability and current pre-req/test score requirements for this course.