Student Learning Outcomes
This course is an introductory course in fluid power and control systems used in industry. The course is designed for students who have no previous experience in working with fluid power. The primary goals of this course are to help individuals acquire the knowledge and skills required to install, troubleshoot, and maintain hydraulic and air powered systems.Student Learning Outcomes
- Interpret and draw schematics of air and hydraulics systems.
- Assemble and disassemble air and hydraulic components.
- Perform routine maintenance of actuators, control valves, pumps and other supply equipment in fluid/air systems.
- Connect and test electro-mechanical control devices to air/fluid systems.
- Demonstrate appropriate safety precautions and understand how to release stored energy.
- Troubleshoot common problems that occur in an air/fluid system and repair.
- Interpret pneumatics and hydraulic device specifications and cross reference to other devices.
- Calculate the force of air/fluid systems will have in devices.
- Identify and apply appropriate safety procedures.
Please see eServices for section availability and current pre-req/test score requirements for this course.