Student Learning Outcomes
Meets MN Transfer Curriculum Goal Area 3 - Natural Sciences. This course covers the physics concepts in depth through the use of calculus and vector analysis. It covers the concepts and principles of physics in the area of Mechanics and Thermodynamics. This course is the foundation for the further studies in the field of science, engineering and technology (STEM) and it is designed for the students who plan to pursue career in these fields. The laboratory component associated with this course provides noteworthy experience in various experimental procedures such as laboratory safety, collective learning, designing experiments, data and error analysis.Student Learning Outcomes
- Analyze various theoretical and practical concepts of physics used by engineers, physicist and other scientific professionals in the area of kinematics, statics, dynamics, work, energy, rotational motion, gravitation and thermodynamics.
- Derive formula from basic principles and work out solution to physical problems in the field of mechanics and thermodynamics.
- Draw a complete free-body diagram (FBD) for a classic mechanics problems.
- Perform vector analysis to solve various mechanics problems.
- Use advanced mathematical techniques to solve the problems related to the linear motion of objects - speed, velocity, acceleration, circular motion, and projectile motion
- Apply Newton's Law of Motions to solve the problems of statics and dynamics.
- Apply the law of conservation of energy, linear momentum and angular momentum.
- Solve problems related to the angular motion of objects - angular velocity, angular acceleration, torque and angular momentum.
- Compute the amount of heat exchanged for a system where a phase changes may or may not occur.
- Describe laws of thermodynamics.
- Calculate the efficiency of Carnot engine and coefficient of performance of a refrigerator.
- Explain fundamental physical principle which rule the performance of physical structures.
- Recall basic classical physics laws to solve problems mathematically.
- Communicate physics theory and experimental results through presentation to peers and faculty.
- Review laboratory safety procedures and techniques.
- Verify theoretical physics concepts through practical investigation.
- Demonstrate cooperative learning skills.
- Explain that though physics provides estimated answers, it is very appropriate to the real world and is a precious tool for solving problems not at only at global level but also at personal level.
Please see eServices for section availability and current pre-req/test score requirements for this course.