Student Learning Outcomes
This course will enable students to perform fundamental operating room skills, to identify instruments and to prepare equipment and supplies necessary for surgical case management. Included will be a basic knowledge of Information Technology, Electricity and Robotics. Students will accomplish this by having the opportunity to observe, practice and demonstrate these skills in a mock operating room lab setting. Emphasis will be placed on demonstrating the principles of aseptic technique as they apply to skills inherent in the scrub role of the surgical technologist and assistant circulator.Student Learning Outcomes
- Classify, identify and pass instruments in specific sets.
- Demonstrate surgical attire and principles of aseptic technique displaying professional behavior.
- Demonstrate safe patient care practice preoperatively, intraoperatively and postoperatively for surgical procedure.
- Demonstrate operating room preparation preoperatively, intraoperatively and postoperatively for surgical procedure.
- Prepare surgical supplies, equipment and instruments necessary for a surgical procedure.
- Identify and demonstrate the perioperative duties of the assistant circulator.
- Identify and demonstrate the perioperative duties of the surgical technologist.
- Demonstrate basic knowledge pertaining to information technology, electricity and robotics.
Please see eServices for section availability and current pre-req/test score requirements for this course.