The Literature from our Latinx Communities class at SCTCC helps not only complete a Goal Area 6 & 7 for students, but they are a fantastic way to learn more about different languages and cultures. It’s even offered in English or Spanish!
This class features literature from a variety of Latin@/Latine/Latinx communities in Minnesota and the United States, including fiction, non-fiction, science fiction, graphic novels, poetry, and memoirs. We will read and discuss Latinx literature to better understand the diversity in Latine/Latinx cultures in Minnesota and the United States and how the texts reflect issues of language, national origin, immigration, skin color, gender, and sexuality.
An added benefit is that the required books for this class are FREE to you! ¡Todos los libros para la clase son gratis!
What students have to say about this literature class:
I signed for this course because I saw the name of the course Latinx Studies or something like that, and as a Hispanic I am always interested into something that has to do with Hispanic culture just because we are so used to hearing the same thing all over again and again and again about American History. Plus it is always fun and nice to hear things about your culture or any Latin History and just by seeing Latinx in the title of the course I guessed that there might be a chance of many Hispanic people to take the class, this way it is also nice meeting more people that you can somehow relate to.
I think this was a great inclusive idea that worked perfectly. I think that being able to offer this in a bilingual manner really gave a plus to this class. This is not just class about Latinx literature, but it is indirectly another language class that will help you learn at least a few words or sentences if you are a native English speaker or a native Spanish speaker.
It has been super cool, the class has been lively, and it's fun to hear different points of view, especially for those who relate to our literature
ENGL 2315 (3 credits): In English
If you are interested in literature or diverse authors, this may be the course for you! If you also like to be exposed to different languages and cultures, then this is definitely a good class for you!
The class is bilingual and bicultural: people whose main language is English and people whose main language is Spanish. The two groups are in the same class and participate in their language of choice (and we will translate when needed). Registering for ENGL 2315 means you read your books and do all your work in English.
SPAN 2315 (3 credits): En Español
¿Hablas español y quieres usar tu idioma en clase? Entonces, ¡ésta es la clase!
La clase es bilingüe y bicultural. Hay dos clases en una: personas que usan inglés como su idioma principal y personas que usan español como su idioma principal. Los dos grupos están en la misma clase y participan a la misma vez en el idioma que prefieran. Si te apuntas a SPAN 2315 leerás los libros y harás tus tareas en español.
Ready to register? Login to eServices and choose either the Spanish or English course.
Questions about the class? Email Vicky Kapitzke: vkapitzke@sctcc.edu