DECA & Marketing Sales Management
DECA Members Meet in Minneapolis
In late October, SCTCC Collegiate DECA advisor, Becky Shand, was joined by DECA officers, Kaden Kadlec, Nate Martin, David Macagnone, and Ron Niehus (left-right in photo) and 230...
Kate Wallace
Electrical Students on the way to State Skills Competition
After the on-campus SkillsUSA competition, five Electrical students are on their way to the state conference this spring to compete. The local competition was judged by the 292 IBEW representatives...
Vanessa Say
Try Something New To Help You Study
We asked our Facebook followers to share their favorite study tips with us. Here our some of our favorites. The Scribble Method Study-In-Break-Blocks Do Not Procrastinate Color Coordinate Use...
DECA & Marketing Sales Management
Timberwolves & Lynx Team Teaches Valuable Lessons to Students
On Monday, Nov. 4, 2024, 12 SCTCC Collegiate DECA Members/Marketing Sales Management students had the incredible opportunity to attend the Timberwolves & Lynx Career in Sports event held on the...
Vicky Kapitzke
El Noticiero Latino: Informacón para la Comunidad Latina en SCTCC seis de diciembre
¿Sabías que en la cultura guatemalteca actual hay unas muñequitas cuyo origen se puede trazar hasta la época del Imperio Maya? ¡Pues sí! ¡Te cuento un poco sobre ellas! Se llaman “muñecos quitapenas”...
Kate Wallace
SCTCC Welcomes Wedums in Challenge Gift Annoucement
On Wednesday, Dec. 4, SCTCC celebrated a $2 million gift from the J.A. Wedum Foundation which will be used to create the Wedum Center for Student Success. The Wedum Center for Student Success will be...
Kate Wallace
Wellness Stations Prep Students for Finals
Wellness Resource Services hit it out of the park this week when they offered wellness stations for students as they head into crunch time for the end of the semester and finals week. “Wellness for...
Kate Wallace
Cardiovascular Technology Students Visit Boston Scientific
Did you know that you can take a behind-the scenes look at innovations in medical technologies and products at Boston Scientific in Maple Grove? The Cardiovascular Technology Students were able to do...
Kate Wallace
J.A. Wedum Center Announcement by the Foundation
The Foundation at St. Cloud Technical & Community College (SCTCC) announces the creation of the J.A. Wedum Center for Student Success at SCTCC. A reception will take place Wednesday, Dec. 4, at 10:15...
Vicky Kapitzke
El Noticiero Latino: Informacón para la Comunidad Latina en SCTCC
¿Sabías que en nuestra universidad nosotros y nosotras, l@s Latin@s, Latinx, Latines, Hispanos, Hispanas, Chicanas y Chicanos, somos casi el 6% de los estudiantes? ¡Pues sí! ¡Somos casi 300 personas...
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