The Purpose of the ACCUPLACER Test
The Computerized Placement Tests (CPTs), which may also be referred to as ACCUPLACER, is a series of short basic academic skills tests developed by The College Board Company. This assessment allows you and the college staff to work together to help you succeed in your educational program.
There is generally no “passing score”. Rather, CPT scores indicate basic academic skills in which you are strong, and areas in which you may need help. The CPTs help you to determine the English, reading and mathematics courses most appropriate for you as required by Minnesota State policy 3.3 Assessment for Course Placement.
How Do I Register for the Accuplacer Test?
Please go to the Accuplacer Test Signup Page to sign up for your Accuplacer Test.
If you are unable to register using the web registration system, please call the Admissions Office at 320-308-5089 for assistance. Testing is usually offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:00 am and 1:00 pm.
Can I be Exempt from Taking the Test?
Students wishing to be exempted from testing must meet the following conditions:
Completed 12 or more college level quarter credits, or six or more semester credits, with grades of "C" or above from an accredited college or university. Courses completed with grades of "C" or better must include English composition and mathematics. An official college or university transcript is required. If a student earned these credits more than five years ago, they are encouraged to take the placement test.
For students that have taken the SAT within five calendar years:
Mathematics - A student who presents a mathematics subject area test score of 530 or higher shall be placed in College Algebra.Reading - A student who presents an Evidence-Based Reading and Writing subject area test score of 480 or higher shall be placed in courses that designate college-level reading skills as a prerequisite.
For students that have taken the MCA within five calendar years:
Mathematics - A student who presents a mathematics subject area test score of 1158 or higher shall be placed in College Algebra.Reading - A student who presents a reading subject area test score of 1047 or higher shall be placed in courses that designate college-level reading skills as a prerequisite.
For students that have taken the ACT within three calendar years:
Mathematics - A student who presents a mathematics subject area test score of 22 or higher shall be placed in College Algebra.Reading - A student who presents a reading subject area test score of 21 or higher shall be placed in courses that designate college-level reading skills as a prerequisite.
An official ACT Assessment College Report is required.
Students meeting the conditions above should send a letter requesting to be exempted and include a copy of the student's college transcript(s), full name, Social Security number, and current mailing address, phone number and signature to:
St. Cloud Technical & Community College
Assessment Center
1540 Northway Drive
St. Cloud, MN 56303
Students will be notified in writing if they are exempted from testing.
Reading Comprehension
- Measures your understanding of what you read.
Arithmetic, Elementary Algebra, and College Level Mathematics
- Measures your understanding of mathematics through problem solving
The CPTs are administered on a computer. You will read the instructions and questions on the computer's monitor and select your answers using the computer's keyboard or mouse.
A test administrator will be available to assist you when you begin the test, and to help explain your test results upon completion. Make sure you know your Tech I.D. number when you come to test.
It is important to give the test your best effort. If you do not meet the required scores you may be required to take developmental courses.
The test is not timed, so you may take all the time you need.
Each subtest is designed using “adaptive techniques” which means the computer automatically determines which questions are presented to you based on your answers to prior questions. This technique "zeroes-in" on just the right questions to ask you without being too easy or too difficult.
Test questions will appear one at a time on the computer screen.
Most questions are multiple choice.
When you have completed the question and verified your answer, a new screen will appear with your next question.
Unlike a paper and pencil test, once you have answered, verified and moved on to the next test question you will not be able to return to a test question.
You cannot omit any question or come back later to change an answer.
If you are not certain of an answer, try to eliminate one or more of the choices and then pick the best from those remaining.
Textbooks, notebooks, dictionaries, calculators, or other materials of any kind (except scratch paper provided by the test administrator for use with the mathematics tests) are not allowed in the testing room.
Further, anyone who gives or receives help during the test or uses notes, books or study aids of any kind, will not be allowed to continue the test.
Following the test, no scratch paper or test materials may be removed from the room.
The college may cancel any test score if there is reason to question its validity.
A picture ID will be required to take the test. Please bring appropriate identification to your test session.
When you complete the test, you will be given a printed copy of your “Individual Score Report.” It is very important that you keep it for your records because it will tell you what courses you should consider or may be required to take. It is also proof that you have taken the test. Please bring it with you to advising sessions and when you register for classes.
The "Individual Score Report" will include your total right score, range, and percentile rank.
The total right score shows how many of the questions you could expect to answer correctly if you took a test made up of 120 questions. This test score is a statistical estimate, not an exact measure of your skills.
The range tells you how accurate your score is. If you took the test a second time you could expect your new score to fall somewhere within the range that is shown.
The percentile rank compares your score with the scores of typical students entering college who completed tests composed of similar questions. For example, a percentile rank of 70 means that your score is higher than an average of 70 out of 100 individuals who completed the test.
Your score may indicate the need to take college readiness courses.
If you need accommodations (e.g. reader, scribe, sign language interpreter, audiotape, large print) in order to take the test due to a disability or temporary disabling condition please contact Accessibility Services at (320) 308-5757 at least three weeks prior to your proposed test date.