Student Learning Outcomes
This course provides a hands-on approach to learning how to conduct health data analytics. Students will explore a variety of different statistical software to import, extract, transform, visualize and analyze data. These foundational skills will equip students with the basic knowledge of how to use data for performance improvement efforts in the healthcare industry.
- Evaluate data sets for compliance with data governance standards (I.6DM)
' Manage data in a relational database (III.6)
' Illustrate how metadata and standards are used to promote interoperability (III.7DM)
' Adhere to security and data integrity requirements when importing, extracting, and transforming health data (I.3)
' Construct database queries using statistical platform scripts to generate structured query reports using health data sets (III.6DM)
' Apply descriptive and predictive statistical research methods to health care data sets (III.5)
' Evaluate data from secondary databases to identify the relevance and significance of the data (I.3)
' Summarize data using data visualization tools and techniques (III.4)
' Compare various data analysis programs to manage health data as a secondary data source (III.6DM)
Please see eServices for section availability and current pre-req/test score requirements for this course.