You can search the individual databases below. For a better search, that looks at lots of databases all at the same time, go back to the main search page, and search there.
Are you not finding useful results? Email Mary, the librarian: Or, you can stop by my office in the library. Or, we can set up a Zoom session to walk through your search.
Are you have trouble accessing a database? Your StarID and Password may be required to login off-campus.
You can check out the eLibrary Minnesota website, to get information about using most of the databases below.
Student Research
- AAS Historical Periodicals: Digitized images from the American Antiquarian Society of the pages of American magazines and journals published between 1684 and 1912.
- Academic Search Premier: Thousands of scholarly publications across all academic disciplines. Included in Explora Library database.
- Applied Science & Technology Source: Offers a diverse array of full-text and indexed content covering the full spectrum of the applied sciences and computing disciplines — from acoustics to aeronautics, neural networks to nuclear engineering.
- Britannica Academic Edition: Encyclopedia content plus multimedia, timelines, world data analyst, country comparison, and the Britannica blog.
- Britannica Library: Encyclopedia content for all ages plus multimedia, timelines, world atlas, country comparison, quotations, and primary sources.
- Britannica Original Sources: A compilation of more than 420,000 primary source documents, complete books, and authentic images across a variety of subject areas. Includes close reading strategies for connecting with historical texts and primary source documents.
- Business Source Premier: Business Searching Interface: Scholarly journals and trade publications across all business-related subject areas
- Ebooks Minnesota: Consists of an online ebook collection for all Minnesotans covering a wide variety of subjects for readers of all ages and featuring content from our state's independent publishers.
- EBSCO MegaFILE: Thousands of popular and scholarly publications across all academic disciplines and subject areas. Includes Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, and Regional Business News databases.
- ERIC® (EBSCO): Thousands of education-related articles within the professional literature.
- Explora Educators: dA teacher's companion to the various Explora databases, searching across content such as ERIC and Academic Search Premier. It highlights lesson plans, curriculum standards, and other professional development resources.
- GreenFILE: This comprehensive resource draws on the connections between the environment and a variety of disciplines such as agriculture, education, law, health and technology. Topics covered include global climate change, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling and more.
- LearningExpress Computer Skills Center: Interactive multimedia training tutorials to develop computer and internet skills. Available through the LearningExpress Library.
- LearningExpress Job & Career Accelerator: Career exploration tools, a resume and cover letter builder, job search, and other materials related to career and job readiness. Available through the LearningExpress Library.
- LearningExpress Library: Interactive collection of tests, tutorials, and eBooks categorized in Learning Centers including School Center, College Admissions Test Preparation, College Students, High School Equivalency Center, Adult Core Skills, Career Preparation, and Recursos para Hispanohablantes (Spanish Center). You can find college entrance exams in College Admissions Test Preparation Center.
- Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts: Directory of library-related articles, reports, and proceedings within the professional literature.
- MasterFILE Complete: Offers the largest collection of popular full-text magazines, reference books and other highly-regarded sources from the world's leading publishers. Covering virtually every general interest subject area, it also includes an extensive collection of photos, maps and flags.
- Merriam-Webster Unabridged: An authoritative source of information on the English language. Includes up-to-date information, definitions, and usage notes.
- Minnesota Digital Library: Collection of images and documents from historical societies, public libraries, special archives, universities, and colleges that depict the history of Minnesota.
- MNLINK: Statewide virtual library that electronically links you to Minnesota's rich library resources.
News & Magazine Resources
- Explora Library: Full text of popular magazine and scholarly journal articles covering all subject areas including multimedia, primary source documents, and reference books. Includes Academic Search Premier, Business Source Premier, MAS Complete, MasterFILE Complete, Consumer Health Complete, Health Source - Consumer Edition, and Science Reference Center databases.
- Historical Minneapolis Tribune (1867-1922): Contains full-text and article images from the Minneapolis Tribune (1867-1908) and the Minneapolis Morning Tribune (1909-1922). The newspapers are available through a platform provided by the Minnesota Historical Society in partnership with Minnesota State Library Services.
- Los Angeles Times (1996 to current)
- Articles from the Los Angeles Times. From 1996 to current. One of the newspapers in ProQuest U.S. Newsstream database.
- MasterFILE Complete: Offers the largest collection of popular full-text magazines, reference books and other highly-regarded sources from the world's leading publishers. Covering virtually every general interest subject area, it also includes an extensive collection of photos, maps and flags.
- New York Times, The (1999 to current): Articles from the New York Times. From 1999 to current. One of the newspapers in ProQuest U.S. Newsstream database.
- Newspaper Source: This resource contains several local Minnesota newspapers such as Duluth News Tribune, Bemidji Pioneer, Lake Country News, Cloquet Pine Journal, Rochester Post-Bulletin, Worthington Daily Globe, as well as papers from Wisconsin. This resource also contains Al Jazeera and some TV and radio transcripts.
- Points of View Reference Center
- Pro vs. con essays that present multiple sides of current or controversial issues. Plus magazine and newspaper articles, primary sources, and more related to those issues.
- ProQuest U.S. Newsstream: U.S. news content as well as archives that stretch back into the 1980s from national and regional news sources including The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, Newsday, and Chicago Tribune.
- Regional Business News: Provides extensive coverage for full-text regional business publications from the United States and Canadian provinces. Scholars and academic researchers can access essential newspapers, radio and TV news transcripts, trade publications, magazines, newswires and videos.
- Star Tribune (1986 to current) - text only: Articles from the Minneapolis Star Tribune. From 1986 to current. One of the newspapers in ProQuest U.S. Newsstream database.
- Star Tribune (2008 to 3 months ago) - pdf version with images: Browse recent Star Tribune articles in their original format with images. From 2008 to 3 months ago. One of the newspapers in ProQuest U.S. Newsstream database.
- USA Today (1997 to current): Articles from USA Today. From 1997 to current. One of the newspapers in ProQuest Global Newsstream database.
- Wall Street Journal (1984 to current): Articles from the Wall Street Journal. From 1984 to current. One of the newspapers in ProQuest U.S. Newsstream database.
- Washington Post (1997 to current): Articles from the Washington Post. From 1997 to current. One of the newspapers in ProQuest U.S. Newsstream database.
Job & Career
- Business Source Premier: Scholarly journals and trade publications across all business-related subject areas. Included in Explora Library database.
- Business Source Premier: Business Searching Interface: Scholarly journals and trade publications across all business-related subject areas
- LearningExpress Job & Career Accelerator
- Career exploration tools, a resume and cover letter builder, job search, and other materials related to career and job readiness. Available through the LearningExpress Library.
- Professional Development Collection: Education journals and reports of interest to professional educators, researchers, and librarians.
Health & Wellness Resources
- Alt Health Watch: International journals covering complementary, holistic, and integrated approaches to health care and wellness.
- CINAHL Plus with Full Text: The world’s most comprehensive source of full text for nursing and allied health journals.
- Consumer Health Complete: Popular and professionally written information for patients and consumers covering all health-related topics from mainstream medicine to the many perspectives of complementary, holistic, and integrated medicine. Includes Health Source: Consumer Edition and Alt Health Watch databases.
- Health Source: Consumer Edition: Popular and professionally written information for patients and consumers covering all health-related topics. Included in Consumer Health Complete, Explora Teens, and Explora Library databases.
- Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition: Scholarly and professional publications across all medical disciplines including strong coverage of nursing and allied health.
Interlibrary Loan is the ability to borrow materials from other libraries.
Before submitting a request, make sure the SCTCC Library does not own the material you are requesting by searching the library for books, videos, and database articles using OneSearch
Requesting Materials from MnPALS Libraries
- Go to OneSearch
- Select “Sign in” upper right corner
- Login using your StarID and password
- Search your topic and select All MnPals Libraries from the dropdown menu
- When you find the item you would like to request, click on the item title
- On the page that appears, click on Resource Sharing
- When a new screen appears, verify all the information and click on “Send Request”
- To complete the request you must agree to the Copyright Restrictions by clicking on “I AGREE WITH THE TERMS” at the top of the page.
- A screen will appear that says “Your request was successfully placed.”
ILL Policies
- When your item arrives you will be notified
- Interlibrary loan materials can be picked up at the library circulation desk.
- The lending libraries determine the loan periods for requested items.
- Return materials to the library circulation desk prior to the due date.
- You are responsible for prompt return and care of the borrowed items.
- You will be billed for lost, damaged and overdue materials.
- Overdue Interlibrary Loans will incur a replacement cost determined by the lending library, a $15 processing fee, and a $20 non-refundable fine.
- You may keep photocopies of articles.
AskMN: Online service for information and research help available to all Minnesota residents and students 24/7
EBooks Minnesota: Online ebook collection for all Minnesotans
ELM: Electronic Library for Minnesota providing access to articles, images, videos and more
Great River Regional Library: Central Minnesota’s Public Library System
LearningExpress Library: Interactive multimedia training tutorials to develop computer and internet skills. Career exploration tools, resume and cover letter builder, job search, and other career related readiness. Interactive collection of tests, tutorials, and eBooks categorized in Learning Centers (School, College Preparation, College, High School Equivalency, Adult Learning, Career, and Spanish).
Library of Congress: National Library in Washington D.C.
Library Spot: Virtual Library Resource Center for educators and students looking for research Thousands of free eBooks, preformatted for reading on your device
MnKnows – Dig Deeper @Your Library: Minnesota’s online library services, including eBooks Minnesota, MnLink, ELM, Minnesota Reflections, and AskMN
MNLINK: Statewide virtual library to search for library resources across Minnesota
Minnesota Reflections: Online project of the Minnesota Digital Library depicting the history of Minnesota
Online Books: Free books on the web
World Cat: Access to collections and services of libraries worldwide
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