The SCTCC Nursing program has been ranked 22nd in a nation-wide assessment of Best Associate Degree Programs in Nursing by Best Accredited Colleges.
The Best Accredited Colleges methodology includes only accredited, non-profit schools and use program-specific data along with current reporting from the US Dept. of Education.
The ranking data used includes: financial aid, tuition cost, retention rates, student-faculty ratio, admittance rates, support and resources, loan default rates, and graduation rates.
The SCTCC Nursing (ADN) program combines classroom lectures, simulation labs, clinicals, and other learning opportunities to ensure that every student is prepared for the workforce upon graduation.
Once students graduate, they are able to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN), which will license them and allow them to practice as a Registered Nurse (RN). Graduates also have the opportunity to apply for a bachelor of science major to continue their studies before joining the workforce.
Learn more about SCTCC’s Associate Degree of Nursing program.