SCTCC College Outcomes & Competencies
SCTCC purposefully identifies necessary competencies and integrates curricula that support these outcomes. These desired outcomes become part of student development in and out of the classroom and provide the focus for student-centered decision-making. SCTCC college outcomes and assessment data provide evidence of student learning and keep us focused on our mission, vision, and philosophy.
Demonstrate Personal & Social Accountability
Students will develop a sense of personal and professional responsibility by incorporating values into ethical decision-making.
- Demonstrate personal and professional growth
- Develop skills for better physical and emotional health
- Demonstrate teamwork and collaboration
- Model and uphold ethical, legal, and moral responsibility
Think Critically
Through consideration of multiple perspectives, students will clarify, analyze, and develop methods that are useful for solving problems and complex issues to make valid, relevant, and informed decisions.
- Synthesize and evaluate information
- Articulate and justify ideas
- Create innovative solutions
- Use analytical, deductive, and inductive reasoning
- Develop mathematical and scientific reasoning
- Employ reflective thinking to assimilate, relate, and adapt
Communicate Effectively
Students will use appropriate processes to demonstrate effective communications in a variety of contexts and formats including listening, reading, speaking, and writing.
- Demonstrate effective listening
- Comprehend and critique written material
- Convey ideas and words of others accurately
- Practice effective oral communication in interpersonal, group and public settings
- Discover, develop, revise, and present ideas in writing
Understand Social & Global Perspectives
Students will demonstrate a global perspective and identify the key components of social responsibility in their profession, their community, and in the rapidly changing world.
- Practice civic Involvement and social responsibility
- Develop a broader awareness of the impact of economic conditions and political change
- Understand and adopt stewardship of the environment
- Appreciate and value diversity
- Develop and understand social processes and culture
- Comprehend human values within an historical and social context through expressions of the arts and the humanities
Apply Knowledge
Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills through interdisciplinary application of concepts and constructs. Application of knowledge takes place through student participation in experiences across all disciplines, which includes practice and demonstration to adapt intellectually and to develop workplace readiness.
- Compare and contrast approaches to knowledge and skills acquisition
- Assess alternatives to improve, design, or creatively solve a problem or situation
- Develop technological competence for personal and/or career application
- Manage time and other resources efficiently and effectively
- Research and manage information effectively