Congratulations to all SCTCC honor students!
Students earning a 4.0 GPA were named to the President's List; students earning a 3.5 to 3.99 GPA were named to the Dean's List.
Don't see your name? Only students who had full-time status (taking 12+ credits) during the semester will appear on this list. If you have completed a Non-disclosure of Directory Information Form, you will not be listed.
President's List
St. Cloud Technical & Community College congratulates the following full-time, admitted students for their academic achievement Spring 2020; they have earned recognition on the President’s List for a grade point average of 4.0
- Hamdi Abdinasir, President's List
- Kati Abrahamson, President's List
- Amina Ali, President's List
- Jack Allen, President's List
- Alicia Anderson, President's List
- Lori Anderson, President's List
- Kayla Arns, President's List
- Aeron Ashbrook, President's List
- Kaitlyn Aune, President's List
- Katherine Austad, President's List
- Dylan Bahe, President's List
- Harrison Baker, President's List
- Brooke Bannor, President's List
- Alyssa Barton, President's List
- Nelia Bauman, President's List
- Katlynn Baxton, President's List
- Payton Beck, President's List
- Lisa Beckenbach, President's List
- Drew Beier, President's List
- Jeffrey Benn, President's List
- Jericho Benson, President's List
- Karen Berghuis, President's List
- Jacob Bertram, President's List
- Spencer Bicknell, President's List
- Tanner Blommer, President's List
- Brandon Blotnicki, President's List
- Moriah Bolstad, President's List
- Joshua Bovitz, President's List
- Emily Brew, President's List
- Christian Brink, President's List
- Carter Brown, President's List
- James Buchmann, President's List
- Jessica Burch, President's List
- Bailey Butenhoff, President's List
- Ruth Campos, President's List
- Molly Carnell, President's List
- Madison Carper, President's List
- Elliot Christen, President's List
- Jason Conley, President's List
- Shelby Coombs, President's List
- Marc Corrigan, President's List
- Brittany Cox, President's List
- Quinn Czeck, President's List
- Bisharo Dadow, President's List
- Alex Dalbec, President's List
- Stephen Davis, President's List
- Tatum Decker, President's List
- Darrell DeHart, President's List
- Jimmy Diaz, President's List
- Jodie Dietrich-Hilbert, President's List
- Kristina Dobbins, President's List
- Dana Doering, President's List
- Peter Drake, President's List
- Kody Duffy, President's List
- Anna Eigen, President's List
- Cody Ellig, President's List
- Allison Erickson, President's List
- Marisa Farag, President's List
- Huda Farah, President's List
- Bailey Feldewerd, President's List
- Zachary Feldhege, President's List
- William Fink, President's List
- Haley Fladung, President's List
- Timothy Flannigan, President's List
- Katarina Frank, President's List
- Grant Fredstrom, President's List
- Nathan Freeman, President's List
- Brianna Fuglesten, President's List
- Cole Gelhar, President's List
- Joel Gonzalez, President's List
- Michael Goulet, President's List
- Stephen Grogg, President's List
- Kali Gummert, President's List
- Zach Gunderson, President's List
- Ross Gunnerson, President's List
- Cuong Ha, President's List
- My Hoa Ha, President's List
- Gretel Hafstad, President's List
- Makayla Hager, President's List
- Dylan Hallila, President's List
- Allen Hanson, President's List
- Tiffany Hartung, President's List
- Elizabeth Hastings, President's List
- Cally Haukos, President's List
- Olivia Hebert, President's List
- Brandon Hejhal, President's List
- Amber Helgoe, President's List
- Brianna Hemmesch, President's List
- Fatima Hidalgo Salazar, President's List
- Claire Hirdler, President's List
- Hannah Hoekman, President's List
- Kelsey Hoeper, President's List
- Cole Hoffmann, President's List
- Brady Hohlen, President's List
- Alexis Hollermann, President's List
- Jennifer Hoven, President's List
- Adam Huesman, President's List
- Kyle Huhta, President's List
- Kevin Huichapa, President's List
- Tyler Huls, President's List
- Klausse Hume, President's List
- Aaliyah Huntington, President's List
- Miranda Isaacson, President's List
- Grace Jacobson, President's List
- Ester Rica Jerez, President's List
- Alyssa Jochum, President's List
- Joshua Johnson, President's List
- Jake Johnson, President's List
- Matthew Johnson, President's List
- Madison Johnson, President's List
- Jenesis Johnson, President's List
- Dana Johnson, President's List
- Claire Jones, President's List
- Savannah Jones, President's List
- Evan Juhl, President's List
- Kamila Kakimova, President's List
- Lauren Kappes, President's List
- Mykaela Kappes, President's List
- Kailey Karls, President's List
- Kalyn Kaufman, President's List
- Kimberly Kesanen, President's List
- Brett Keskey, President's List
- Taylor Kesller-Halverson, President's List
- Zarrar Khan, President's List
- Jonathan Kloos, President's List
- Tyler Knudson, President's List
- Samantha Knudson, President's List
- Joshua Kranz, President's List
- Taylor Kroontje, President's List
- Anne Krystosek, President's List
- Elijah Kuhn, President's List
- Tyler Kunstleben, President's List
- Nathan Lambrecht, President's List
- Eric Lamek, President's List
- Rodney Lancour, President's List
- Raquel Lanz, President's List
- Cameron Lazanich, President's List
- Ellie LeBlanc, President's List
- Marcus Lee, President's List
- Mackenzie Lee, President's List
- Alexa Lehn, President's List
- Jerrica Lembcke, President's List
- Mason LeMieur, President's List
- William Lenneman, President's List
- Annastasia Lentner, President's List
- Keegan Lessard, President's List
- Maya Line, President's List
- Eric Lisson, President's List
- Dana Lorenz, President's List
- Reid Lunser, President's List
- Tori Maish, President's List
- Alexander Majchrzak, President's List
- Joshua Malashock, President's List
- Jacob Marthaler, President's List
- Alexis Masog, President's List
- Stephanie Massmann, President's List
- Katelyn Massmann, President's List
- Samantha May, President's List
- Angela McCormick, President's List
- Sarah McDermott, President's List
- Adam Metzger, President's List
- Alekai Midthune, President's List
- Malea Miller, President's List
- Ahmed Mohamed, President's List
- Isaiah Moore, President's List
- Miracle Moore, President's List
- Emily Nelson, President's List
- Ella Nettestad, President's List
- Libby Neuman, President's List
- Christopher Nielsen, President's List
- Madilynn Nilson, President's List
- Joseph Nohava, President's List
- Randall Nolan, President's List
- Colin O'Leary, President's List
- Kayle Olson, President's List
- Zackery Osendorf, President's List
- Morgan Overman, President's List
- Sarah Oyori, President's List
- Emma Pace, President's List
- Seth Paulson, President's List
- Daniel Perrault, President's List
- Jacob Pesta, President's List
- Chad Peterson, President's List
- Brian Peterson, President's List
- Janey Peterson, President's List
- Austin Pingel, President's List
- Ezra Pixomatis, President's List
- Kalli Poster, President's List
- William Powell, President's List
- Aliyah Price, President's List
- Hidekel Puello Pinales, President's List
- John Quach, President's List
- Katelyn Rakotz, President's List
- Brandon Rakow, President's List
- David Ramstorf, President's List
- Jonathon Rau, President's List
- Dylan Rausch, President's List
- Charles Reber, President's List
- Kristin Reynolds, President's List
- Brooke Richards, President's List
- Tanner Rieland, President's List
- Javada Ringwelski, President's List
- Dylan Roth, President's List
- Maria Rothstein, President's List
- Ryan Ruegemer, President's List
- Caitlin Ruhl, President's List
- Johanna Ruhland, President's List
- Annalise Rundquist, President's List
- Shane Ruprecht, President's List
- Matthew Saatzer, President's List
- Maria Sakry, President's List
- Alec Sanbeck, President's List
- Austin Sanders, President's List
- Morgan Scheiber, President's List
- Logan Schendzielos, President's List
- Kyle Scherber, President's List
- Jordan Schlangen, President's List
- Zachary Schleif, President's List
- Jordan Schmitz, President's List
- Megan Schoborg, President's List
- Patrick Schreiner, President's List
- Bree Seagraves, President's List
- MadeLynn Seest, President's List
- Sidney Simmons, President's List
- Josiah Skeate, President's List
- Andrew Skelton, President's List
- Karen Slimmer, President's List
- Alec Smieja, President's List
- Austin Smith, President's List
- Kelsey Smith, President's List
- Trevor Sowada, President's List
- Kasey Speller, President's List
- Nathan Springer, President's List
- Magdalene Stamm, President's List
- Hannah Stang, President's List
- Andrew Starr, President's List
- Olivia Stay, President's List
- Morgan Stommes, President's List
- Ian Sutton, President's List
- Kayla Swanson, President's List
- Samuel Symalla, President's List
- Alexis Tembreull, President's List
- Kinsey Thompson, President's List
- James Tiegs, President's List
- Isaac Tischer, President's List
- Terri Tretter, President's List
- Frank Trevino Ramirez, President's List
- Ryan Uecker, President's List
- Zackary Underhill, President's List
- Erin Valtinson, President's List
- Brady Van Drehle, President's List
- Kristin Van Lith, President's List
- Emily VanderVoort, President's List
- Jordan VanRisseghem, President's List
- Margaret Varilek, President's List
- Joseph Vazquez, President's List
- Dylan Vedder, President's List
- Lucas Viger, President's List
- Travis Voigt, President's List
- Jessica Vredenburg, President's List
- Jarron Walther, President's List
- Breanna Walz, President's List
- Tony Warzecha, President's List
- Ari Watters, President's List
- Ben Weidner, President's List
- Maura Wenner, President's List
- Caleb Wiebolt, President's List
- Adam Willson, President's List
- Jennifer Winters, President's List
- Kristina Woischke, President's List
- Amanda Woods, President's List
- Jacqueline Yanez Nunez, President's List
- Antonio Zanardi, President's List
- Synjn Zane, President's List
- Mikhail Zhykhovich, President's List
- Reno Ziebarth, President's List
- Aaron Zieglmeier, President's List
- Riley Ziermeier, President's List
Dean's List
St. Cloud Technical & Community College congratulates the following students for their academic achievement Spring 2020; they have earned recognition on the Dean’s list for a grade point average of 3.5 to 3.99.
- Zahra Abdi, Dean's List
- Safia Abdi, Dean's List
- Faisa Abdulahi, Dean's List
- Nimo Abib, Dean's List
- Istahil Ahmed, Dean's List
- Briana Alba, Dean's List
- Michael Alexander, Dean's List
- Brian Amundson, Dean's List
- Tyler Anderson, Dean's List
- Quinn Anderson, Dean's List
- Samuel Anderson, Dean's List
- Javaun Ashfeld, Dean's List
- Trevor Backes, Dean's List
- Jose Barajas, Dean's List
- Zachary Bartlett, Dean's List
- Sophia Bates, Dean's List
- Austin Battig, Dean's List
- Casey Beam, Dean's List
- Aydia Beckers-Schotl, Dean's List
- Margo Bergantzel, Dean's List
- Bailey Bertsch, Dean's List
- Noah Bjork, Dean's List
- Courtney Bolduc, Dean's List
- EmmaLee Bollig, Dean's List
- Rachel Boucher, Dean's List
- Hannah Bous, Dean's List
- Bonnie Bradford, Dean's List
- Maeci Braseth, Dean's List
- Sylvia Brown, Dean's List
- Clayton Brutger, Dean's List
- Ashley Bryant, Dean's List
- Donny Bull, Dean's List
- Jenna Burkleo, Dean's List
- Jamie Bushaw, Dean's List
- Rohan Callaghan, Dean's List
- Ashley Carlson, Dean's List
- Taye Carter, Dean's List
- Andrei Casey, Dean's List
- Michaela Chandler, Dean's List
- Haley Chisum, Dean's List
- Edgerton Choudek, Dean's List
- Kara Cleveland, Dean's List
- Phillip Connell, Dean's List
- Brayden Cordes, Dean's List
- Cora Cummings, Dean's List
- Brittany Daleiden, Dean's List
- Jodie Dean, Dean's List
- Moriah Devine, Dean's List
- Thomas Dockendorf, Dean's List
- Conner Doucette, Dean's List
- Abigail Draack, Dean's List
- Marcus Enga, Dean's List
- Austin Erickstad, Dean's List
- Rachel Ertl, Dean's List
- Alex Esparza, Dean's List
- Mikalene Espinoza, Dean's List
- Natalie Ethen, Dean's List
- Erika Evers, Dean's List
- Zachary Faith, Dean's List
- Nimo Farah, Dean's List
- Dylan Finken, Dean's List
- Andrea Fischer, Dean's List
- Joseph Fischer, Dean's List
- Rachel Fischer, Dean's List
- Jerad Fleck, Dean's List
- Jared Flint, Dean's List
- Brendan Frank, Dean's List
- Mackenzie Frederick, Dean's List
- Theresa Friel, Dean's List
- Jacob Fuhrman, Dean's List
- Travis Galleberg, Dean's List
- Daniel Gardner, Dean's List
- Abdi Gedi, Dean's List
- Rashid Gelle, Dean's List
- Danielle Gerads, Dean's List
- Jeffrey Gilmer, Dean's List
- Amanda Goedeke, Dean's List
- Kyle Goenner, Dean's List
- David Goering, Dean's List
- Jose Gonzalez, Dean's List
- Nicole Goodell, Dean's List
- Riley Grabow, Dean's List
- Seth Grabowski, Dean's List
- Timothy Gruis, Dean's List
- Jenna Haaf, Dean's List
- Isaiah Hall, Dean's List
- Emily Hammerschmidt, Dean's List
- Chaz Hansen, Dean's List
- Autumn Hanson, Dean's List
- Aydin Hanson, Dean's List
- Daniel Hanson, Dean's List
- Skylar Hanson, Dean's List
- Bryce Haw, Dean's List
- Ian Hayes, Dean's List
- Thomas Heiderscheit, Dean's List
- Travis Hellen, Dean's List
- Matthew Hellmann, Dean's List
- Jess Helmen, Dean's List
- Jeremy Hennen, Dean's List
- Andrew Hinzmann, Dean's List
- Sorin Hocking, Dean's List
- Lacey Hoeferlin, Dean's List
- Karly Hoemberg, Dean's List
- Graham Hoese, Dean's List
- Amanda Hommerding, Dean's List
- Rachel Hopper, Dean's List
- Katherine Hormann, Dean's List
- Ethan Hubert, Dean's List
- Adam Iburg, Dean's List
- Audra Iverson, Dean's List
- Payton Jacques, Dean's List
- Haredo Jimale, Dean's List
- Kalley Johnson, Dean's List
- Andrew Johnson, Dean's List
- Jan Johnson, Dean's List
- Bria Johnson, Dean's List
- Peyton Joos, Dean's List
- James Jorud, Dean's List
- Brandon Josephs, Dean's List
- Trinitie Kedrowski, Dean's List
- Ben Keske, Dean's List
- Nabiiha Khalif, Dean's List
- Nathan Kieffer, Dean's List
- Jorgan Kiley, Dean's List
- Nolan Kilian, Dean's List
- Hannah Kisner, Dean's List
- Kaeli Klein, Dean's List
- Diego Kloos, Dean's List
- Timothy Koopman, Dean's List
- Christian Kowalke, Dean's List
- Noah Kraml, Dean's List
- Daniel Kuechle, Dean's List
- Sara Landrus, Dean's List
- Taylor Lebakken, Dean's List
- Brooke LeBrun, Dean's List
- Thomas Lee, Dean's List
- Jezette Leen, Dean's List
- Caroline Lehtola, Dean's List
- Rachel Lehtola, Dean's List
- Jakob Leiran, Dean's List
- Nicholas LeMieur, Dean's List
- Brenna Leuthard, Dean's List
- Garrett Lillis, Dean's List
- Madisen Linde, Dean's List
- Alec Lochner, Dean's List
- Mitchell Lowell, Dean's List
- Richard Majeski, Dean's List
- Joshua Mantel, Dean's List
- Anthony Marana, Dean's List
- Marquie Marquette, Dean's List
- Racheal Martin, Dean's List
- Nolan Marttinen, Dean's List
- Morgan Maselter, Dean's List
- Ryan Maurer, Dean's List
- Chad Maxwell, Dean's List
- Melanie McKinstry, Dean's List
- Abigail Meagher, Dean's List
- Chelsea Medema, Dean's List
- Blake Mercer, Dean's List
- Brandon Meyer, Dean's List
- Mitchell Miller, Dean's List
- Amina Mohamud, Dean's List
- Chad Montag, Dean's List
- Jennifer Montanez Garcia, Dean's List
- Jennifer Morisette, Dean's List
- Elizabeth Nack, Dean's List
- Jeffrey Nelson, Dean's List
- Carolyn Ngo, Dean's List
- Tate Nolden, Dean's List
- Susannah O'Donoghue, Dean's List
- Devin Okerman, Dean's List
- Maxamillion Olson, Dean's List
- Abdikarim Omar, Dean's List
- Maria Oropeza, Dean's List
- Bathsheba Osiemo, Dean's List
- Yeli Ouattara, Dean's List
- Linet Oyugi, Dean's List
- Troy Pederson, Dean's List
- Jordan Pemble, Dean's List
- Daisy Pengeston, Dean's List
- Ashley Peters, Dean's List
- Madisen Peters, Dean's List
- Austin Petersen, Dean's List
- Natalie Peterson, Dean's List
- Ashley Peterson, Dean's List
- Brian Poppe, Dean's List
- Lily Prince, Dean's List
- Kenneth Quinn, Dean's List
- Sequoia Radke, Dean's List
- Heather Rasmussen, Dean's List
- Mitchell Reber, Dean's List
- Carlie Rein, Dean's List
- Jennifer Reiter, Dean's List
- Shawn Roben, Dean's List
- Abigail Rose, Dean's List
- Haley Rouw, Dean's List
- William Rudolph, Dean's List
- Austin Saatzer, Dean's List
- Jasmine Samuelson, Dean's List
- Tyler SCHAVE, Dean's List
- Martin Schendel, Dean's List
- Brianna Scherbing, Dean's List
- Taylor Scherer, Dean's List
- Olivia Schleper, Dean's List
- Erica Schmitt, Dean's List
- Cole Schreder, Dean's List
- Jacob Schroeder, Dean's List
- BreAnna Seest, Dean's List
- Paige Serbus, Dean's List
- Courtney Shimmins, Dean's List
- Fatuma Subeda Siad, Dean's List
- Hamda Sied, Dean's List
- Natalia Silva, Dean's List
- Amanda Silva, Dean's List
- Laura Skiba, Dean's List
- Caleb Skold, Dean's List
- Joshua Solland, Dean's List
- Taylor Soltis, Dean's List
- Spencer Sop, Dean's List
- Samantha Sorenson, Dean's List
- Gage Spillman, Dean's List
- Michael Spreiter, Dean's List
- Charles Steichen, Dean's List
- Alisha Steinhofer, Dean's List
- Jeremy Stephanie, Dean's List
- Kurtis Stone, Dean's List
- Ashlynn Strandberg, Dean's List
- Noah Swanson, Dean's List
- Abagail Swenson, Dean's List
- Caleb Swenson, Dean's List
- Abby Symalla, Dean's List
- Destiny Taylor, Dean's List
- Matthew Thaemert, Dean's List
- Justin Thell, Dean's List
- Brittny Tiemann, Dean's List
- Pyper Timm, Dean's List
- Brandon Tomala, Dean's List
- Tyler Traxler, Dean's List
- Casey Tschida, Dean's List
- Victoria Umerski, Dean's List
- Monica Villanueva, Dean's List
- Ryan Walter, Dean's List
- Carolina Walz, Dean's List
- Jeffrey Webb, Dean's List
- David Weber, Dean's List
- Chad Weigelt, Dean's List
- Elie Weinert, Dean's List
- Kaitlyn Wensman, Dean's List
- Jennifer Wicktor, Dean's List
- Lindsey Widvey, Dean's List
- Wyatt Wieber, Dean's List
- Mackenzie Willard, Dean's List
- Dexter Williams, Dean's List
- Mercedes Wilson, Dean's List
- Amanda Wiltgen, Dean's List
- Khady Windsouri, Dean's List
- Sawyer Witt, Dean's List
- Briana Wold, Dean's List
- Keegan Wolmutt, Dean's List
- Evan Wraspir, Dean's List
- Abbie Wuertz, Dean's List
- Denae Wunderlich, Dean's List
- Larina Young, Dean's List
- Hawo Yussuf, Dean's List
- Nimo Yusuf, Dean's List
- Alexis Zimmer, Dean's List