Congratulations to all SCTCC honor students!
Students earning a 4.0 GPA were named to the President's List; students earning a 3.5 to 3.99 GPA were named to the Dean's List.
Don't see your name? Students need to have completed at least 6 credits during the semester to appear on this list. If you have completed a Non-disclosure of Directory Information Form, you will not be listed.
President's List
St. Cloud Technical & Community College congratulates the following students for their academic achievement Spring 2021; they have earned recognition on the President’s List for a grade point average of 4.0.
- Mohamed Abdalla, President's List
- Amina Abdi, President's List
- Khatra Abdi, President's List
- Nimo Abdi, President's List
- Yasmin Abdi, President's List
- Kelly Abel, President's List
- Nujude Abuhadid, President's List
- Hana Addow, President's List
- Amino Aden, President's List
- Alex Albrecht, President's List
- Justice Allen, President's List
- Mary Allen, President's List
- Emily Allgeyer, President's List
- Nadia Alnakhlani, President's List
- Osamah Alsharmani, President's List
- Abigail Althoff, President's List
- Asher Alyas Masih, President's List
- Jennifer Anderley, President's List
- Amy Anderson, President's List
- Andrea Anderson, President's List
- Jamie Anderson, President's List
- Julia Anderson, President's List
- Kayla Anderson, President's List
- Lori Anderson, President's List
- Riordan Anderson, President's List
- Timothy Andrewsen, President's List
- Nicholas Andringa, President's List
- Kayla Arns, President's List
- Cody Asfeld, President's List
- Aeron Ashbrook, President's List
- Libby Asper, President's List
- Jadyn Athmann, President's List
- Kelsey Athmann, President's List
- Kaitlyn Aune, President's List
- Ann Badejogbin, President's List
- Skylar Baier, President's List
- Alex Barclay, President's List
- Peyton Baron, President's List
- Joseph Baratta, President's List
- Nicolette Bartowsheski, President's List
- Sabrin Bashir, President's List
- Anthony Baumgardner, President's List
- Emma Beauchamp, President's List
- Jenna Belair, President's List
- Haeli Bell, President's List
- Jeffrey Benn, President's List
- Alaina Bennett, President's List
- Jericho Benson, President's List
- Mackenzie Berg, President's List
- Margo Bergantzel, President's List
- Alana Berger, President's List
- Caitlin Berger, President's List
- Karen Berghuis, President's List
- Jacob Bertram, President's List
- Muhammad Bilal, President's List
- Justice Bishir, President's List
- Leyton Black, President's List
- Bethany Blackmer, President's List
- Shana Block, President's List
- Wyatt Bode, President's List
- Cassandra Boecker, President's List
- Austin Boekley, President's List
- Vanessa Boisjolie, President's List
- Hanna Borkenhagen, President's List
- Rachel Boucher, President's List
- Justice Boyer, President's List
- Mark Boyington, President's List
- Kristin Boys, President's List
- Maeci Braseth, President's List
- Abigail Brauch, President's List
- Kierstin Brennan, President's List
- Kayla Brenny, President's List
- Carter Brown, President's List
- Varrick Bruno, President's List
- Cassandra Brutger, President's List
- Brandon Budde, President's List
- Isabelle Burg, President's List
- Jacob Byman, President's List
- Rohan Callaghan, President's List
- Calli Carlson, President's List
- Tyler Cavanaugh, President's List
- Yajaira Chavez Montanez, President's List
- Kaitlynn Christen, President's List
- Molly Christen, President's List
- Connor Clark, President's List
- Samantha Clark, President's List
- Caelin Clarke, President's List
- Alanson Cleveland, President's List
- Kara Cleveland, President's List
- Brady Cobb, President's List
- Caden Collins, President's List
- Hayley Conter, President's List
- Shelby Coombs, President's List
- Nadia Corrieri, President's List
- Marc Corrigan, President's List
- Bryan Cory, President's List
- Caleb Crow, President's List
- Austin Crown, President's List
- Michael Czech, President's List
- Trevor Czech, President's List
- Fatha Dadow, President's List
- Madeline Davis, President's List
- Stephen Davis, President's List
- Clayton Day, President's List
- Jacob DeMarre, President's List
- Connor DeMorett, President's List
- Chantel Dierkhising, President's List
- Jodie Dietrich-Hilbert, President's List
- Carine Djouedjhoun, President's List
- Dawson Dobos, President's List
- Nicole Dols, President's List
- Kimberly Dominguez, President's List
- Rose Dominguez Sommerfeld, President's List
- Bonnie Doucette, President's List
- Callie Doucette, President's List
- Sara Dovenmuehler, President's List
- Madalynn Driver, President's List
- Brandon Durbin, President's List
- Cassimer Dutcher, President's List
- Logan Eck, President's List
- Bennett Edling, President's List
- John Eggert, President's List
- Abigail Einck, President's List
- Keyse Elmi, President's List
- Taylor Engelking, President's List
- Hannah Erwin, President's List
- Nathan Esplan, President's List
- Jake Ethen, President's List
- William Eye, President's List
- Marisa Farag, President's List
- Joy Fastenau, President's List
- Dylan Feddersen, President's List
- Trisha Feia, President's List
- Fred Feldhege, President's List
- Michelle Fentress, President's List
- Daniel Ferrell, President's List
- Kayli Fetterman, President's List
- Samantha Filipi, President's List
- Mandy Fischer, President's List
- McKenzi Fischer, President's List
- Kallee Fisher, President's List
- Stephanie Fisk, President's List
- Pat Flicker, President's List
- Emily Florek, President's List
- Affiba Foba, President's List
- Rachel Foos, President's List
- Haley Fournier, President's List
- Katarina Frank, President's List
- Doreen Frempong, President's List
- Allison Fritz, President's List
- Rhett Fruth, President's List
- Brianna Fuglesten, President's List
- Gabriella Gallardo, President's List
- Gregory Gathje, President's List
- Elle Geislinger, President's List
- Cole Gelhar, President's List
- Rashid Gelle, President's List
- Allison George, President's List
- Amaka Gerald- Ugwu, President's List
- Cassandra Gerdes, President's List
- Dylan Gerdes, President's List
- Jennifer Gertken, President's List
- Roman Gertken, President's List
- Peter Gillette, President's List
- Shayna Gindele, President's List
- Caleb Goering, President's List
- Zoe Goetz, President's List
- Ethan Gohmann, President's List
- Noelia Gonzalez-Caraballo, President's List
- Alissa Gottschalk, President's List
- Stephen Grogg, President's List
- Beth Gruenes, President's List
- Timothy Gruis, President's List
- Jack Guimont, President's List
- Mollie Gunderson, President's List
- Grace Gutzkow, President's List
- Jenna Haaf, President's List
- Sydney Haataja, President's List
- Crystal Hackler, President's List
- Gretel Hafstad, President's List
- Kalie Hall, President's List
- Ryan Hallonquist, President's List
- Teresa Hansen, President's List
- Allen Hanson, President's List
- Autumn Hanson, President's List
- Skylar Hanson, President's List
- Emily Harmening, President's List
- Connor Harnetty, President's List
- Jason Harris, President's List
- Cody Hartmann, President's List
- Naima Hassan, President's List
- Emily Haus, President's List
- Olivia Hebert, President's List
- Danielle Heck, President's List
- Morgan Heck, President's List
- Thomas Heiderscheit, President's List
- Trevor Hemmesch, President's List
- Abby Hennen, President's List
- Skylar Hennen, President's List
- Tanner Hensley, President's List
- Darean Herold, President's List
- Fatima Hidalgo Salazar, President's List
- Jena Hinkemeyer, President's List
- Audrey Hirdler, President's List
- Claire Hirdler, President's List
- Kelsey Hixon, President's List
- Noelle Hoffmann, President's List
- Milissa Holland, President's List
- Terah Hollen, President's List
- Tyler Hollom, President's List
- Brandon Holt, President's List
- Jack Holthaus, President's List
- Arianna Hopkins, President's List
- Jean Hopkins, President's List
- Jason Horton, President's List
- Bret Howe, President's List
- Adam Huesman, President's List
- Daliah Hughes, President's List
- Andrea Huichapa, President's List
- Elizabeth Hull, President's List
- Saada Ibrahim, President's List
- Zakariya Ibrahim, President's List
- Adam Iburg, President's List
- Jennifer Jackson, President's List
- Payton Jacques, President's List
- Abdulahi Jama, President's List
- Hani Jama, President's List
- Zachary Jamison, President's List
- Hailey Jarmon, President's List
- Drew Jensen, President's List
- Andrew Johnson, President's List
- Benjamin Johnson, President's List
- Brittany Johnson, President's List
- Caitlin Johnson, President's List
- Emily Johnson, President's List
- Noah Johnson, President's List
- Haskell Jones, President's List
- Jade Juhl, President's List
- Kamila Kakimova, President's List
- Chasidy Kampa, President's List
- Emily Kasper, President's List
- Tyler Kaufmann, President's List
- Kyra Keegan, President's List
- Carmen Kelley, President's List
- Ryan Kellner, President's List
- Mariah Kelm, President's List
- Carleen Keske, President's List
- Lexie Kesler, President's List
- Taylor Kesller-Halverson, President's List
- Mekhi Kigozi, President's List
- Abby Kilanowski, President's List
- Jorgan Kiley, President's List
- Cody Kimman, President's List
- Megan Kiphuth, President's List
- Josh Kirchenbauer, President's List
- Hannah Kisner, President's List
- Kari Kissinger, President's List
- Michael Kluver, President's List
- James Knoblett, President's List
- Samantha Knudson, President's List
- Teron Koester, President's List
- Magdaline Kohl, President's List
- Kelly Kolbinger, President's List
- Yassin Kolley, President's List
- Benjamin Konz, President's List
- Esther Koop, President's List
- Joshua Kranz, President's List
- Samantha Kritzeck, President's List
- Courtney Kroll, President's List
- Anne Krystosek, President's List
- Meryl Kuechle, President's List
- Isabella Kullberg, President's List
- Keyonna Laguda, President's List
- Harris Lahti, President's List
- Brandon Lam, President's List
- Nathan Lambrecht, President's List
- Vickie Lamon, President's List
- Nicolas Lanham, President's List
- Abby Larsen, President's List
- Grace Larsen, President's List
- Maddison Larsen, President's List
- Allison Larson, President's List
- Isaiah Larson, President's List
- Andrea Laudenbach, President's List
- Stan Laulainen, President's List
- Kalia LaValley, President's List
- Zamire Lazu Marquez, President's List
- Ellie LeBlanc, President's List
- Jody Lechner-Roepke, President's List
- Mackenzie Lee, President's List
- Grace Legatt, President's List
- Alexa Lehn, President's List
- Rachel Lehtola, President's List
- Josie Leinonen, President's List
- William Lenneman, President's List
- Annastasia Lentner, President's List
- Christian Lessman, President's List
- Mark Leyk, President's List
- Nicole Liebl, President's List
- Allison Lieske, President's List
- Megan Lind, President's List
- Sarah Lindbloom, President's List
- Madisen Linde, President's List
- Rachel Lindmeier, President's List
- Zachary Lindstrom, President's List
- Karissa Lintgen, President's List
- Sydney Lloyd, President's List
- Paige Loehrer, President's List
- Der Lor, President's List
- Connor Lowry, President's List
- Zya Lueders, President's List
- Reid Lunser, President's List
- Bonnie Luzadder, President's List
- Taylor Mackedanz, President's List
- Josie MacMillan, President's List
- Morgan Madsen, President's List
- John Maidl, President's List
- Alex Maier, President's List
- Alexander Majchrzak, President's List
- Keri Maki, President's List
- Hunter Malachek, President's List
- Kait Malecki, President's List
- Kristi Marchand, President's List
- Tara Martin, President's List
- Katelyn Massmann, President's List
- Lenna Matthies, President's List
- Brendan Maurer, President's List
- Chad Maxwell, President's List
- Stephanie May, President's List
- Makayla Mayers, President's List
- Alyssa McClelland, President's List
- Sarah McDermott, President's List
- Chip McGregor, President's List
- Alexis Mehr, President's List
- Justin Meyer, President's List
- Caiya Michels, President's List
- Alekai Midthune, President's List
- Logan Milisits, President's List
- Jayda Miller, President's List
- Mitchell Miller, President's List
- Abdullahi Mohamed, President's List
- Aisha Mohamed, President's List
- Mustafe Mohamed, President's List
- Zakariye Mohamed, President's List
- Fethi Mohamud, President's List
- Iqra Mohamud, President's List
- Emily Molitor, President's List
- Tara Moll, President's List
- Cynthia Montanez, President's List
- Brandon Montanez Garcia, President's List
- Marina Mosneguta, President's List
- Nasri Muhumed, President's List
- Grayson Muir, President's List
- Thomas Muir, President's List
- Tamara Mullen, President's List
- Abby Nelson, President's List
- Emily Nelson, President's List
- Megan Nelson, President's List
- Shelby Nemeth, President's List
- Rachel Neumann, President's List
- Tien Ngo, President's List
- Madilynn Nilson, President's List
- Makenna Noaeill, President's List
- Brooke Noble, President's List
- Randall Nolan, President's List
- Kaden Nordby, President's List
- Chloe Novak, President's List
- Jami Novak, President's List
- Cameron Noyes, President's List
- Cody Oachs, President's List
- Lexie Odegard, President's List
- Jess Odell, President's List
- Linda Ogazi, President's List
- Colin O'Leary, President's List
- Eric Olson, President's List
- Evan Olson, President's List
- Kaitlyn Olson, President's List
- Kayle Olson, President's List
- Tanya Oltman, President's List
- Aleisha Orcutt, President's List
- Samantha Osberg, President's List
- Jenalyn Ostendorf, President's List
- Jonathan Ostendorf, President's List
- Logan Ostendorf, President's List
- Ethan Oswald, President's List
- Morgan Overman, President's List
- Paige Parvey, President's List
- Adam Paugh, President's List
- Jennayea Paulson, President's List
- Mackenzie Pawelk, President's List
- Nicolle Peart, President's List
- Brian Pechacek, President's List
- Holly Pederson, President's List
- Kiegen Perlberg, President's List
- Marissa Peschl, President's List
- Jacob Pesta, President's List
- Jasmine Peter, President's List
- Ashley Peters, President's List
- Colby Peterson, President's List
- Sarah Peterson, President's List
- Ellie Petron, President's List
- Rachel Philipp, President's List
- Grace Piechowski, President's List
- Jacob Piehl, President's List
- Taylor Popp, President's List
- Tyra Powell, President's List
- Jazalynn Praught, President's List
- Anika Preisler, President's List
- Logan Prom, President's List
- Izabella Pueringer, President's List
- Allison Quintus, President's List
- Drake Raduns-Parsley, President's List
- Angela Raine, President's List
- Macie Rajkowski, President's List
- Amanda Ramirez-Olson, President's List
- Steven Randall, President's List
- Isabella Randolph, President's List
- Alexis Ratke, President's List
- Mitchell Reber, President's List
- Angela Reid, President's List
- David Reisdorf, President's List
- Casey Renter-Thomas, President's List
- Brooke Richards, President's List
- Megan Riha, President's List
- Andrew Robinson, President's List
- Jared Roerick, President's List
- Kalli Rohloff, President's List
- Celia Rose, President's List
- Mbayi Rosemary, President's List
- Dylan Roth, President's List
- Lydia Rudnitski, President's List
- Jenessa Rudolph, President's List
- Annalise Rundquist, President's List
- Dahlia Rzeszutek, President's List
- Kaiya Sahlstrom, President's List
- Onenee Saloka, President's List
- Allan Sana, President's List
- Alec Sanbeck, President's List
- Erin Sanders, President's List
- Nikki Sawyer, President's List
- Melissa Scanlon, President's List
- Ava Scheffler, President's List
- Morgan Scheiber, President's List
- Logan Schendzielos, President's List
- Kyle Scherber, President's List
- Noah Scherping, President's List
- Kaitlyn Schiebout, President's List
- Emily Schimnich, President's List
- Josilin Schindele, President's List
- Sophia Schlueter, President's List
- Alanna Schmatz, President's List
- Erica Schmitt, President's List
- Katelyn Schmitt, President's List
- Cheyenne Schmitz, President's List
- Jordan Schmitz, President's List
- Michael Schneekloth, President's List
- Tonya Schorn, President's List
- Emily Schreindl, President's List
- Ambar Schroeder, President's List
- Alec Schrupp, President's List
- Denise Schultz, President's List
- Katlyn Schulz, President's List
- Elijah Schurman, President's List
- Erin Schwarzkopf, President's List
- Maddie Seest, President's List
- Hailey Sell, President's List
- Julia Sennes, President's List
- Kelley Shaddrick, President's List
- Hanna Shank, President's List
- Becka Sharon, President's List
- Jenifer Shaw, President's List
- Montee Sieh, President's List
- Sidney Simmons, President's List
- Abby Sininger, President's List
- Bouahom Sithamat, President's List
- Laura Skiba, President's List
- Joseph Skroch, President's List
- Austin Smith, President's List
- Kelsey Smith, President's List
- Logan Smith, President's List
- Misty Sonju, President's List
- Spencer Sop, President's List
- Samantha Sorenson, President's List
- Trevor Sowada, President's List
- Linnea Sowden, President's List
- Logan Sowers, President's List
- Kasey Speller, President's List
- Megan Springsteen, President's List
- Grace Stang, President's List
- Hannah Stang, President's List
- Elizabeth Starmer, President's List
- Andrew Starr, President's List
- Autum Starry, President's List
- Nicole Statema, President's List
- Deonna Steele, President's List
- Derek Steele, President's List
- Morgan Stellmach, President's List
- Joseph Stenger, President's List
- Nicholai Stevens, President's List
- Morgan Strandberg, President's List
- Jacie Sullivan, President's List
- Valerie Sullivan, President's List
- Isabel Sundeen, President's List
- Kayla Swanson, President's List
- Lillianna Swenson, President's List
- Bountouraby Sylla, President's List
- Taylor Tadych, President's List
- Tonie Taylor, President's List
- Alexis Tembreull, President's List
- Hanna Tesfaye, President's List
- Alyssa Thiesse, President's List
- Nina Thomas, President's List
- Keara Thornton, President's List
- Marissa Throener, President's List
- Hunter Tidd, President's List
- Brittny Tiemann, President's List
- Joshua Tiemens, President's List
- Pyper Timm, President's List
- Brandon Tomala, President's List
- Ashley Topp, President's List
- Hallie Tormanen, President's List
- Joanne Treb, President's List
- Abigail Trelfa, President's List
- Alexander Trudeau, President's List
- Tailer Twidt, President's List
- Erin Valtinson, President's List
- Brandon Van Der Puy, President's List
- Brody VanderPlaats, President's List
- Emily VanderVoort, President's List
- Kanong Vang, President's List
- Michala Vanheel, President's List
- Rebecca VanHeel, President's List
- Jordan VanRisseghem, President's List
- Katelyn Vaughn, President's List
- Joseph Vazquez, President's List
- Santiago Vazquez, President's List
- Dylan Vedder, President's List
- Joshua Virnig, President's List
- Jenna Visker, President's List
- Cally Vivant, President's List
- Nicholas Vivant, President's List
- Jacob Vogel, President's List
- Coby Vogt-Wurm, President's List
- Abigail Wadsworth-Stone, President's List
- Emma-Jane Wadsworth-Stone, President's List
- Tammy Wahl, President's List
- Erica Walker, President's List
- Connor Wall, President's List
- Carolina Walz, President's List
- Nathaniel Walz, President's List
- Tyler Walz, President's List
- Mackenzie Wambach, President's List
- Tony Warzecha, President's List
- Candace Wasner, President's List
- MyKenna Watkins, President's List
- Alicia Waytashek, President's List
- Amy Weaver, President's List
- Kira Weber, President's List
- Viggo Weeks, President's List
- Maura Wenner, President's List
- Tyler Wenshau, President's List
- Kaitlyn Wensman, President's List
- Sarah Weyh, President's List
- Elisabeth Wheeles, President's List
- Gail Whitcomb, President's List
- Wyatt Wieber, President's List
- Kiana Wiechmann, President's List
- Elora Wiggins, President's List
- Dexter Williams, President's List
- Jacob Willprecht, President's List
- Emma Wilson, President's List
- Lisa Wilson, President's List
- Amanda Wiltgen, President's List
- Samantha Wimmer, President's List
- Alexa Winter, President's List
- Emma Witte, President's List
- Meagan Wojtysiak, President's List
- Briana Wold, President's List
- Amelia Wombacher, President's List
- Maya Workman, President's List
- Mitchell Wruck, President's List
- Cole Wunderlich, President's List
- Kaylee Yamry, President's List
- Kirsten Zak, President's List
- Audrey Zenzen, President's List
- Dru Zenzen, President's List
- Mikhail Zhykhovich, President's List
- Aaron Zieglmeier, President's List
- Elizabeth Zierden, President's List
- Julia Zilka, President's List
- Wyatt Ziwicki, President's List
- Kalyn Zurawski, President's List
Dean's List
St. Cloud Technical & Community College congratulates the following students for their academic achievement Spring 2021; they have earned recognition on the Dean’s list for a grade point average of 3.5 to 3.99.
- Aisha Abdalla, Dean's List
- Mariama Abdi, Dean's List
- Nimo Abdi, Dean's List
- Nimo Abdi, Dean's List
- Lamaa Abdi, Dean's List
- Zahra Abdi, Dean's List
- Abdifatah Abdi, Dean's List
- Ithilo Abokor, Dean's List
- Kedir Ahmed, Dean's List
- Iqra Ahmed, Dean's List
- Stacy Alf, Dean's List
- Cassandra Allen, Dean's List
- Nicole Ash, Dean's List
- Jonathan Avalos, Dean's List
- Jake Avdem, Dean's List
- Larry Barnett, Dean's List
- Zachary Bartlett, Dean's List
- Sophia Bates, Dean's List
- Braydon Bauer, Dean's List
- Carter Beck, Dean's List
- Drew Beier, Dean's List
- Danielle Belanger, Dean's List
- Victoria Belcher, Dean's List
- Dylan Bengtson, Dean's List
- Hailey Bengtson, Dean's List
- Bailey Bertsch, Dean's List
- Ashish Bhujel, Dean's List
- David Blattner, Dean's List
- Autumn Bleess, Dean's List
- Kristina Block, Dean's List
- Gunnar Bodnar, Dean's List
- Cole Bonovsky, Dean's List
- RaeAnn Boos, Dean's List
- Elisabeth Bouguhe, Dean's List
- Jessica Brakken, Dean's List
- Jordan Brambrink, Dean's List
- Benjamin Brandt, Dean's List
- Savannah Brookins, Dean's List
- Justine Bruska, Dean's List
- Lily Burrett, Dean's List
- Jessica Busby, Dean's List
- Jaquelin Bustillos, Dean's List
- Jordan Buysse, Dean's List
- Dallas Carlson, Dean's List
- Abigail Carlson, Dean's List
- Andrei Casey, Dean's List
- Shaun Caulfield, Dean's List
- Sheikh Cham, Dean's List
- Macey Chmielewski, Dean's List
- Lance Christensen, Dean's List
- Ashtin Christian, Dean's List
- Hope Cimenski, Dean's List
- Jeremy Colford, Dean's List
- Shauna Corrigan, Dean's List
- Alician Cross, Dean's List
- Jennifer Cruz, Dean's List
- Kiersten Curtis, Dean's List
- Quinn Czeck, Dean's List
- Meagan Danda, Dean's List
- Simon Davis, Dean's List
- Gisel De Leon, Dean's List
- Kelly Decker, Dean's List
- Robert Deering, Dean's List
- Cassandra Dehon, Dean's List
- Raymond DeMarre, Dean's List
- Dane Denbrook, Dean's List
- Cole Deters, Dean's List
- Britney Deutmeyer, Dean's List
- Renee Devries, Dean's List
- Bryanna Diederich, Dean's List
- Zachary Diederichs, Dean's List
- Brian Dierkhising, Dean's List
- Zachary Dinndorf, Dean's List
- Rachel Dockendorf, Dean's List
- Kylie Doege, Dean's List
- Dylan Dority, Dean's List
- Carter Douvier, Dean's List
- Wayne Duhoux, Dean's List
- Lacie Dunderi, Dean's List
- Kristi Dunker, Dean's List
- Diane Dvorak, Dean's List
- Savannah Dyer, Dean's List
- Amber Eischens, Dean's List
- Krista Ellis, Dean's List
- Abdullahi Elmi, Dean's List
- Avery Emmerich, Dean's List
- Brooke Enge, Dean's List
- Mikalene Espinoza, Dean's List
- Jack Evens, Dean's List
- Andrew Fausone, Dean's List
- Manuel Figallo, Dean's List
- Sydney Filla, Dean's List
- Haley Fladung, Dean's List
- Allison Fleck, Dean's List
- Kayla Fleischhacker, Dean's List
- Paulina Flicek, Dean's List
- Bailey Florek, Dean's List
- Tiffany Forcier, Dean's List
- Ava Foshaug, Dean's List
- Allison Fournier, Dean's List
- Collin Frieler, Dean's List
- Madison Fruth, Dean's List
- Grady Fuchs, Dean's List
- Sainab Gaal, Dean's List
- Autumn Gallagher, Dean's List
- Celestial Garcia, Dean's List
- Fernando Garcia, Dean's List
- Fatumo Gedi, Dean's List
- Sara Geiser, Dean's List
- Claire Geislinger, Dean's List
- Marissa Genty, Dean's List
- Annalisa Gieser, Dean's List
- Jennifer Goldsmith, Dean's List
- Mellanie-Rachel Goldsmith, Dean's List
- Adam Gothier, Dean's List
- Michael Goulet, Dean's List
- James Grewe, Dean's List
- Kali Gummert, Dean's List
- Kevin Gutierrez Molina, Dean's List
- Luke Haan, Dean's List
- Dylan Haataja, Dean's List
- John Hagood, Dean's List
- Isaiah Hall, Dean's List
- Elizabeth Harju, Dean's List
- Chantal Hartneck, Dean's List
- Abubakar Hassan, Dean's List
- Zeina Hassan, Dean's List
- Ramla Hassan, Dean's List
- Bryce Haw, Dean's List
- Ian Hayes, Dean's List
- Pierce Heinze, Dean's List
- Brandon Hejhal, Dean's List
- Nicholas Henkemeyer, Dean's List
- Alexander Hennen, Dean's List
- Koau Her, Dean's List
- Peyton Herges, Dean's List
- Junior Hertzberg, Dean's List
- Savannah Hines, Dean's List
- Andrew Hinzmann, Dean's List
- Kendra Hoeschen, Dean's List
- Isabelle Hoeschen, Dean's List
- Alexander Holzheu, Dean's List
- Jennifer Hopkins, Dean's List
- Amanda Hoppe, Dean's List
- Kennedy Hoskins, Dean's List
- Kyle Huhta, Dean's List
- Roy Huichapa, Dean's List
- Dakota Hutchcraft, Dean's List
- Abdifatah Ibrahim, Dean's List
- Isnino Ibrahim, Dean's List
- Miranda Isaacson, Dean's List
- Mohamed Isse, Dean's List
- Zahra Jama, Dean's List
- Nimo Jama, Dean's List
- Chloe Janski, Dean's List
- Devon Johnson, Dean's List
- Jason Johnson, Dean's List
- Jenesis Johnson, Dean's List
- Nolan Johnson, Dean's List
- Jan Johnson, Dean's List
- Jennifer Johnson, Dean's List
- Joshua Johnson, Dean's List
- Jake Jones, Dean's List
- Adam Josephson, Dean's List
- Ian Juhl, Dean's List
- Koral Kampa, Dean's List
- Samantha Kern, Dean's List
- Nathan Kieffer, Dean's List
- Rebecca Kieser, Dean's List
- Cobi Kiffmeyer, Dean's List
- Nolan Kilian, Dean's List
- Sara Kivi, Dean's List
- Jack Klasen, Dean's List
- Hanna Kleeberger, Dean's List
- Maimuna Kolley, Dean's List
- Edward Koop, Dean's List
- Mikayla Koss, Dean's List
- Curtis Kranz, Dean's List
- Mitchel Krosch, Dean's List
- Anna Kuhn, Dean's List
- Natalee Kunkel, Dean's List
- Luke Kurowski, Dean's List
- Ashley La Bosco, Dean's List
- Allyson Lamb, Dean's List
- Athena Landa, Dean's List
- Raquel Lanz, Dean's List
- Samantha Large, Dean's List
- Evan Larson, Dean's List
- Mitch Larson, Dean's List
- Zoe Larson, Dean's List
- Jack Latterell, Dean's List
- Cameron Lazanich, Dean's List
- Madelyn Leaunart, Dean's List
- Taylor Lee, Dean's List
- Jezette Leen, Dean's List
- Isaac LeMieur, Dean's List
- Nicholas LeMieur, Dean's List
- Bridgette Lenzen, Dean's List
- Garrett Lillis, Dean's List
- Tierney Lofback, Dean's List
- Kirsti Lundeen, Dean's List
- Landon Lunser, Dean's List
- Brooklyn Lyle, Dean's List
- Liban Mahat, Dean's List
- Richard Majeski, Dean's List
- Jeneva Marcano, Dean's List
- David Markman, Dean's List
- Darnavus Martin, Dean's List
- Casey Martinez, Dean's List
- Raelin Marx, Dean's List
- David Mason, Dean's List
- Stephanie Massmann, Dean's List
- John Mathewson, Dean's List
- Ethan Matvick, Dean's List
- Taylor May, Dean's List
- Kevin May, Dean's List
- Corey McAllister, Dean's List
- Daniel McAnnany, Dean's List
- Kevin McCarthy, Dean's List
- Kelly Jo McCarty, Dean's List
- Monica McCoy, Dean's List
- Kiona McDaniel, Dean's List
- Vanessa Mecheo, Dean's List
- Shayne Medellin, Dean's List
- Abigail Menden, Dean's List
- Brooke Menier, Dean's List
- Brianna Middendorf, Dean's List
- Venessa Mikityuk, Dean's List
- Alyssa Miller, Dean's List
- Morgan Miller, Dean's List
- Olivia Moe, Dean's List
- Istahil Mohamed, Dean's List
- Justin Montgomery, Dean's List
- Khalen Moore, Dean's List
- Cameron Moscho, Dean's List
- Katelyn Moulzolf, Dean's List
- Tyson Mushatt, Dean's List
- Mamadi Nacanabo, Dean's List
- Jeffrey Nelson, Dean's List
- Adam Nelson, Dean's List
- Brooke Nelson, Dean's List
- Nicholas Neufeld, Dean's List
- Natasha Newell, Dean's List
- Blanche Ngalikoua, Dean's List
- Adrian Nguyen, Dean's List
- Christopher Nielsen, Dean's List
- Cassandra Nistler, Dean's List
- Abdirahman Noor, Dean's List
- Roda Nur, Dean's List
- Susannah O'Donoghue, Dean's List
- Hannah Oehrlein, Dean's List
- Ebubechukwu Ogbonna, Dean's List
- Rose Olson, Dean's List
- Grace Olson, Dean's List
- Ashley Olson, Dean's List
- Fathi Omar, Dean's List
- Aziza Omar, Dean's List
- Muhiyadin Omar, Dean's List
- Yeli Ouattara, Dean's List
- Jax Pelzer, Dean's List
- Daisy Pengeston, Dean's List
- Brianna Perez-Cervantes, Dean's List
- Jackson Peter, Dean's List
- Brooke Petermeier, Dean's List
- Kaylee Petersen-Wurzburger, Dean's List
- Maya Peterson, Dean's List
- Nora Peterson, Dean's List
- Cooper Peterson, Dean's List
- Jacob Pfau, Dean's List
- Hayden Pfenning, Dean's List
- Ashley Philippi, Dean's List
- Rose Phillipp, Dean's List
- Cara Pioquid, Dean's List
- Kiley Pluim, Dean's List
- Samuel Poquette, Dean's List
- Haley Power, Dean's List
- Cody Prasnicki, Dean's List
- Jordan Preble, Dean's List
- ShayLyn Prestidge, Dean's List
- Lily Prince, Dean's List
- Matthew Prom, Dean's List
- Heather Psyck, Dean's List
- Richard Pulsifer, Dean's List
- Kenneth Quinn, Dean's List
- Claire Ramler, Dean's List
- Courtney Rapaway, Dean's List
- Mohamed Rashid, Dean's List
- Clarisa Raya Ambriz, Dean's List
- Jacob Reberg, Dean's List
- Kristin Reynolds, Dean's List
- Heidi Rice, Dean's List
- Adrian Richardson, Dean's List
- Ebone Ridley, Dean's List
- Brady Rieland, Dean's List
- Shawn Roben, Dean's List
- Shaina Rosa, Dean's List
- Paul Ross, Dean's List
- Chloe Rothstein, Dean's List
- William Rudolph, Dean's List
- Jennifer Salazar, Dean's List
- Megan Salazar, Dean's List
- Bri Sand, Dean's List
- Mary Sand, Dean's List
- Raina Sandoval, Dean's List
- Ahmed Santur, Dean's List
- Tyler Schave, Dean's List
- Anna Schave, Dean's List
- Grace Schendel, Dean's List
- Martin Schendel, Dean's List
- Emily Schettler, Dean's List
- Kendra Schleper, Dean's List
- Nicholas Schlichting, Dean's List
- Taylor Schlichting, Dean's List
- Jenny Schorn, Dean's List
- Joseph Schreier, Dean's List
- Alyssa Schreifels, Dean's List
- Benjamin Schultz, Dean's List
- Brett Sedahl, Dean's List
- Joshua See, Dean's List
- Whitney Semolina, Dean's List
- Jorge Serna, Dean's List
- Nicholas Servatius, Dean's List
- Jacob Shetka, Dean's List
- Corey Short, Dean's List
- Gabrielle Siegle, Dean's List
- Victoria Smith, Dean's List
- Hunter Smith, Dean's List
- Britnie Soderholm, Dean's List
- Mason Sohre, Dean's List
- Joshua Solland, Dean's List
- Olivia Stadler, Dean's List
- Jordan Stanley, Dean's List
- Hanna Stanoch, Dean's List
- Kaylee Starken, Dean's List
- Ella Stay, Dean's List
- Alisha Steinhofer, Dean's List
- Devin Stewart, Dean's List
- Daud Subane, Dean's List
- Noah Swenson, Dean's List
- Noah Szafranski, Dean's List
- Hunter Tabatt, Dean's List
- Jack Taufen, Dean's List
- Taileiyah Taylor, Dean's List
- Brooke Tempesta, Dean's List
- Cynthia Tennier, Dean's List
- Haley Thelen, Dean's List
- Makayla Timp, Dean's List
- Isaac Tischer, Dean's List
- Maribel Torres, Dean's List
- Kaitlin Trigg, Dean's List
- Rachel Trushenski, Dean's List
- Mashaye Tschida, Dean's List
- Isaac Udovich, Dean's List
- Dax Van Steenwyk, Dean's List
- Jessica Vearrier, Dean's List
- Eleanora Veselovskiy, Dean's List
- Monica Villanueva, Dean's List
- Litzy Viveros Lopez, Dean's List
- Phong Vo, Dean's List
- Henry Vomela, Dean's List
- Gideon Wallace, Dean's List
- Lexi Warnke, Dean's List
- Deka Warsame, Dean's List
- Lynnae Weddington, Dean's List
- Tina Welle, Dean's List
- Tim Weller, Dean's List
- Madilynn Westberg, Dean's List
- Natalie Westergren, Dean's List
- Krystene Wiese, Dean's List
- Kaitlin Wilkinson, Dean's List
- Mercedes Wilson, Dean's List
- Megan Winkels, Dean's List
- Gavin Wolff, Dean's List
- Conner Woodman, Dean's List
- Cole Wredberg, Dean's List
- Mohamed Yusuf, Dean's List
- Jose Zacarias, Dean's List
- Steve Zeece, Dean's List
- Reno Ziebarth, Dean's List
- Dylan Zulkosky, Dean's List