Congratulations to all SCTCC honor students!
Students earning a 4.0 GPA were named to the President's List; students earning a 3.5 to 3.99 GPA were named to the Dean's List.
Don't see your name? Students need to have completed at least 6 credits during the semester to appear on this list. If you have completed a Non-disclosure of Directory Information Form, you will not be listed.
President's List
St. Cloud Technical & Community College congratulates the following students for their academic achievement Spring 2022; they have earned recognition on the President’s List for a grade point average of 4.0.
- Aisha Abdalla, President's List
- Mariam Abdalla, President's List
- Khatra Abdi, President's List
- Nimo Abdi, President's List
- Safia Abdi, President's List
- Yasmin Abdi, President's List
- Kelly Abel, President's List
- Ithilo Abokor, President's List
- Nujude Abuhadid, President's List
- Abdihakim Ahmed, President's List
- Kadra Ahmed, President's List
- Jacob Albrecht, President's List
- Kody Alickson, President's List
- Asher Alyas Masih, President's List
- Liberty Anderson, President's List
- Lynn Anderson, President's List
- Sidney Anderson, President's List
- Nicholas Andringa, President's List
- Luke Ashbrook, President's List
- Jadyn Athmann, President's List
- Kelsey Athmann, President's List
- Gabe Baca, President's List
- Marcia Balder, President's List
- Camryn Banaka, President's List
- Mariah Banks, President's List
- Natalie Barrall, President's List
- Alex Barthelemy, President's List
- Lauren Barthelemy, President's List
- Lyndsey Beaumaster, President's List
- Jacob Bedsted, President's List
- Victoria Belcher, President's List
- Haeli Bell, President's List
- Brittany Berchin, President's List
- Caitlin Berger, President's List
- Dalton Berger, President's List
- Amanda Bergsten, President's List
- Darbi Berkman, President's List
- Megan Berndt, President's List
- Joshua Bersie, President's List
- Kristine Bettermann, President's List
- Danielle Beyer, President's List
- Jenna Bidwell, President's List
- Bethany Blackmer, President's List
- Vanessa Boisjolie, President's List
- Jerica Bolt, President's List
- Cole Bonovsky, President's List
- Jenna Booth, President's List
- Ross Boser, President's List
- Ryan Boyland, President's List
- Ashley Braatz, President's List
- Danyel Brambrink, President's List
- Kierstin Brennan, President's List
- Cylie Brezinka, President's List
- Riley Briekos, President's List
- Travis Brock, President's List
- Cassandra Brutger, President's List
- Suzanne Buchholz, President's List
- Tehron Buffman, President's List
- Kiara Burkhalter, President's List
- Bridget Bursch, President's List
- Anthony Burton, President's List
- Jordan Buysse, President's List
- Jacob Byman, President's List
- Kirsten Campbell, President's List
- Cortney Carlson, President's List
- Logan Carlson, President's List
- Molly Carnell, President's List
- Lynse Carr, President's List
- April Carrier, President's List
- Ruben Carrillo Garcia, President's List
- Lucas Castillo, President's List
- Tyler Cavanaugh, President's List
- Nawar Chabaci, President's List
- Ethan Chaudhary, President's List
- Kyle Christen, President's List
- Chase Christensen, President's List
- Abigail Clark, President's List
- Emma Cluka, President's List
- Brady Cobb, President's List
- Tayah Coleman, President's List
- Caden Collins, President's List
- Nadia Corrieri, President's List
- Jennifer Cruz, President's List
- Ashton Cunningham, President's List
- Fatha Dadow, President's List
- Sophie Dancho, President's List
- Kally Danzl, President's List
- Deborah Darga, President's List
- Natacha Darga, President's List
- Safiyo Daud, President's List
- Casha Daudinot, President's List
- Abbey Davidson, President's List
- Sean Davidson, President's List
- Victor De Loera, President's List
- Amelia Degen, President's List
- Florincia Degni, President's List
- Timothy DeLong, President's List
- Jacob DeMarre, President's List
- Jill Denkinger, President's List
- Tasha Denson-Byers, President's List
- Brinley Deopere, President's List
- Emma Dietz, President's List
- Dawson Dobos, President's List
- Bonnie Doucette, President's List
- Callie Doucette, President's List
- Cole Duchene, President's List
- Amber Dunlap, President's List
- Brandon Durbin, President's List
- Cassimer Dutcher, President's List
- Aubrianna Esson, President's List
- Luke Estwick, President's List
- Jake Ethen, President's List
- Bennett Evarts, President's List
- Emily Evenson, President's List
- Ryan Evers, President's List
- Lydia Fashant, President's List
- Joy Fastenau, President's List
- Trisha Feia, President's List
- Daniel Ferrell, President's List
- Molly Finke, President's List
- Nathaniel Fisher, President's List
- Elizabeth Flicek, President's List
- Damian Floerke, President's List
- Matthew Foltz, President's List
- Rachel Foos, President's List
- Allison Fournier, President's List
- Haley Fournier, President's List
- Taylor Fox, President's List
- Katarina Frank, President's List
- Elizabeth French, President's List
- Robert Fries, President's List
- Sainab Gaal, President's List
- Kara Gaida, President's List
- Carrie Garcia, President's List
- Gregory Gathje, President's List
- Fahmo Gedi, President's List
- Khadra Gedi, President's List
- Sara Geiser, President's List
- Lexi Gerads, President's List
- Amaka Gerald- Ugwu, President's List
- Dylan Gerdes, President's List
- Shayna Gindele, President's List
- Belen Goering, President's List
- Caleb Goering, President's List
- Zoe Goetz, President's List
- Sadie Gohman, President's List
- Jennifer Goldsmith, President's List
- Mellanie-Rachel Goldsmith, President's List
- Jaxson Gonzales, President's List
- Noelia Gonzalez-Caraballo, President's List
- Adam Gothier, President's List
- Dylan Gottwald, President's List
- Brahim Goukouni, President's List
- Stephen Grogg, President's List
- Arabella Grom, President's List
- Mitchell Gruber, President's List
- Elena Grupa, President's List
- Sydney Haataja, President's List
- Bethany Haehn, President's List
- Tanya Haliburton, President's List
- Maris Hall, President's List
- Dylan Hallila, President's List
- Ryan Hallonquist, President's List
- Ashley Hanauska, President's List
- Zachary Hanauska, President's List
- Sophia Hansmeier, President's List
- Allen Hanson, President's List
- Erin Hanson, President's List
- Katie Hanson, President's List
- Connor Harnetty, President's List
- Bradley Harren, President's List
- Jason Harris, President's List
- Taylor Hart, President's List
- Hadiya Hassan, President's List
- Pierce Heinze, President's List
- Brandon Hejhal, President's List
- Peyton Herges, President's List
- Tawnee Herold, President's List
- Devin Higgins, President's List
- Chloe Hinz, President's List
- Claire Hirdler, President's List
- Sam Hirdler, President's List
- Kelsey Hoeper, President's List
- Milissa Holland, President's List
- Amber Holroyd, President's List
- Brayden Holthaus, President's List
- Hunter Honstrom, President's List
- Kyle Huhta, President's List
- Eli Huinker, President's List
- Annette Huling, President's List
- Markie Hultberg, President's List
- Bahsan Hursane, President's List
- Mustafa Hussen, President's List
- Dakota Hutchcraft, President's List
- Sushma Hute, President's List
- Sadie Hutton, President's List
- Ali Hygrell, President's List
- Anab Ibrahim, President's List
- Saada Ibrahim, President's List
- Hani Iid, President's List
- Emily Ireland, President's List
- Naima Ismail, President's List
- Zachary Jacobson, President's List
- Fahma Jama, President's List
- Hani Jama, President's List
- Zachary Jamison, President's List
- Drew Jensen, President's List
- Megan Jewison, President's List
- Benjamin Johnson, President's List
- Brynn Johnson, President's List
- Emily Johnson, President's List
- Maddie Johnson, President's List
- Shauntel Johnson, President's List
- Toni Johnson, President's List
- Haskell Jones, President's List
- Abigail Jopp, President's List
- Elise Jordan, President's List
- Haley Juetten, President's List
- Ian Juhl, President's List
- Sara Juma, President's List
- Daniel Jurek, President's List
- Kloe Jurek, President's List
- Brody Kaiser, President's List
- Brandon Kempenich, President's List
- Pamela Kenning, President's List
- Carleen Keske, President's List
- Nabiiha Khalif, President's List
- Mekhi Kigozi, President's List
- Abby Kilanowski, President's List
- Janisa Kimble, President's List
- Aaron Kingsley, President's List
- Malerie Kinney, President's List
- Megan Kiphuth, President's List
- Valentina Klersy, President's List
- Erin Knisley, President's List
- Alex Kocon, President's List
- Brianna Kohl, President's List
- Maimuna Kolley, President's List
- Yassin Kolley, President's List
- Esther Koop, President's List
- Mikayla Koss, President's List
- Brandy Kostreba, President's List
- Nicole Kottke, President's List
- Isabell Kron, President's List
- Stephanie Kroska, President's List
- Anna Kuhn, President's List
- Stephany Kuklok, President's List
- April Lahr, President's List
- Allyson Lamb, President's List
- Athena Landa, President's List
- Nicolas Lanham, President's List
- Zak Larkin, President's List
- Grace Larsen, President's List
- Lydia Larsen, President's List
- Olivia LaTour, President's List
- Stan Laulainen, President's List
- Ellie LeBlanc, President's List
- Michelle Lederer, President's List
- Crystal Lee, President's List
- I-Jung Lee, President's List
- Mackenzie Lee, President's List
- Taylor Lee, President's List
- Annastasia Lentner, President's List
- Brooke Lesto, President's List
- Juamil Lezer, President's List
- Mari Lindberg, President's List
- Sarah Lindbloom, President's List
- Haley Lindorff, President's List
- Renee Lingl, President's List
- Karissa Lintgen, President's List
- Emily Locnikar, President's List
- Yeechong Lor, President's List
- Melissa Loso, President's List
- Colby Louwagie, President's List
- Connor Lowry, President's List
- Brianna Macho, President's List
- Alyson Macziewski, President's List
- Morgan Madsen, President's List
- Liban Mahat, President's List
- Richard Majeski, President's List
- Astrid Mamona, President's List
- Alayna Manning, President's List
- Jeneva Marcano, President's List
- Kristi Marchand, President's List
- Geraldina Marin Paz, President's List
- Jackson Marschall, President's List
- Jens Marttinen, President's List
- Branden Marudas, President's List
- Morgan Matvick, President's List
- Rachel Matz, President's List
- Veronica Melendez, President's List
- Emiley Melsness, President's List
- Ezra Metzger, President's List
- Marv Meyer, President's List
- Summer Meyer, President's List
- Kanani Meza, President's List
- Petra Mickelson, President's List
- Madison Midas, President's List
- Claire Milan, President's List
- Andrew Miller, President's List
- Grace Miller, President's List
- Jayda Miller, President's List
- Kendra Moening, President's List
- Abdullahi Mohamed, President's List
- Fardowsa Mohamed, President's List
- Madison Mollner, President's List
- Devi Morales Roblero, President's List
- Abigail Moriarty, President's List
- Allison Morris, President's List
- Cameron Moscho, President's List
- Katelyn Moulzolf, President's List
- Tyson Mushatt, President's List
- Xander Naber, President's List
- Mamadi Nacanabo, President's List
- Jane Frank Nakalanda, President's List
- Brooke Nett, President's List
- Kendra Neu, President's List
- Madison Neu, President's List
- Jennifer Neuman, President's List
- Rachel Neumann, President's List
- Kendra Newalis, President's List
- Marie Nguele, President's List
- Elijah Nicholson, President's List
- Lydia Niemela, President's List
- Michayla Nordlund, President's List
- Jake Novak, President's List
- Heather Nulf, President's List
- Sadia Nur, President's List
- Cody Oachs, President's List
- Brianna O'Brien, President's List
- Ariet Ojulu, President's List
- Karl Olsen, President's List
- Evan Olson, President's List
- Kaitlyn Olson, President's List
- McKenzie Olson, President's List
- Rose Olson, President's List
- Maria Oropeza, President's List
- Nicholas Ortloff, President's List
- Samantha Osberg, President's List
- Jonathan Ostendorf, President's List
- Gage Oster, President's List
- Ethan Oswald, President's List
- Britany Paggen, President's List
- Mason Palmer, President's List
- Mackenzie Pawelk, President's List
- John Pawlu, President's List
- Brian Pechacek, President's List
- Holly Pederson, President's List
- Jenna Pederson, President's List
- Amy Peine, President's List
- Lindsey Personius, President's List
- Marissa Peschl, President's List
- Jackson Peter, President's List
- Jasmine Peter, President's List
- Alyssa Peterson, President's List
- Colby Peterson, President's List
- Cooper Peterson, President's List
- Elizabeth Peterson, President's List
- Trina Peterson, President's List
- Jacob Pfau, President's List
- Rachel Philipp, President's List
- Alexis Philippi, President's List
- Breanna Pieper, President's List
- Cara Pioquid, President's List
- Sydney Poepping, President's List
- Levi Popp, President's List
- Samuel Poquette, President's List
- Simon Pierre Pountougnigni, President's List
- Tyra Powell, President's List
- Jordan Preble, President's List
- Logan Prom, President's List
- Brian Psyck, President's List
- Kenneth Quinn, President's List
- Allison Quintus, President's List
- Angela Raine, President's List
- Claire Ramler, President's List
- Connor Ramos, President's List
- Kit Ramsey, President's List
- Steven Randall, President's List
- Zachary Randolph, President's List
- David Reisdorf, President's List
- Larry Reisinger, President's List
- Alexander Rembiszewski, President's List
- Corrinna Renville, President's List
- Leah Revering, President's List
- Kristin Reynolds, President's List
- Nicholas Richter, President's List
- Brady Rieland, President's List
- Emma Ritter, President's List
- Paige Robeck, President's List
- Caitlin Robinson, President's List
- Grisia Rodriguez, President's List
- Isabella Rodriguez, President's List
- Llanic Rodriguez, President's List
- Katlyn Roisland, President's List
- Grace Rolling, President's List
- Sharniethy Romero, President's List
- Shayna Romero, President's List
- Danielle Rueckert, President's List
- Trenten Rupar, President's List
- Isaac Rusco, President's List
- Jake Ryan, President's List
- Megan Salazar, President's List
- Nora Saldana-Karnes, President's List
- Sahra Samatar, President's List
- Bri Sand, President's List
- Mary Sand, President's List
- Braeden Sather, President's List
- Josiah Sauer, President's List
- Nikki Sawyer, President's List
- Stephanie Sawyer, President's List
- Tyler Schave, President's List
- Morgan Scheiber, President's List
- Noah Scherping, President's List
- Emily Schimnich, President's List
- Ellie Schmeling, President's List
- Hailee Schmidt, President's List
- Katelyn Schmitt, President's List
- Hannah Schneider, President's List
- Sophie Schroeder, President's List
- Erika Schulte, President's List
- Katlyn Schulz, President's List
- Warren Schwieger, President's List
- Cory Schwinghammer, President's List
- Bree Seagraves, President's List
- Janet Selinger, President's List
- Hailey Sell, President's List
- Ashley Seurer, President's List
- Kelley Shaddrick, President's List
- Claire Shaw, President's List
- Jenifer Shaw, President's List
- Savannah Sienko, President's List
- Sidney Simmons, President's List
- Tanner Simonson, President's List
- Rachelle Singleton, President's List
- Abby Sininger, President's List
- Bethany Skroch, President's List
- Joseph Skroch, President's List
- Erica Smekofske, President's List
- Cecelia Smith, President's List
- Victoria Smith, President's List
- Ava Soucy, President's List
- Linnea Sowden, President's List
- Kayla Spehn, President's List
- Cody Stangler, President's List
- Addison Stavos, President's List
- Ella Stay, President's List
- Deonna Steele, President's List
- Derek Steele, President's List
- Morgan Stellmach, President's List
- Madison Stich, President's List
- Katelyn Storms, President's List
- Kaitlynn Stover, President's List
- Benjamin Stuart, President's List
- Isaac Stumler, President's List
- Nina Swanson, President's List
- Bountouraby Sylla, President's List
- Jack Taufen, President's List
- Haylee Teeselink, President's List
- Abby Tema, President's List
- Kayla Teubert, President's List
- Jesse Tewksbury, President's List
- Jon Thayer, President's List
- Trista Thell, President's List
- Sara Thompson, President's List
- Grace Throener, President's List
- Marissa Throener, President's List
- Mark Tomasko, President's List
- Ashley Topp, President's List
- Tracy Torgerson, President's List
- Hallie Tormanen, President's List
- Karl Torola, President's List
- Justin Traut, President's List
- Matt Trelfa, President's List
- Alexander Trudeau, President's List
- Garrett Tschida, President's List
- Tailer Twidt, President's List
- Mia Utsch, President's List
- Sydney VanRisseghem, President's List
- Adriana Varona, President's List
- Dylan Vedder, President's List
- Jenna Visker, President's List
- Morgan Voelker, President's List
- Jacob Vogel, President's List
- Madyson Voigt, President's List
- Tommy Volkmuth, President's List
- Victoria Vorobyev, President's List
- Prince Wallace, President's List
- Hannah Walz, President's List
- Hannah Warner, President's List
- Haley Warrick, President's List
- Tony Warzecha, President's List
- MyKenna Watkins, President's List
- Logan Webb, President's List
- Samantha Webb, President's List
- Ben Weidner, President's List
- Brianna Weispfennig, President's List
- Andrew Weller, President's List
- Seth Wester, President's List
- Tanisha Wichterman, President's List
- Brittany Widell, President's List
- Madison Wiemann, President's List
- Richard Wilcox, President's List
- Brooke Wilfong, President's List
- Cortnei Wilkinson, President's List
- Jacob Willprecht, President's List
- John Wilson, President's List
- Mercedes Wilson, President's List
- Samantha Wimmer, President's List
- Hannah Winter, President's List
- Shelby Witucki, President's List
- Gavin Wolff, President's List
- Josiah Wolters, President's List
- Kim Wudinich, President's List
- Mohamed Yusuf, President's List
- Dru Zenzen, President's List
- Haley Ziegler, President's List
- Mylin Zimmerman, President's List
- Sarie Zimmerman-Verley, President's List
Dean's List
St. Cloud Technical & Community College congratulates the following students for their academic achievement Spring 2022; they have earned recognition on the Dean’s list for a grade point average of 3.5 to 3.99.
- Abdirizak Abdi, Dean's List
- Ayan Abdi, Dean's List
- Hodan Abdi, Dean's List
- Rahma Abdi, Dean's List
- Amanuel Abdisa, Dean's List
- Twaha Abdulrahman, Dean's List
- Ladan Abib, Dean's List
- Amino Aden, Dean's List
- Sahra Aden, Dean's List
- Natalia Aguilar, Dean's List
- Danielle Albrecht, Dean's List
- Isse Ali, Dean's List
- Nasteho Ali, Dean's List
- Samiro Ali, Dean's List
- Justice Allen, Dean's List
- Hailey Anderson, Dean's List
- Kaylie Anderson, Dean's List
- Preston Anderson, Dean's List
- Tim Andrewsen, Dean's List
- Lori Arceneau, Dean's List
- Libby Asper, Dean's List
- Jake Avdem, Dean's List
- Islam Awawdah, Dean's List
- Muna Azam, Dean's List
- Ann Badejogbin, Dean's List
- Joe Baratta, Dean's List
- Alex Barclay, Dean's List
- Stefanie Barker, Dean's List
- Kristen Bateman, Dean's List
- Braydon Bauer, Dean's List
- Anthony Baumgardner, Dean's List
- Emma Beauchamp, Dean's List
- Drew Beier, Dean's List
- Kayla Belanger, Dean's List
- Andrew Berger, Dean's List
- Lily Berger, Dean's List
- Laura Berven, Dean's List
- Wyatt Bode, Dean's List
- Hanna Borkenhagen, Dean's List
- Kyle Bosch, Dean's List
- Justice Boyer, Dean's List
- Benjamin Brandt, Dean's List
- Taylor Bremer, Dean's List
- Dominique Breth, Dean's List
- Emily Brew, Dean's List
- Maycee Britz, Dean's List
- Levi Bromenschenkel, Dean's List
- Madison Bronson, Dean's List
- Jackson Brophy, Dean's List
- Justine Bruska, Dean's List
- Anna Carlson, Dean's List
- Calli Carlson, Dean's List
- Josiah Carlson, Dean's List
- Sophia Carlson, Dean's List
- Mikaela Christensen, Dean's List
- MB Conrad, Dean's List
- Megan Cottrell, Dean's List
- Parker Cox, Dean's List
- Alician Cross, Dean's List
- Zachary Dallum, Dean's List
- Alyssa Denk, Dean's List
- Devin Derifield, Dean's List
- Daniel DeVargas, Dean's List
- Mason Doble, Dean's List
- Chazmere Dooley, Dean's List
- Conner Doucette, Dean's List
- Maria Doucette, Dean's List
- Kamille Dougherty, Dean's List
- Carter Douvier, Dean's List
- Bayan Doyow, Dean's List
- Ilhan Doyow, Dean's List
- Hussein Dubow, Dean's List
- Wayne Duhoux, Dean's List
- Krista Ellis, Dean's List
- Austin Erickson, Dean's List
- Zachary Ertl, Dean's List
- William Eull, Dean's List
- Kelly Feiler, Dean's List
- Hunter Fern, Dean's List
- Kayli Fetterman, Dean's List
- Alex Fiedler, Dean's List
- Christina Fiedler, Dean's List
- Samantha Filipi, Dean's List
- Hunter Flanigan, Dean's List
- Affiba Foba, Dean's List
- Jason Foreman, Dean's List
- Andrew Forsyth, Dean's List
- Lindsey Freeman, Dean's List
- Savannah Freitag, Dean's List
- Will Friederichs, Dean's List
- Steven Fyten, Dean's List
- Ashley Gaard, Dean's List
- Jacob Gaetz, Dean's List
- Autumn Gallagher, Dean's List
- Blake Gerads, Dean's List
- Kendra Gerads, Dean's List
- Peter Gillette, Dean's List
- Rachel Givens, Dean's List
- Brandie Goebel, Dean's List
- Raelyn Gonnerman, Dean's List
- Lacy Gonzales, Dean's List
- Alexander Gratke, Dean's List
- Malachi Gritman, Dean's List
- Stephanie Groth, Dean's List
- James Gutierrez, Dean's List
- Kyle Haag, Dean's List
- Savannah Habedank, Dean's List
- Anna Haehn, Dean's List
- Kirsten Haessly, Dean's List
- Abe Hafstad, Dean's List
- Cora Hahn, Dean's List
- Abdisalan Hajji, Dean's List
- Kjerstin Hansen, Dean's List
- Abby Hanson, Dean's List
- Aubrey Hartfiel, Dean's List
- Nicholas Hatch, Dean's List
- Chantal Hartneck, Dean's List
- Lucia Hawkins, Dean's List
- Ashley Held, Dean's List
- Jason Hill, Dean's List
- Torry Hirschey, Dean's List
- Isabelle Hoeschen, Dean's List
- Arianna Hopkins, Dean's List
- Jean Hopkins, Dean's List
- Sadie Hopman, Dean's List
- Amanda Hoppe, Dean's List
- Allison Hormann, Dean's List
- Danielle Hoyer, Dean's List
- Megan Huehn, Dean's List
- Raho Ibrahim, Dean's List
- Zakariya Ibrahim, Dean's List
- Emma Imdieke, Dean's List
- Reta Jacobo, Dean's List
- Madisyn Jacobson, Dean's List
- Laura Jacques, Dean's List
- Abdulahi Jama, Dean's List
- Emmi Janski, Dean's List
- Nathan Jensen, Dean's List
- Brittany Johnson, Dean's List
- Jan Johnson, Dean's List
- Joshua Johnson, Dean's List
- Lydia Johnson, Dean's List
- Noah Johnson, Dean's List
- Taylor Johnson, Dean's List
- Lyn Johnston, Dean's List
- Adam Josephson, Dean's List
- Austin Kantola, Dean's List
- Hannah Keller, Dean's List
- Erica Kibbie, Dean's List
- Rebecca Kieser, Dean's List
- Elizabeth Kiscaden, Dean's List
- Nathaniel Kleene, Dean's List
- Ashley Klein, Dean's List
- Liana Klisch, Dean's List
- Janelle Knettel, Dean's List
- Tyler Kniseley, Dean's List
- Jaedyn Krippner, Dean's List
- Jared Kuhn, Dean's List
- Tamara Kula, Dean's List
- Benjamin Kullberg, Dean's List
- Ashlie Kurr, Dean's List
- Lucy Kvanvig, Dean's List
- Katrina Lake, Dean's List
- Jordan Lange, Dean's List
- Nicole Lee, Dean's List
- Brenna Lenzmeier, Dean's List
- Christian Lessman, Dean's List
- Madison Leverty, Dean's List
- Brooke Linder, Dean's List
- Theda Lindholm, Dean's List
- Andrew Lochen, Dean's List
- Corbin Lozinski, Dean's List
- Zya Lueders, Dean's List
- Lindsey Luhmann, Dean's List
- Skylyr Lundblad, Dean's List
- Landon Lunser, Dean's List
- Carter Lyrek, Dean's List
- Evan Mader, Dean's List
- Ryan Madsen, Dean's List
- Alex Maier, Dean's List
- Jaylin Malagon, Dean's List
- Benjamin Marthaler, Dean's List
- Raelin Marx, Dean's List
- Dylan Maselter, Dean's List
- Savannah Massmann, Dean's List
- Amber Mathison, Dean's List
- Ethan Matvick, Dean's List
- Ikran Maxamuud, Dean's List
- Taylor May, Dean's List
- Susan McAloon, Dean's List
- Sierra McAlpine, Dean's List
- Daniel McAnnany, Dean's List
- Wesley McLerran, Dean's List
- Jameson McQuillan, Dean's List
- Chelsea Medema, Dean's List
- Brandon Meder, Dean's List
- Lesley Mejia-Gonzalez, Dean's List
- Angie Meyer, Dean's List
- Meghan Mihalik, Dean's List
- Cydni Mitthun, Dean's List
- Abdirizak Mohamed, Dean's List
- Hinda Mohamed, Dean's List
- Abdirahman Mohamud, Dean's List
- Megan Montes-Genis, Dean's List
- Skylar Moore, Dean's List
- Rylee Moores, Dean's List
- Chet Mugge, Dean's List
- Jaclyn Murph, Dean's List
- Hunter Musielewicz, Dean's List
- Madison Myers, Dean's List
- Nela Nakicevic, Dean's List
- Alexis Nau, Dean's List
- Gamada Nebi, Dean's List
- Nikolas Neeser, Dean's List
- Ashley Neises, Dean's List
- Abby Nelson, Dean's List
- Taelor Nelson, Dean's List
- Shelby Nemeth, Dean's List
- Abigail Nesbitt, Dean's List
- Judith N'Gumah, Dean's List
- Adrian Nguyen, Dean's List
- Eva Nguyen, Dean's List
- Justin Nikle, Dean's List
- Brooke Noble, Dean's List
- Anthony Nohava, Dean's List
- Nageb Nour, Dean's List
- Isaiah Novak, Dean's List
- Lydia Nygaard, Dean's List
- Yazmin Ocasio Martinez, Dean's List
- Abigail Ohlenkamp, Dean's List
- Nicholas Olesen, Dean's List
- Adam Olson, Dean's List
- Sulekha Omar, Dean's List
- Alivia Orbeck, Dean's List
- Camryn Patten, Dean's List
- Tayler Pawelk, Dean's List
- Elijah Pedersen, Dean's List
- Jax Pelzer, Dean's List
- Dillon Perez, Dean's List
- Kiegen Perlberg, Dean's List
- Connor Pesheck, Dean's List
- Brady Pesta, Dean's List
- Brandon Peterson, Dean's List
- Jenna Peterson, Dean's List
- Julia Peterson, Dean's List
- Kayla Peterson, Dean's List
- Maya Peterson, Dean's List
- Nora Peterson, Dean's List
- Samara Peterson, Dean's List
- Jeffrey Pfeiffer, Dean's List
- Hayden Pfenning, Dean's List
- Grace Piechowski, Dean's List
- Lily Piechowski, Dean's List
- Jacob Piehl, Dean's List
- Jack Pietila, Dean's List
- Nick Pomeroy, Dean's List
- ShayLyn Prestidge, Dean's List
- Charlie Primus, Dean's List
- Hannah Przybylski, Dean's List
- Brett Przymus, Dean's List
- Alex Quasbort, Dean's List
- Charissa Quigley, Dean's List
- Quillan Radke, Dean's List
- Aaron Radotich, Dean's List
- Logan Rambur, Dean's List
- Brianna Randall, Dean's List
- Eduardo Rangel, Dean's List
- Chase Rau, Dean's List
- Evalynn Reed, Dean's List
- Angela Reid, Dean's List
- Jackson Reid, Dean's List
- Mackenzie Rekstad, Dean's List
- Jackson Resop, Dean's List
- Ceara Rhines, Dean's List
- Adrian Richardson, Dean's List
- Carson Richter, Dean's List
- Rhiannon Ritzer, Dean's List
- Shelayne Robinson, Dean's List
- Justin Rohde, Dean's List
- Oliblish Roman Alday, Dean's List
- Celia Rose, Dean's List
- Paul Ross, Dean's List
- Chloe Rothstein, Dean's List
- Kyra Rudnicki, Dean's List
- Peyton Sabart, Dean's List
- Holly Saville, Dean's List
- Nicolle Sawatzke, Dean's List
- Brice Schaefer, Dean's List
- Martin Schendel, Dean's List
- Elle Schendzielos, Dean's List
- Preston Schlegel, Dean's List
- Taylor Schlichting, Dean's List
- Grant Schmitz, Dean's List
- Madison Schmitz, Dean's List
- Isaak Schneider, Dean's List
- Jordan Schoenthaler, Dean's List
- Jayse Schreifels, Dean's List
- Brooklyn Schroeder, Dean's List
- Kaylee Schroeder, Dean's List
- Alec Schrupp, Dean's List
- Hannah Schumacher Sasse, Dean's List
- Kylie Scoles, Dean's List
- Nicholas Servatius, Dean's List
- Ahmed Shuriye, Dean's List
- Cole Simpson, Dean's List
- Neal Simpson, Dean's List
- Darrian Skillings, Dean's List
- Kelsey Skold, Dean's List
- Hunter Slagstad, Dean's List
- Chad Slegh, Dean's List
- Ella Sliter, Dean's List
- Jameelah Smith, Dean's List
- Logan Sowers, Dean's List
- Gary Srur, Dean's List
- Lily Stanford, Dean's List
- Grace Stang, Dean's List
- Rainna Stangle, Dean's List
- Aiden Staup, Dean's List
- Claire Strawn, Dean's List
- Daud Subane, Dean's List
- Adrian Sunderland, Dean's List
- Andrew Swenson, Dean's List
- Benjamin Teicher, Dean's List
- Eliza Tesmer, Dean's List
- Ezekiel Theis, Dean's List
- Maureen Theis, Dean's List
- Paige Theis, Dean's List
- Hayden Thompson, Dean's List
- Austin Tice, Dean's List
- Joshua Tiemens, Dean's List
- Trey Toenjes, Dean's List
- Brody VanderPlaats, Dean's List
- Riley Verly, Dean's List
- Tori Voigt, Dean's List
- Henry Vomela, Dean's List
- Chua Vue, Dean's List
- Melissa Vylasek, Dean's List
- Jordan Wagner, Dean's List
- Angelique Wall, Dean's List
- Luke Wallsmith, Dean's List
- Chloe Warren, Dean's List
- Alex Warzecha, Dean's List
- Konnor Warzecha, Dean's List
- Viggo Weeks, Dean's List
- Brady Weis, Dean's List
- Hannah Welle, Dean's List
- Logan Weninger, Dean's List
- Tyler Wenshau, Dean's List
- Rebecca Wettstein, Dean's List
- Haley White, Dean's List
- Ritsuko White, Dean's List
- Thomas Wilfong, Dean's List
- Ian Wilson, Dean's List
- Kelly Winczewski, Dean's List
- Lucas Winskowski, Dean's List
- Paige Wittrock, Dean's List
- Blake Wohletz, Dean's List
- Megan Wolbeck, Dean's List
- Briana Wold, Dean's List
- Derek Wold, Dean's List
- Amanda Woods, Dean's List
- Jose Zacarias, Dean's List
- Tagen Zepeda, Dean's List
- Julia Zilka, Dean's List
- Dylan Zulkosky, Dean's List