Congratulations to all SCTCC honor students!
Students earning a 4.0 GPA were named to the President's List; students earning a 3.5 to 3.99 GPA were named to the Dean's List.
Don't see your name? Students need to have completed at least 6 credits during the semester to appear on this list. If you have completed a Non-disclosure of Directory Information Form, you will not be listed.
President's List
St. Cloud Technical & Community College congratulates the following students for their academic achievement Fall 2024; they have earned recognition on the President’s List for a grade point average of 4.0.
- Asmaa Abdalla, President's List
- Maraam Abdel-Rehim, President's List
- Hamdi Abdi, President's List
- Sowda Abdi, President's List
- Ibrahim Brian Abdul Ganiyu, President's List
- Maryan Abdullahi, President's List
- Brady Abfalter, President's List
- Ashley Acosta, President's List
- Hafso Adan, President's List
- Miski Adan, President's List
- Zeinab Adan, President's List
- Abshira Aden, President's List
- Suheyb Adow, President's List
- Krista Ahmann, President's List
- Nasra Ahmed, President's List
- Nasteho Ahmed, President's List
- Nimo Ahmed, President's List
- Sydney Ahrendt, President's List
- Sabella Akre, President's List
- Beto Alemo, President's List
- Ayan Ali, President's List
- Yusra Ali, President's List
- Eric Allen, President's List
- Morgan Allen, President's List
- Jesus Almaraz, President's List
- Maricela Altendahl, President's List
- Alexis Aman, President's List
- Mariama Amara, President's List
- Carson Andel, President's List
- Danika Anderson, President's List
- Ella Anderson, President's List
- Halle Anderson, President's List
- Kelsey Anderson, President's List
- Kianna Anderson, President's List
- Maggie Anderson, President's List
- Wiranya Anderson, President's List
- Emma Andres, President's List
- Tessa Andres, President's List
- Lexi Arrenholz, President's List
- Ezekial Austin, President's List
- DJ Avenson, President's List
- Gabe Baca, President's List
- Simon Badowski, President's List
- Ava Baker, President's List
- Brandie Banister, President's List
- Olivia Barkeim, President's List
- Cenah Barker, President's List
- Megan Bartlett, President's List
- Trevor Barton, President's List
- Denis Batrakov, President's List
- Lyndsey Beaumaster, President's List
- Dakota Becker, President's List
- Maggie Becker, President's List
- Meghan Benson, President's List
- Reece Berberich, President's List
- Emily Berg, President's List
- Adrian Berger, President's List
- Isaac Bergstrom, President's List
- Addison Bertram, President's List
- Brielle Bertram, President's List
- Gabrielle Bertram-Helmin, President's List
- Donald Bethke, President's List
- Nathan Betterman, President's List
- Avery Beumer, President's List
- Jerzey Beyak, President's List
- Carter Birr, President's List
- William Blowers, President's List
- Owen Bode, President's List
- Mady Boedigheimer, President's List
- Carter Bolduc, President's List
- Colton Dominic Bondhus, President's List
- Sandra Bonilla, President's List
- Fahma Boor, President's List
- Jessica Bossuot, President's List
- Breanna Boucher, President's List
- Katherine Boyd, President's List
- Paige Boysen, President's List
- Tatiana Bradley, President's List
- Aubrey Braegelmann, President's List
- Heather Braford, President's List
- Christian Bray, President's List
- Lucy Brenny, President's List
- Alexis Brewers, President's List
- Makenzie Brinkman, President's List
- Marissa Brokke, President's List
- Aubrey Browning, President's List
- Noah Brunn, President's List
- Hayley Bruss, President's List
- Macey Brutger, President's List
- Therese Bryce, President's List
- Ryan Buck, President's List
- Tevans Buckley, President's List
- Isabelle Burg, President's List
- Athena Burma, President's List
- Nathaniel Bursch, President's List
- Jessica Busby, President's List
- John Busch, President's List
- Cindy Busse, President's List
- Kaylee Butenhoff, President's List
- Liz Carrillo, President's List
- Seth Caster, President's List
- Jazmin Cervantes, President's List
- Mary Chang, President's List
- Jacquie Chapman, President's List
- Lillyana Chouinard, President's List
- Kallista Christen-Mattson, President's List
- Garrett Christensen, President's List
- Bridget Clark, President's List
- Alexis Coffman, President's List
- Amelia Conley, President's List
- Morgan Cook, President's List
- Courtney Corrigan, President's List
- Heidi Corrigan, President's List
- Mohamed Coulibaly, President's List
- Maiya Couzens, President's List
- Allison Crane, President's List
- Lara Crawford, President's List
- Francis Cruser, President's List
- Aisha Cruz, President's List
- Mataya Czech, President's List
- Ali Dahir, President's List
- Gabby Dahlberg, President's List
- Evan Daniels, President's List
- Megan Dascher, President's List
- Aden Daud, President's List
- Rayan Daud, President's List
- Safiyo Daud, President's List
- Cory Davies, President's List
- Kenneth Davis, President's List
- Chamony Deang, President's List
- Brinley Deopere, President's List
- Angela DeVore, President's List
- Madeline Deyo, President's List
- Anthony Dickey, President's List
- Silas Dinger, President's List
- Hailey Dirschel, President's List
- Rachel Ditmarson, President's List
- Emily Dockendorf, President's List
- Lindsay Dolney, President's List
- Cassidy Doman, President's List
- Marta Laura Donadoni, President's List
- Ashley Doubek, President's List
- Precious Douglas, President's List
- Hussein Dubow, President's List
- Sumaya Ducalle, President's List
- Gabriella Dumonceaux, President's List
- Elle Dunn, President's List
- Ruby Dusbabek, President's List
- Nejat Ebrahim, President's List
- Callie Elg, President's List
- Gabrielle Epple, President's List
- Briana Erickson, President's List
- Kaylee Erickson, President's List
- Ayana Ertl, President's List
- Eliora Etop, President's List
- Benjamin Everson, President's List
- Kenzi Faber, President's List
- Annamaria Falcon, President's List
- Mumtas Farah, President's List
- Natalie Faria, President's List
- Jada Fautsch, President's List
- Kennedy Feriancek, President's List
- Maggie Fernholz, President's List
- Mason Fincher, President's List
- Ellis Findley, President's List
- Courtney Fischer, President's List
- Madison Fischer, President's List
- Elizabeth Fisk, President's List
- Kendra Fitzpatrick, President's List
- Tiffanie Fleischhacker, President's List
- Ben Foos, President's List
- Rachel Foos, President's List
- Kaitlyn Foster, President's List
- Madeline Frieler, President's List
- Annabelle Fruth, President's List
- Jonathan Fults, President's List
- Michael Fultz-Cavanaugh, President's List
- Avery Gagnon, President's List
- Royelle Gajeski, President's List
- Adrinnetta Garland, President's List
- Kaiden Garlock, President's List
- Michael Garrison, President's List
- Vitalina Gasiuc, President's List
- JoAnna Gebel, President's List
- Fahmo Gedi, President's List
- McKayla Geise, President's List
- Francois Joseph Gelin, President's List
- Benjamin Gerads, President's List
- Trystan Getlinger, President's List
- Madalyn Gibson, President's List
- Josephine Gilbert, President's List
- Lindsey Gillman, President's List
- Jeremy Glass, President's List
- Laura Glass, President's List
- Devin Goede, President's List
- Timothy Goedert, President's List
- Jillian Goelz, President's List
- Nora Goelz, President's List
- Allayna Gohmann, President's List
- Anna Gonzalez, President's List
- Annika Gonzalez, President's List
- Katie Good, President's List
- Grady Goodwin, President's List
- Mara Goracke, President's List
- Reagan Graham, President's List
- Greg Greeley, President's List
- Amelia Greninger, President's List
- Alaynah Gronau, President's List
- Evan Gruber, President's List
- Damon Guggenberger, President's List
- Salma Guled, President's List
- Thomas Haeg, President's List
- JuliAnna Hageman, President's List
- Katlyn Hakes, President's List
- Sophie Hales, President's List
- Kaleb Haley, President's List
- Casey Hall, President's List
- MaryAnn Hallstein, President's List
- Evan Halverson, President's List
- Maria Hamilton, President's List
- Kora Hansch, President's List
- Leah Hansmeier, President's List
- Emily Hargreaves, President's List
- Hannah Harste-Ehlen, President's List
- Layla Hartell, President's List
- Halimo Hassan, President's List
- Naima Hassan, President's List
- Rayan Hassan, President's List
- Katlyn Hawkins, President's List
- Shannon Hayde, President's List
- Emily Head, President's List
- Sophia Hebert, President's List
- Steven Heck, President's List
- Ashley Held, President's List
- Kiana Helland-Boriboune, President's List
- Adam Helstrom, President's List
- Cassandra Hendricks, President's List
- Anthony Herkenhoff, President's List
- Cassie Herrmann, President's List
- Maryan Hersi, President's List
- Carissa Heskett, President's List
- Allie Hilsgen, President's List
- Amber Hilsgen, President's List
- Chase Hines, President's List
- Theresa Hippler, President's List
- Nicholas Hoel, President's List
- Sara Hoffner, President's List
- Justice Hofland, President's List
- Merrilee Hofstede, President's List
- Samantha Hogge, President's List
- Dravin Hoiem, President's List
- Michelle Hoover, President's List
- Felicia Horstmann, President's List
- Amelia Hudalla, President's List
- Taylor Hunt, President's List
- Tahni Hussein, President's List
- Fardowsa Ibrahim, President's List
- Sophie Imdieke, President's List
- Brian Imholte, President's List
- Hoda Isac, President's List
- Leila Islow, President's List
- Ayan Isse, President's List
- Amielynne Iverson, President's List
- Katie Jacobs, President's List
- Ava Jacobson, President's List
- Avery Jacobson, President's List
- Harr Jallow, President's List
- Abdirahman Jama, President's List
- Halimatou Jammeh, President's List
- Cheyenne Jeanotte, President's List
- Annelise Jennissen, President's List
- Ella Jevne, President's List
- Karla Jilk, President's List
- Kendra Johannes, President's List
- Jami John, President's List
- Hunter Johnsen, President's List
- Amber Johnson, President's List
- Angel Johnson, President's List
- Kiki Johnson, President's List
- Lc Johnson, President's List
- Mya Johnson, President's List
- Selena Johnson, President's List
- Thelia Johnson, President's List
- Malaina Jones, President's List
- Aaron Jopp, President's List
- Joseph Jorgensen, President's List
- Jacob Joslyn, President's List
- Avery Joyce, President's List
- Hailey Judovsky, President's List
- Zachary Jungles, President's List
- Sawyer Jurgens, President's List
- Hajah Kabbay, President's List
- Kaden Kadlec, President's List
- Samika Kafle, President's List
- Alex Kaiser, President's List
- Bilal Kaita, President's List
- Kurt Kedrowski, President's List
- Isabella Kellerhuis, President's List
- Finley Kenning, President's List
- Peyton Kenning, President's List
- Presley Kenning, President's List
- Evelyn Kepke-Schierhold, President's List
- Coleton Kiel, President's List
- James Kiewel, President's List
- Megan Kiffmeyer, President's List
- Brianna Kiger, President's List
- Emmalee Kirby, President's List
- Ayla Kissinger, President's List
- Makenzie Kitzberger, President's List
- Aiden Kjeldergaard, President's List
- Jamie Klasen, President's List
- Alexis Klassen, President's List
- Aubrey Klug, President's List
- Madelyn Knaack, President's List
- Kylie Knopik, President's List
- Gina Kobylinski, President's List
- Chelsea Kolstad, President's List
- Tianna Korte, President's List
- Natalie Kossan, President's List
- Nicole Kottke, President's List
- Sabina Kotzer, President's List
- Alyson Kreutz, President's List
- Henry Krogfoss, President's List
- Tammy Krogstad, President's List
- Andrew Kron, President's List
- Daniel Kropp, President's List
- Brandon Kroska, President's List
- Ella Kroska, President's List
- Daniel Krueger, President's List
- EllaMae Krueger, President's List
- Tristin Kunstleben, President's List
- Autumn LaBrune, President's List
- Zoe Lain, President's List
- Tristen Lamberson, President's List
- Emily Landwehr, President's List
- Ava Langerman, President's List
- Lilian Langmia Nahliba, President's List
- Isabel Larocque, President's List
- Adie Larsen, President's List
- Chelsea Larsen, President's List
- Tyler Larson, President's List
- Laney Laudenbach, President's List
- Lanie Laudenbach, President's List
- Madison Lausten, President's List
- Samantha Lawson, President's List
- Shane Leabch, President's List
- Henrietta Lebbie, President's List
- Elizabeth Ledezma Mata, President's List
- Brennan Lee, President's List
- Shunshee Lee, President's List
- Teedan Lee, President's List
- Olivia Lemm, President's List
- Alexander Lenzen, President's List
- Hailey Lesniak, President's List
- Brooke Lesto, President's List
- Avery Levine, President's List
- Yuehua Liao, President's List
- Ashley Libbesmeier, President's List
- Sara Liebeck, President's List
- Ava Lieser, President's List
- Ryder Lindala, President's List
- Julia Lindeke, President's List
- Brooke Linder, President's List
- Amy Lindgren, President's List
- Dylan Lindgren, President's List
- Maleah Loch, President's List
- josie lom, President's List
- Anthony Lopeman, President's List
- Sophia Loukusa, President's List
- Yunshi Lu, President's List
- Andrew Lueders, President's List
- Rafael Lule, President's List
- McKenzie Lundquist, President's List
- Sena Lunning, President's List
- Gabriel Lunser, President's List
- Maday Machado Miranda, President's List
- Brianna Macho, President's List
- Mitchell Mackechney, President's List
- Makenna Madsen, President's List
- Caleb Mageto, President's List
- Libby Maidl, President's List
- Michelle Maile, President's List
- Laura Maldonado, President's List
- Matteo Mangili, President's List
- Kyle Mareck, President's List
- Shirley Mares, President's List
- Averie Marohl, President's List
- Andrew Marquette, President's List
- Jaden Marrow, President's List
- Grace Martin, President's List
- Vaneza Martinez Weber, President's List
- Gavin Marttinen, President's List
- Tiffany Massmann, President's List
- Courtney Mathwig, President's List
- Dylan Matis, President's List
- Rachel Matz, President's List
- Devin McClanahan, President's List
- Ally McGinnis, President's List
- Jada McLean, President's List
- Sean McMahon, President's List
- Kalie Mechem, President's List
- Grey Mehr, President's List
- Benjamin Meier, President's List
- Carly Meierhofer, President's List
- Emily Meinke, President's List
- Joseph Mejares, President's List
- Marrisa Mellgren, President's List
- Emiley Melsness, President's List
- Nicholas Merdan, President's List
- Jenna Meredith, President's List
- Treton Metzger, President's List
- Edith Meza Herrera, President's List
- Adam Michels, President's List
- Colton Midas, President's List
- Madison Midas, President's List
- Keegan Middendorf, President's List
- Charles Migwi, President's List
- Candace Mikel, President's List
- Logan Milisits, President's List
- Elliott Miller, President's List
- Mya Miller, President's List
- Palmer Minette, President's List
- Annette Minor, President's List
- Shawntell Misquadace, President's List
- Mildred Mogaka, President's List
- Ali Mohamed, President's List
- Sundus Mohamed, President's List
- Sumaya Mohammud, President's List
- Megan Montes-Genis, President's List
- Kylie Moon, President's List
- Laura Moran, President's List
- Kylie Moravec, President's List
- Aubree Mortensen, President's List
- Tyler Mosby, President's List
- Dakota Moske, President's List
- Asha Muhumed, President's List
- Hodan Muhumed, President's List
- Thomas Muir, President's List
- Abdurahman Mukhtar, President's List
- Brittney Mundinger, President's List
- Andy Muniz Torres, President's List
- Faith Munson, President's List
- Emma Murphy, President's List
- Ayan Musse, President's List
- Ibrahim K Nacanabo, President's List
- Liam Nelson, President's List
- Megan Nelson, President's List
- Tess Nemeth, President's List
- Brooke Nett, President's List
- Ryan Neuman, President's List
- McKinsey Newbanks, President's List
- Ngoc Nguyen, President's List
- Becca Nikolas, President's List
- Gracie Nistler, President's List
- Matthew Noack, President's List
- Alexis Noack-Olson, President's List
- Maria Noble, President's List
- Eloise Nohava, President's List
- Madalyn Notch, President's List
- Tanner Notsch, President's List
- Jasmine Noyola, President's List
- Abigail Nystrom, President's List
- Cody Oachs, President's List
- Viola Ochanda, President's List
- Robb Odden, President's List
- Ella Ogg, President's List
- Anna Ogren, President's List
- Kiarah Okamura, President's List
- Atira Olson, President's List
- Brooklyn Olson, President's List
- Callie Olson, President's List
- Abdullahi Omar, President's List
- Anab Omar, President's List
- Osman Omar, President's List
- Salman Omar, President's List
- Sean O'Neal, President's List
- Emily Orne, President's List
- Dakotah Orth, President's List
- Aisho Osman, President's List
- Liban Osman, President's List
- Gage Oster, President's List
- Olivia Otto, President's List
- Callie Pakkala, President's List
- Brianna Pap, President's List
- Lynsie Parks, President's List
- Ava Paulson, President's List
- Savannah Pawelk, President's List
- Tia Pearson, President's List
- Rachel Peck, President's List
- Oscar Pendergrass, President's List
- Carina Perez Guzman, President's List
- Jonathan Perez Krueger, President's List
- Ayla Perry, President's List
- Ava Peters, President's List
- Dakotah Peterson, President's List
- Ryan Peterson, President's List
- Julia Petroske, President's List
- Elizabeth Petty, President's List
- Sami Petzel, President's List
- Karter Pfingsten, President's List
- Tabitha Pharr, President's List
- Abigail Philippi, President's List
- Christina Pike, President's List
- Chloe Piotrowski, President's List
- Kylie Pobuda, President's List
- Cheryl Pojanowski, President's List
- Dwayne Pollack, President's List
- Elijah Preisler, President's List
- Tessa Pribyl, President's List
- Kendra Primus, President's List
- Parker Prior, President's List
- Cole Prokott, President's List
- Daren Protolipac, President's List
- Seneca Radke, President's List
- Lizzy Radoush, President's List
- Zack Rahn, President's List
- Rylan Rajkowski, President's List
- Johanne Ramirez Castro, President's List
- Kimberlie Randt, President's List
- Ashlyn Rasmussen, President's List
- Ella Rasset, President's List
- Grace Redburn-White, President's List
- Kara Reding, President's List
- Emily Reimann, President's List
- Taylor Reimann, President's List
- Kaily Reinsch, President's List
- Tanner Reitmeier, President's List
- Jack Rieland, President's List
- Cornequa Riley, President's List
- Jack Robeck, President's List
- AudriAnna Roben, President's List
- Carley Roberts, President's List
- Gabby Robertson, President's List
- Katrina Robertson, President's List
- Olivia Robertson, President's List
- Kole Robinson, President's List
- Karina Rodriguez, President's List
- Abigail Roering, President's List
- Maddie Roethler, President's List
- Amanda Rooney, President's List
- Cheyenne Ross, President's List
- Lily Rossman, President's List
- Rhiannon Rubel, President's List
- Joseph Rudolph, President's List
- Peyton Rudolph, President's List
- Abbey Rue, President's List
- Hailey Ruhl, President's List
- Alia Rundquist, President's List
- Elizabeth Rundquist, President's List
- Alex Rutherford, President's List
- Christina Sabah, President's List
- Callie Sahlstrom, President's List
- Kayla Salvador, President's List
- Jacob Samsel, President's List
- Keegan Samsel, President's List
- Irene Sanchez, President's List
- Abdoul Malick Sankara, President's List
- Anna Sauer, President's List
- Minsan Sauers, President's List
- Chase Savage Heinkel, President's List
- Amelia Schaefer, President's List
- Anna Scherping, President's List
- Audrey Schmidt, President's List
- Kailyn Schmitt, President's List
- Brianna Schmitz, President's List
- Pim Schmitz, President's List
- Ami Schneider, President's List
- Brianna Schneider, President's List
- Madalyn Schnettler, President's List
- Jenna Schreifels, President's List
- Tyler Schreifels, President's List
- Abby Schreiner, President's List
- Brooklyn Schroeder, President's List
- Sophie Schroeder, President's List
- Signey Schuh, President's List
- Austin Schultz, President's List
- McKenna Schwake, President's List
- Haily Schwegel, President's List
- Emma Schwinghammer, President's List
- Kiana Sebastian, President's List
- Trent Seifert, President's List
- Vivian Serrano, President's List
- Alexis Shaw, President's List
- Ava Shaw-Kerkhoff, President's List
- Paige Sheehan, President's List
- Ayub Sheikh, President's List
- Sami Shelton, President's List
- Keira Shnyder, President's List
- Jaelyne Shoultz, President's List
- Sara Sinclair-Haberl, President's List
- Rachelle Singleton, President's List
- Mason Sjostedt, President's List
- Alicia Skaj, President's List
- Collin Skaug, President's List
- Abigail Slavick, President's List
- Claire Slinden, President's List
- DeAndra Smith, President's List
- Chance Snowdon, President's List
- Larissa Snyder, President's List
- Britnie Soderholm, President's List
- Sedrique Julios Soh Pokam, President's List
- Hunter Solomonson, President's List
- Kendyll Soltis, President's List
- Drew Sowada, President's List
- Taylor Sowada, President's List
- Ashlyn Spoden, President's List
- Nicole Statema, President's List
- Lainey Stavish, President's List
- Alice Stay, President's List
- Megan Stay, President's List
- Kendra Steele, President's List
- Joselyn Stensland, President's List
- Kylie Stimmler, President's List
- Jeremiah Stossel, President's List
- Jason Streit, President's List
- Benjamin Stuart, President's List
- Brianne Stuckel, President's List
- Faith Sutherland, President's List
- Eli Sutton, President's List
- Kylee Svihel-Pitzl, President's List
- Haley Swanson, President's List
- Sophia Swartout, President's List
- Cameron Swedberg, President's List
- Georgianna Swenson, President's List
- Kiley Swenson, President's List
- Matthew Szucs, President's List
- Makenna Theisen, President's List
- Adrianna Thomas, President's List
- Johnny Thompson Jr, President's List
- Elizabeth Throener, President's List
- Anika Tlatenchi, President's List
- Haley Tollin, President's List
- Lily Torborg, President's List
- Danny Tovo III, President's List
- Andrew Travis, President's List
- Bana Treifi, President's List
- Alexx Trelfa, President's List
- Taylor Truehart-Dickmann, President's List
- Megan Trushenski, President's List
- Jeremy Tulkki, President's List
- Elizabeth Turner, President's List
- Jadyn Ulm, President's List
- Gabrielle Umerski, President's List
- Mikaela Uselman, President's List
- Christopher Utecht, President's List
- Bryce VanNurden, President's List
- Logan Vedders, President's List
- Seth Vietmeier, President's List
- Wyatt Vietmeier, President's List
- Mackenzie Vigstol, President's List
- Fermin Villalta, President's List
- Abby Vincent, President's List
- William Vines, President's List
- Courtney Voge, President's List
- Hailey Voge, President's List
- Alexis Vonberge, President's List
- Ethan Vossen, President's List
- Gabrielle Wahl, President's List
- Lindsey Walker, President's List
- Romero Walker, President's List
- Clara Wall, President's List
- Saige Walsh, President's List
- Andie Walz, President's List
- Nathaniel Walz, President's List
- Noah Walz, President's List
- Christine Wanjiru, President's List
- Kelsey Ward, President's List
- Adriana Washington, President's List
- Joshua Weakly, President's List
- Joshua Weckert, President's List
- Elijah Weekes, President's List
- Svea Weeks, President's List
- Gabrielle Welch, President's List
- Haille Welle, President's List
- Jack Welle, President's List
- Kaitlyn Welles, President's List
- Isaac Welsh, President's List
- Ritsuko White, President's List
- Lillian Wilhelm, President's List
- Haley Willardsen, President's List
- Christina Williams, President's List
- Justin Williams, President's List
- Madison Williams, President's List
- Nadia Williams, President's List
- Trinity Williamson, President's List
- Jordan Wilson, President's List
- Kiaera Wilson, President's List
- Renee Wilson, President's List
- Debby Winkley, President's List
- Lexi Woitalla, President's List
- Joey Woodward, President's List
- Derek Worth, President's List
- Mae Wrase, President's List
- Jaclyn Wurm, President's List
- Kayla Yang, President's List
- Katie Yanta, President's List
- Ethan Yorek, President's List
- Drew Yourczek, President's List
- Fatuma Yusuf, President's List
- Hafsa Yusuf, President's List
- Muhammad Zafar, President's List
- Faiza Zeeshan, President's List
- Christopher Zenda, President's List
- Sage Zerban, President's List
- Benji Zernell, President's List
- Clara Zimmer, President's List
- Katie Zimmer, President's List
- Michael Zimmerman, President's List
- Jeffrey Zwilling, President's List
St. Cloud Technical & Community College congratulates the following students for their academic achievement Fall 2024; they have earned recognition on the Dean’s list for a grade point average of 3.5 to 3.99.
- Mariam Abdalla, Dean's List
- Abdikader Abdi, Dean's List
- Amal Abdi, Dean's List
- Ammal Abdi, Dean's List
- Khatra Abdi, Dean's List
- Salmo Abdi, Dean's List
- zeinabo Abdi, Dean's List
- Khadar Abdisamad, Dean's List
- Ayan Abdullah, Dean's List
- Habso Abdullahi, Dean's List
- Safia Abdullahi, Dean's List
- Dale Abraham, Dean's List
- Kati Abrahamson, Dean's List
- Nura Abshir, Dean's List
- Leyla Abubaker, Dean's List
- Washo Abubaker, Dean's List
- Abdiya Adan, Dean's List
- Bushra Adan, Dean's List
- Salma Aden, Dean's List
- Sabrin Adow, Dean's List
- Jacob Adrian, Dean's List
- Logan Ahlbrecht, Dean's List
- Jack Ahmann, Dean's List
- Abdikarim Ahmed, Dean's List
- Salmo Ahmed, Dean's List
- Umulkhayr Ahmed, Dean's List
- Rayan Aided, Dean's List
- Redwan Aided, Dean's List
- Riyaq Aided, Dean's List
- Alex Albrecht, Dean's List
- Brianna Albrecht, Dean's List
- Ogona Alemo, Dean's List
- Ayan Ali, Dean's List
- Bashir Ali, Dean's List
- Hodan Ali, Dean's List
- Miriam Ali, Dean's List
- Mohamed Ali, Dean's List
- Nasteha Ali, Dean's List
- Nasteho Ali, Dean's List
- Nimo Ali, Dean's List
- Sadika Ali, Dean's List
- Zakariye Ali, Dean's List
- Sierra Althaus, Dean's List
- Seth Alvar, Dean's List
- Jesus Anaya, Dean's List
- Jose Anaya, Dean's List
- Brayden Anderson, Dean's List
- Jacob Anderson, Dean's List
- Jayden Anderson, Dean's List
- Zech Anderson, Dean's List
- Jennifer Anduaga, Dean's List
- Isaac Arellano, Dean's List
- Ryanne Artmann, Dean's List
- Lily Atkins, Dean's List
- Aiza Azhar, Dean's List
- Logan Backstrom, Dean's List
- Peighton Bailey, Dean's List
- Hunaif Bamba, Dean's List
- Kendra Barber, Dean's List
- Jaden Barnes, Dean's List
- Christopher Barrett, Dean's List
- Zachary Barthel-Weinand, Dean's List
- Brooke Bauer, Dean's List
- Jonah Beck, Dean's List
- Emma Beckman, Dean's List
- Alexander Behrens, Dean's List
- Gage Bellmont, Dean's List
- Kailly Benitez Fuentes, Dean's List
- Joshua Benson, Dean's List
- Bailey Bertsch, Dean's List
- Beau Biegler, Dean's List
- Madison Biegler, Dean's List
- Treyton Bilharz, Dean's List
- Ifrah Bille, Dean's List
- Avianna Bishop, Dean's List
- Cassandra Boecker, Dean's List
- Jenna Boos, Dean's List
- Miah Boos, Dean's List
- Bethany Boucher, Dean's List
- Elena Bowen, Dean's List
- Meredith Bowman, Dean's List
- Irvin Brenes, Dean's List
- Daviannah Brinkman, Dean's List
- Connor Brown, Dean's List
- Jaya Browning, Dean's List
- Mariah Brumm, Dean's List
- Mariah Buhl, Dean's List
- Zachary Burg, Dean's List
- Elizabeth Bursch, Dean's List
- Holly Burthwick, Dean's List
- Kevin Byiringiro, Dean's List
- Nathan Caminati, Dean's List
- Kirsten Campbell, Dean's List
- Gary Carlson, Dean's List
- Kelsey Carlson, Dean's List
- Keala Carroll, Dean's List
- Irina Chinikaylo, Dean's List
- Seth Chrast, Dean's List
- Justin Christman, Dean's List
- Lindsey Christopherson, Dean's List
- Hayden Cole, Dean's List
- Abby Conavatti, Dean's List
- Sydney Connors, Dean's List
- Tia Copa, Dean's List
- Creeden Crabtree, Dean's List
- Brianna Cruzen, Dean's List
- Nuradin Dadow, Dean's List
- Jasslyn Dahlberg, Dean's List
- Erika Daniels, Dean's List
- Hajo Daud, Dean's List
- Kani Daud, Dean's List
- Maymun Daud, Dean's List
- Hale Davidson, Dean's List
- Chandler Davis, Dean's List
- Katelyn Davis, Dean's List
- Micah Davis, Dean's List
- Ellie Dearing, Dean's List
- Brooke DeBaker, Dean's List
- Abdimalik Dekow, Dean's List
- Reece Denn, Dean's List
- Mag Diedrich, Dean's List
- Tabitha Dillman, Dean's List
- Benjamin Dockendorf, Dean's List
- Angel Dohrmann, Dean's List
- Kayla Dougherty, Dean's List
- Libby Dow, Dean's List
- Olivia Drontle, Dean's List
- Fartun Duale, Dean's List
- Timothy Eck, Dean's List
- Brooke Edlund, Dean's List
- Alexis Eggert, Dean's List
- Abigail Einck, Dean's List
- Heather Elias, Dean's List
- Krista Ellis, Dean's List
- Abdullahi Elmi, Dean's List
- Mikiya Emslander, Dean's List
- Mitchell Enerson, Dean's List
- Jessilyn Enevoldsen, Dean's List
- Leighton Engel, Dean's List
- Brody Engh, Dean's List
- Rebecca Enudi, Dean's List
- Christopher Erickson, Dean's List
- Cooper Erickson, Dean's List
- Elijah Erickson, Dean's List
- Nathan Estrem, Dean's List
- Olivia Evans, Dean's List
- Clay Faber, Dean's List
- Kyle Faust, Dean's List
- Megan Fiedler, Dean's List
- Airyannah Fields, Dean's List
- Brooklyn Fischer, Dean's List
- Warren Flaten, Dean's List
- McKenzie Florek, Dean's List
- Jed Foster, Dean's List
- Hazelle Franke, Dean's List
- Abigal Franklin, Dean's List
- Collin Friedrich, Dean's List
- Caleb Frieler, Dean's List
- Alyssa Garcia-Abeyta, Dean's List
- Grace Gardas, Dean's List
- Alexandra Garduno, Dean's List
- Hayden Gassett, Dean's List
- Princess Gbalea, Dean's List
- Kayla Gehrke, Dean's List
- Kaden Georges, Dean's List
- Kendra Gerads, Dean's List
- Camelia Gherasimova, Dean's List
- Claire Giese, Dean's List
- Ryan Giguere, Dean's List
- Trinity Gill, Dean's List
- Makayla Gillham, Dean's List
- Cleo Gorghuber, Dean's List
- Giselle Grahn, Dean's List
- Ty Graves, Dean's List
- Abbi Graves-Petron, Dean's List
- Nathan Green, Dean's List
- Marcus Gregg, Dean's List
- Emily Grell, Dean's List
- Melanie Grey, Dean's List
- Lily Groover, Dean's List
- Lindsey Groves, Dean's List
- Megan Gruwell, Dean's List
- Elysa Guerra, Dean's List
- Ibrahim Guindo, Dean's List
- Falis Gure, Dean's List
- Gavin Guse, Dean's List
- Sandeep Gyawali, Dean's List
- Riley Gysberg, Dean's List
- Audrey Hage, Dean's List
- Khatima Haidari, Dean's List
- Ally Hallonquist, Dean's List
- Elsi Halvorson, Dean's List
- Cayden Hansmeier, Dean's List
- Adam Hanson, Dean's List
- Alex Hanson, Dean's List
- Lauren Hanson, Dean's List
- Tanner Hanson, Dean's List
- Conner Harren, Dean's List
- Weston Harris, Dean's List
- Mohamed Hashi, Dean's List
- Yassin Hashi, Dean's List
- Ahmed Hassan, Dean's List
- Hamza Hassan, Dean's List
- Nasteho Hassan, Dean's List
- Saabir Hassan, Dean's List
- Meagan Hayenga, Dean's List
- Meena Heartsong, Dean's List
- Christopher Hehl, Dean's List
- Karson Heinen, Dean's List
- Sophie Hellerud, Dean's List
- Ryan Helm, Dean's List
- Brenya Helmin, Dean's List
- Cody Hennek, Dean's List
- Sophie Hennen, Dean's List
- Beau Herbst, Dean's List
- Violet Herges, Dean's List
- Vanessa Heuer, Dean's List
- Amaya Hiltner, Dean's List
- Lucas Hintgen, Dean's List
- Cole Hofstad, Dean's List
- Molly Holmgren, Dean's List
- Lauren Holt, Dean's List
- Zoe Hommerding, Dean's List
- Ava Hood, Dean's List
- Aubrey Hougas, Dean's List
- Grace Houston, Dean's List
- Sadie Hutton, Dean's List
- Anas Ibrahim, Dean's List
- Zamzam Ibrahim, Dean's List
- Sarah Imre, Dean's List
- Harriann Jackson, Dean's List
- Noah Jackson, Dean's List
- Levi Jacobson, Dean's List
- Ahmed Jama, Dean's List
- Mercy Jarwee, Dean's List
- Samuel Jeffries, Dean's List
- Jonah Jemming, Dean's List
- Ashlee Jensen, Dean's List
- Kaylin Jimenez, Dean's List
- Carter Johnson, Dean's List
- Eric Johnson, Dean's List
- Evan Johnson, Dean's List
- Reid Johnson, Dean's List
- Sydalee Johnson, Dean's List
- Jacelynn Johnston, Dean's List
- Kristina Josul, Dean's List
- Erica Jungles, Dean's List
- Karamo Kaba, Dean's List
- Kennedy Kadlec, Dean's List
- Mandip Kandel, Dean's List
- Jason Karolus, Dean's List
- Rylie Keith, Dean's List
- Korral Kelash, Dean's List
- Heidi Kelly-Gibson, Dean's List
- Addison Keul, Dean's List
- Yisak Kim, Dean's List
- Erin Knisley, Dean's List
- Shelby Knosalla, Dean's List
- Karina Koeniguer, Dean's List
- Emily Koepp, Dean's List
- Romana Koeppe, Dean's List
- Wendyam Abdoul Kondombo, Dean's List
- Esther Koop, Dean's List
- Liberty Kosloski, Dean's List
- Jordyn Kostreba, Dean's List
- Emma Kremers, Dean's List
- Brennan Kryzer, Dean's List
- Alex Kucirek, Dean's List
- Ethan Kuhn, Dean's List
- William Kuhn, Dean's List
- Brant Kurtz, Dean's List
- Hailey Kuznia, Dean's List
- Leilani Lainjo, Dean's List
- Connor Lampi, Dean's List
- Nichole Landa, Dean's List
- Nicole Lane, Dean's List
- Kenzee Larson, Dean's List
- Charity Lartius, Dean's List
- Maicy Laumer, Dean's List
- Rachel Leabch, Dean's List
- Ciara Leaders, Dean's List
- Tera Leary, Dean's List
- Faith Legatt, Dean's List
- Thomas Lemke, Dean's List
- Chevelle Leuthardt, Dean's List
- Isaiah Lieser, Dean's List
- Marianna Linn, Dean's List
- Jonathon Lipinski, Dean's List
- Brayden Lipsey, Dean's List
- Skylar Lombard, Dean's List
- Alexis Luberda, Dean's List
- Lindsey Luhmann, Dean's List
- Ariana Lukaswicz, Dean's List
- Michael Andre Lukusa, Dean's List
- Trumann Lundorff, Dean's List
- Maya Lyver, Dean's List
- David Macagnone, Dean's List
- Ava Grace Mader, Dean's List
- Tatum Mages, Dean's List
- Nimo Mahamud, Dean's List
- Warsame Mahat, Dean's List
- Tori Maidl, Dean's List
- Lily Manning, Dean's List
- Lauren March, Dean's List
- Max Marek, Dean's List
- Addison Marquette, Dean's List
- Morgan Marquette, Dean's List
- John Mathews, Dean's List
- Riley Mattson, Dean's List
- Samantha Mayo, Dean's List
- Daniel McAnnany, Dean's List
- Carson McCain, Dean's List
- Jacob McCarty, Dean's List
- Rylee Mead, Dean's List
- Aylah Meyer, Dean's List
- Kolby Meyer, Dean's List
- Summer Meyer, Dean's List
- Mackenzy Micklich, Dean's List
- Jennifer Mitchell, Dean's List
- Sarah Mitchell, Dean's List
- Hafsa Moalin, Dean's List
- Abdiaziz Mohamed, Dean's List
- Abshir Mohamed, Dean's List
- Fatuma Mohamed, Dean's List
- Filsan Mohamed, Dean's List
- Ibrahim Mohamed, Dean's List
- Khadija Mohamed, Dean's List
- Sahra Mohamed, Dean's List
- Salmo Mohamed, Dean's List
- Sundus Mohamed, Dean's List
- Yusra Mohamud, Dean's List
- Joshuah Mohr, Dean's List
- Madilyn Molitor, Dean's List
- Catherine Monroe, Dean's List
- Jake Monson, Dean's List
- Alyson Moos, Dean's List
- Olivia Mortenson, Dean's List
- Preston Moss, Dean's List
- Kaiden Moua, Dean's List
- Ryan Musech, Dean's List
- Munira Musse, Dean's List
- Nimo Musse, Dean's List
- Ryley Neal, Dean's List
- Benjamin Nelson, Dean's List
- Calleah Nelson, Dean's List
- Lyle Nelson, Dean's List
- Hailey Ness, Dean's List
- Joseph Neutz, Dean's List
- Han Nguyen, Dean's List
- Kim Nguyen, Dean's List
- Nga Nguyen, Dean's List
- Nathan Nichelson, Dean's List
- Marissa Nienaber, Dean's List
- Luke Nierengarten, Dean's List
- Hunter Nistler, Dean's List
- Randall Nolan, Dean's List
- Sawyer Noll, Dean's List
- Anna Nordby, Dean's List
- Madilynn Norgren, Dean's List
- Adam Norris, Dean's List
- Angela Novela-Maldonado, Dean's List
- Khalid Nuh, Dean's List
- Sumaya Nuur, Dean's List
- Ngathe Ochan, Dean's List
- Linda Ogazi, Dean's List
- Jackson Olmscheid, Dean's List
- Jordan Olson, Dean's List
- Salma Omar, Dean's List
- Clement Onyangore, Dean's List
- Emily Opay Dumbeck, Dean's List
- Karissa Oquist, Dean's List
- Hannah Orlowski, Dean's List
- Mariangel Oropeza Garcia, Dean's List
- Giuliana Orozco Montanez, Dean's List
- Anna Osberg, Dean's List
- Hibaaq Osman, Dean's List
- Umukaltum Osman, Dean's List
- Tyler Panek, Dean's List
- Esther Parks, Dean's List
- Masin Paxton, Dean's List
- Samuel Perez, Dean's List
- Kimberly Perez Orozco, Dean's List
- Tammy Perkins, Dean's List
- Julia Peter, Dean's List
- Emma Petersen, Dean's List
- Alayna Peterson, Dean's List
- Caitlin Peterson, Dean's List
- Cooper Peterson, Dean's List
- Tatum Peterson, Dean's List
- Kayden Petrie, Dean's List
- Melanie Petron, Dean's List
- Grant Pfarr, Dean's List
- Olivia Pfeifer, Dean's List
- Jace Philbrook, Dean's List
- Meriah Phillips, Dean's List
- Evelyn Pichardo, Dean's List
- Ava Plemel, Dean's List
- Brooklynn Pliscott, Dean's List
- Desiree Pratt-Lewis, Dean's List
- Ella Pringle, Dean's List
- Joe Prom, Dean's List
- Elijah Pruka, Dean's List
- Charlie Quade, Dean's List
- Caitlyn Quinn, Dean's List
- Nathan Quinn, Dean's List
- Riley Quinn, Dean's List
- Brad Radeke-Humbert, Dean's List
- Dakota Raden, Dean's List
- Grace Raftevold, Dean's List
- Supriya Rajbanshi, Dean's List
- Sharda Ram, Dean's List
- Eden Rangel, Dean's List
- Lindsay Rankin, Dean's List
- Rahma Rashid, Dean's List
- Kayden Reed, Dean's List
- Nathan Rehm, Dean's List
- Alexis Reis, Dean's List
- Kadence Reiter, Dean's List
- Madelyn Reiter, Dean's List
- Bradley Revermann, Dean's List
- Emma Revermann, Dean's List
- Maggie Rhodes, Dean's List
- Ismahan Roble, Dean's List
- Zach Roca, Dean's List
- Paige Roche, Dean's List
- Camryn Roering, Dean's List
- Liam Romani, Dean's List
- Kaylen Ronning, Dean's List
- James Roos, Dean's List
- Dominic Rosa, Dean's List
- Benjamin Rothstein, Dean's List
- Alexander Rudenick, Dean's List
- Bree Ruiz-Clifford, Dean's List
- Estelle Ruprecht, Dean's List
- Kaelyn Sacre, Dean's List
- Elaina Sahlstrom, Dean's List
- Mary Sahyoun, Dean's List
- Seham Said, Dean's List
- Nicholas Sakry, Dean's List
- Hibaaq Salat, Dean's List
- Ellie Sand, Dean's List
- Vanessa Say, Dean's List
- Cameron Scepurek, Dean's List
- Devon Schaefer, Dean's List
- Hunter Scherbing, Dean's List
- Addison Schirmers, Dean's List
- Dale Schmidt, Dean's List
- Kaylee Schroeder, Dean's List
- Wyatt Schuler, Dean's List
- Jonathan Schultz, Dean's List
- Logan Schultz, Dean's List
- Nikki Schultz, Dean's List
- Lindsey Schwab, Dean's List
- Evan Schweninger, Dean's List
- Bailey Schwieters, Dean's List
- Kiegan Scoles, Dean's List
- Kylie Scoles, Dean's List
- Jenna Selge, Dean's List
- Aaron Seng, Dean's List
- William Serbus, Dean's List
- Chloe Setrum, Dean's List
- Pritina Shakya, Dean's List
- Claire Shaw, Dean's List
- Unisha Shrestha, Dean's List
- Victoria Sienko, Dean's List
- Amy Sinayoko, Dean's List
- Patrick Skalla, Dean's List
- Aubrey Small, Dean's List
- Daijah Smith, Dean's List
- Trey Smith, Dean's List
- Vincent Sohlstrom, Dean's List
- Elizabeth Sonmor, Dean's List
- Aidan Spartz, Dean's List
- Cecilia Spike, Dean's List
- Olivia Stadther, Dean's List
- Blake Stangl, Dean's List
- Ethan Stark, Dean's List
- Brooke Steans, Dean's List
- Jordan Steenblock, Dean's List
- Abby Steffens, Dean's List
- Nevaeh Steffes, Dean's List
- Melanie Stevens, Dean's List
- Joslynn Stewart, Dean's List
- Eaen Sticha, Dean's List
- Amie Stier, Dean's List
- Grayce Stocker, Dean's List
- Brody Stommes, Dean's List
- Connor Sturges, Dean's List
- Kyle Swanson, Dean's List
- Nicole Swenson, Dean's List
- Adam Symanietz, Dean's List
- Jessica Sysa, Dean's List
- Jenna Szafranski, Dean's List
- Yussuf Takal, Dean's List
- Aidan Taylor-Morehouse, Dean's List
- Victoria Tesch, Dean's List
- Nicholas Thayer, Dean's List
- Nathaniel Thelen, Dean's List
- Michael Thielen, Dean's List
- Kaylee Thom, Dean's List
- Loren Thoma, Dean's List
- Kailey Thompson, Dean's List
- Truman Toenjes, Dean's List
- Alexa Toenyan, Dean's List
- Hunter Tong, Dean's List
- MaKenna Torgerson, Dean's List
- Sire Traore, Dean's List
- Hailey Traun, Dean's List
- Blake Tylutki, Dean's List
- Teslyn Tyner, Dean's List
- Grace Urbowicz, Dean's List
- Maurice Vanderwerf, Dean's List
- Benjamin Veitch, Dean's List
- Michelle Velasquez, Dean's List
- Joshua Vermeer, Dean's List
- Ashley Vetsch, Dean's List
- Justice Vierkant, Dean's List
- Jorge Villalobos, Dean's List
- Kyle Viswanathan, Dean's List
- Mason Voigt, Dean's List
- Mattie Vought, Dean's List
- Kairah Wagner, Dean's List
- Nathan Wagner, Dean's List
- Caden Waite, Dean's List
- Ethan Walcheski, Dean's List
- Dezyrae Walz, Dean's List
- Peter Wanyoike, Dean's List
- Katelyn Ward, Dean's List
- Moemi Watari, Dean's List
- Gabrielle Waterbury, Dean's List
- Philip Watland, Dean's List
- Jennifer Waytashek, Dean's List
- Zoey Weappa, Dean's List
- Laura Weber, Dean's List
- Ali Wegman, Dean's List
- Miles Welsand, Dean's List
- Alexa Welsh, Dean's List
- Haiden Welsh, Dean's List
- Breanna Wenner, Dean's List
- Marissa Wensel, Dean's List
- Olivia Westerlund, Dean's List
- Grant Wicklem, Dean's List
- Gavin Wiener, Dean's List
- Payton Wilke, Dean's List
- Stephen Wilkinson, Dean's List
- Ashley Williams, Dean's List
- Nia Williams, Dean's List
- Kylie Winter, Dean's List
- Zachery Witte, Dean's List
- Shea Wood, Dean's List
- Aubrey Woodard, Dean's List
- Tamara Woods, Dean's List
- Maggie Wozniak, Dean's List
- Carter Wunderlich, Dean's List
- Kao Xiong, Dean's List
- Joseph Yamroz, Dean's List
- Bernadette Yanta, Dean's List
- Brock Ylioja, Dean's List
- Jadyn Young, Dean's List
- Abdi Youssouf, Dean's List
- Farhiyo Yussuf, Dean's List
- Aisha Yusuf, Dean's List
- Justin Zabinski, Dean's List
- Nathan Zander, Dean's List