Brian Volkmuth, SCTCC Network Admin and Cybersecurity instructor, along with SCSU's Erich Rice met with stakeholders at Wayzata Public Schools. The goal of the meeting was to establish a partnership for cybersecurity education, encompassing student and faculty training, career development, and DoD funding opportunities.
The meeting further highlighted the need for high school faculty members to develop or integrate cybersecurity related curriculum in the courses they teach. This will go a long way in helping build cybersecurity among high schoolers in Wayzata.
The team also presented the Regions Investing in the Next Generation (RING) and cybersecurity Literate Artificially Intelligent Resource (CLARK) curriculum and resources to the faculty members. These open-source materials offer content, lab assignments, and assessments that faculty and students can access to gain more cybersecurity knowledge.
The team is organizing a workshop for high school faculty to learn more about these resources and offer training on related topics. The public can access these resources at no cost, with few limitations.
For information about having a presentation for faculty or students, please contact us via the information below:
Brian Volkmuth, MSIA
St. Cloud Technical & Community College
Dr. Mark Schmidt
St. Cloud State University
Erich Rice
St. Cloud State University