SCTCC’s second annual art contest wrapped up today with a reception to present the winners with certificates and student prizes.
The contest’s theme was “Reimagine,” and students and employees alike were encouraged to submit art that aligned with the theme. The pieces were on display in the Main Entrance where people could vote on their three favorites. Attendees of BrewLäsh were also able to vote on the artwork during the annual fundraiser, and online voting was available as well.
After votes were tallied, the winners were:
- First - Jasslyn Dahlberg (Welding) with “Bageara from Mogli”
- Second - Kolby Meyer (Liberal Arts AA) with “Loss of a Loved One”
- Third - Jasslyn Dahlberg (Welding) with “Distinguished Gentleman”
- Committee Choice – Grace Houston (Marketing & Design) with “Beware the Femaliens”
- First – Tori Stowe with “In Memory of Mom”
- Second – Kate Wallace with “Butterfly in the Sky”
- Third – Katie Frank with “Window to the Universe”
The reception, held at the Library in the Heartland building, included a welcome from President Kloos, presentation of certificates and prizes, the winning artists sharing about their work, and time to peruse the artwork.
Some of the pieces will be on display for the next week at the Library for anyone who would like to view the submitted art.
Congratulations to the winners, and thank you to all submitted artwork! Watch next year for the third annual art contest.