Ready to Manage Club Funds?
Advisors should review this information with their club officers at the beginning of each year to eliminate any confusion or delays of club operations.
- Student organizations receiving funds from SCTCC, Student Senate and/or raising funds must adhere to all related SCTCC, Minnesota State, and State of Minnesota Department of Finance policies in all activities.
- All organizations must comply with the Equal Opportunity/Title IX policies.
- All Student Senate-funded organizations are required to maintain all related accounts with the Business Office.
- All equipment purchased with Student Senate funds remains the property of St. Cloud Technical and Community College and should be tagged appropriately.
- Student Organizations are responsible for entering into a formal Minnesota State professional services contract with speakers or service providers as required by SCTCC, Minnesota State and State policy. Contracts must be reviewed and approved by the business office prior to signature. Contracts must be signed by the club advisor and club treasurer.
- Any and all funds raised by student organizations must be deposited into Business Office accounts. Funds are dispersed according to related SCTCC Business Office, Minnesota State, and State of Minnesota Department of Finance policies.
- Student Senate funds shall not be used to make a direct contribution to charitable organizations or individuals.
- Funds may not be used as security for loans
- Program cost centers and general fund monies cannot be used to fund club activities
- Active club membership is determined by those paying club dues. Students must pay their dues on an individual basis and deposit them in their respective club accounts at the SCTCC Business Office.
- Club funds are to be used for an activity, event, or program benefiting all members of the organization or St. Cloud Technical and Community College.
- All requests submitted for funding approval must have both the advisor’s and Director of Student Life’s signatures.
- Advisors should verify that funds are spent for intended purposes. The advisor is responsible for all vouchers and other financial records.
- Advisors will not be reimbursed for purchases made without prior authorization. Advisor expense reports must be signed by the Director of Student Life and the club treasurer.
Each year the Business Office must receive club’s officer and advisor names and signatures on file. Funds cannot be dispersed without a current Signature File. This is done to prevent any theft or abuse of club funds.
All funds related to club activities must be deposited and receipted at the SCTCC Business Office. Club advisors, officers, and members must complete a Deposit Form so funds can be accurately deposited into the proper account.
After funds are deposited, the student will get a copy of the deposit form with a receipt attached to it. This is to be returned to the club treasurer for record-keeping. A second receipt will be given to the student for his/her personal records. Funds received for the benefit of the club must be brought to the Business Office by the club advisor or club treasurer. If a student would like reimbursement for something he or she paid for, a completed Request for Refund Form, signed by the club advisor and treasurer, must be submitted to the Business Office.
In order to pay for club expenses, a representative from the club officer team or advisor must first fill out a Business Office-approved Purchase Requisition Form. Please follow the precise procedures listed below when submitting Purchase Requisition Forms.
- Purchase Requisition Forms must be completed prior to the purchase to ensure that funds can be secured. (MN Department of Finance Policy)
- Purchase Requisition Forms involving club funds must be signed by the advisor, the club treasurer, and the Director of Student Life and Athletics.
- Purchase Requisition Forms should be submitted to the administrative assistant of the club advisor's division. He/She will return the processed form with a Purchase Order (PO) to the club advisor, who can then place the order. An order cannot be placed until the Purchase Requisition Form is processed and the PO number is assigned.
- Please allow a minimum of one week for the Purchase Requisition Form to be processed.
- When submitting a Purchase Requisition Form, a document listing the club members who received the goods and services must be attached. (Example 1. Only nine members of a club attend state competition and plan on staying at a hotel. A list of these nine students must be attached to the PO. Example 2. The club has a pizza party for all members at the end of the year. Simply write “entire club” on the PO request.)
- When the merchandise is received with a packing slip, the packing slip must be dated and signed by the receiver. The packing slip must be attached to the original invoice and “ok to pay” marked on the invoice along with the PO number and a valid signature. Documents must be turned in to the Accounts Payable department in the Business Office.
- If there is no packing slip, the original invoice marked “ok to pay” and a valid signature must be submitted to the Accounts Payable department in the Business Office.
- When organizations/businesses will not accept purchase orders to secure payment, the college credit card may be used. Purchase orders and necessary documentation must be included at the time the card is used.
- All other methods of purchases and payments must be approved by the Director of Student Life and Athletics in consultation with the Business Office.
Clubs that have exhausted all of the methods above and need cash for meals or to pay for hotels that won’t accept a purchase order should follow the procedures listed below.
- Determine the cost of the hotel, meals, or other items needed and complete a purchase order payable to St. Cloud Technical and Community College. Include an explanation of why you are requesting the cash advance and a list of the students who will be receiving this money or the advisor who will be in charge of the money when traveling. Please allow one week as stated above, plus two extra days to receive the money from the bank.
- Once the money is received at the Business Office, clubs can choose from the following options:
- Students can come to the Business Office and sign for the money.
- An appointment can be made for a representative from the Business Office to meet with club members at a certain on-campus location to acquire student signatures and distribute the money. Please set up a time and place with club members and the Business Office.
- The advisor/treasurer can sign out the money at the Business Office, then coordinate the acquisition of student signatures and distribution of money.
- A purchase order can be completed for each student and an individual check written for each student if it involves a limited number of students. If this involves a large number of students, the process becomes very time consuming for the purchasing agent.
- It’s the club’s responsibility to collect receipts from the students for the money received.
Get Ready to Pack your Bags
Many student clubs and organizations have the chance to travel to events for fundraising, competitions, or other activities. Please keep in mind that student club travel involves many departments on campus, each with its own timelines and protocols. Clubs should plan accordingly and allow enough time to complete the necessary steps involved with traveling.
Only eligible SCTCC students and their advisor/chaperones/coaches are allowed to participate in club-oriented, off-campus travel activities.
- Off-campus travel is a privilege for students involved in student organizations.
- Students must have qualified for off-campus competitions in order to participate.
- Students must be making satisfactory progress in all classes in order to participate in off-campus travel.
- Student-athletes must meet all eligibility requirements to participate in off-campus events and competitions.
Student Organization travel plans must be discussed, outlined, and approved by the Division Dean and the Director of Campus Life well in advance of travel dates (minimum of 2 weeks). Student Organizations are strongly encouraged to meet as a group to discuss participation requirements, individual and/or group travel costs, fundraising requirements, intended trip outcomes, and travel behavior expectations.
Prior to leaving on an approved trip, all students traveling with the group must read, agree to, and sign the Student Travel Participation Contract. Advisors must submit these forms along, with the insurance and emergency contact forms, to the Director of Campus Life before purchase orders are submitted for processing.
Funding for club travel must come from funds deposited into club accounts. Fund sources can include club dues, club fundraising, club member payments, donations, and student senate funding.
Each active student organization must have one advisor. The advisor must be a faculty or staff member of SCTCC. Student organizations must submit an EAF to the Director of Campus Life at the beginning of each school year with the name of their club’s advisor. The club advisor will receive an “Advisor Stipend” per contract paid from the Student Activity Fee account.
Expenditures for advisor travel and lodging should be secured using the club purchase order forms. All other travel expenditures should be reported on the SEMA4 Employee Expense Report.
Advisors leaving campus for club activities must first complete a Club Advisor Travel Form. To ensure approval, the form should be completed and submitted well in advance of planned travel. Signatures of approval include the Advisor’s Dean (for leave approval); Club Treasurer (for use of club funding approval); Director of Student Life and Athletics (for final approval); SCTCC President (for out-of-state travel only).
Individuals (faculty/staff/students) authorized to travel who are driving a fleet, rented, or personal vehicle must agree to a driver’s license check per State of Minnesota State Statute prior to travel. Forms and additional information on license checks can be found online at the Fleet Vehicle Safety page. Please allow ample time for processing. These forms should be turned into the Safety office.
Individuals (faculty/staff/students) authorized to travel who are driving a fleet, rented, or personal vehicle must get approval on the vehicle they’ll be using prior to travel. Vehicle Use Consent Forms can be found online at the Fleet Vehicle Safety page. Please allow ample time for processing and attach the approved Vehicle Use Consent Form to all travel requests.
State-owned vehicles are to be used for official state business only. Authorized drivers are state employees, contract employees (if authorization to drive a state vehicle is specifically mentioned in their contract), students who have been given permission by college or university administration, and individuals assisting an employee or student with a disability (if approved by the employee's supervisor or college administration).
St. Cloud Technical and Community College fleet vehicles can be reserved by contacting the SCTCC Safety and Health Officer at 320-308-6158. Drivers need a valid U.S. driver's license and must observe all ordinances and laws pertaining to the operation of motor vehicles. Only authorized persons are permitted to ride in state-owned vehicles. Authorized persons include state employees, other persons participating in related state programs, or an individual assisting an employee or student with a disability (if approved by the employee's supervisor or college administration).
Employees and any other individuals authorized to travel, including students, may use their personal vehicle for business purposes when in compliance with state policy. Mileage reimbursements for the use of personal vehicles will be at the allowable levels and in conformance with expense reimbursement requirements defined in the respective bargaining agreement or compensation plan of the employee or any other individual authorized to travel, including students and state policy as outlined.
Travel arrangements for motor coach rental can be made through any vendor-provided they have the State of Minnesota required insurance levels. Contact the Business Office to obtain the most up-to-date insurance levels and requirements.
Enterprise Rent-A-Car is the state’s preferred vendor for rental vehicles. Our state contract with Enterprise allows all authorized drivers to DECLINE rental vehicle insurance because the state has provisions for insuring rental vehicles against damage through the risk management division (unless travel is in a foreign country). If a rental car is necessary, and Enterprise Rent-A-Car Company is not available, use of another vendor REQUIRES that the employee purchase the liability and physical damage coverage offered by the rental company. Employees will only be reimbursed for the cost of liability and physical damage coverage. The purchase of any other optional coverage will not be reimbursed. It is the employee's responsibility to ensure they are making the correct rental car arrangements.
Travel arrangements may be made through any travel agency. Use of the state’s preferred vendors or targeted group and economically disadvantaged vendors is encouraged. Reservations should be made early enough to take advantage of advance purchase discounts.
Personal items lost while traveling on authorized business are not a reimbursable expense.
Employees or any other individuals authorized to travel (including students) will be reimbursed for excess baggage charges only when the authorized individuals are required to have equipment, books, reports, etc. which cause him/her to exceed the normal weight limitations.
Limits and types of insurance required by all vendors are set by governing bodies outside the SCTCC campus. Insurance requirements and limits can change at any time throughout the fiscal year so please check with the business office before making plans with any specific vendor.
The use of state credit cards for authorized business expenses is strongly encouraged. An employee and any other individual authorized to travel (including students) may be issued a travel advance subject to minimum amounts determined by his/her bargaining agreement or compensation plan. The amount of the advance should not include any expenses that will be directly billed. Advances should be requested using the SEMA4 Employee Expense Report a minimum of 14 days before departure. An employee or any other individuals authorized to travel may not have more than one outstanding travel advance (due to not settling the advance for a trip that has been completed). The advance must be submitted with an Employee Expense Report and the appropriate receipts and documentation within five (5) days of returning from the trip. Advances not settled within 28 days of the return date will be deducted in their entirety from the employee's paycheck.
Want to raise money for your club?
Before organizing any fundraising activities, clubs must complete and submit the Fundraising Proposal Form to the Director of Student Life and Athletics at least ten days prior to the suggested start date of the activity.
Funds raised by a student organization or club that directly benefit the club, organization, or college.
- All fundraising activities must be in compliance with all SCTCC, Minnesota State, Department of Finance and State of Minnesota policies and laws.
- Club advisors are responsible to research compliance issues with any existing or proposed fundraising activity. This will avoid any unnecessary delays in the approval process.
- All proceeds collected via fundraising, personal investment, or gifts must be deposited into the club accounts and follow all financial procedures outlined by the college.
- Dispersal of proceeds must go to pre-approved benefactors or designees as stated in the fundraising proposal.
- Funds cannot be dispersed to individuals.
- While student organizations are encouraged to conduct fundraising activities, this does not imply SCTCC endorses the activity.
- Subsidized funds cannot be used as seed money for fundraising activities.
- Any receipt of funds to individuals, including scholarships, is subject to state and federal income tax laws and can impact an individual’s financial aid.
Clubs that fundraise for off-campus events may be faced with unique situations that don’t fall under the prescribed timelines stated in the policies above. For example, deposits may be required for airline tickets, lodging, and conference registration well before a fundraising strategy can be developed or employed. The following protocols have been developed to help answer your questions in these unique situations.
- All expenditures for club travel, event, or conference programs must be disseminated from club accounts to pre-approved vendors associated with the activity.
- Individual club members are allowed to use personal funds to pay for partial or total travel or event costs in advance. Again, these funds are deposited into and disbursed through the club accounts.
- Individual club members are allowed to fundraise via pre-approved club fundraising activities to pay for partial or total travel or event costs. These funds are deposited into and disbursed through the club accounts.
- Individual club members who didn't use personal funds to pay for partial or total travel or event costs are ineligible for any refunds. Any funds returned or unused will become the property of the sponsoring student organization.
- Individual club members who deposited personal funds into club accounts in order to pre-pay travel and/or event costs may be eligible for refunds up to the amount of personal funds deposited. Refunds may be considered for under the following circumstances:
- Individuals may fundraise to offset the cost of personal investment. Any funds raised above and beyond trip costs are club funds and can only be used for activities benefitting the entire club.
- In the event a club member is unable to participate, a refund will be given minus expenses due to cancellation fees and related surcharges.
- Refunded airfare vouchers will be forfeited and remain the property of the sponsoring student organization.
- In the event the trip is canceled, refunds will be provided minus expenses due to cancellation fees and related surcharges.
- Does the fundraising activity comply with all College, Minnesota State, and Department of Finance Policies and State of Minnesota laws?
- Does the fundraising activity have a direct relationship between the student organization and the proposed benefiting agency or activity?
- Is the fundraising activity feasible? Does the respective organization have the resources to fully conduct the activity?
- Is the proposed budget realistic? Will the proposed proceeds cover and exceed the suggested expenditures?
- Does this activity duplicate an existing activity?
- Is the activity student-led and independent of any off-campus agency?
- Does the activity conflict with existing auxiliary on-campus agencies (The Book Stop and East View Commons)?
- Are campus resources needed and available to conduct the activity?
- Has the fundraising proposal considered and allowed for necessary chargebacks for campus facilities and/or resources?
Student Senate and Club/Organization Forms
All the forms you'll need for clubs and organizations. These files are fillable Microsoft Word documents or PDFs.
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