Discovery Academy is an initiative of St. Cloud Technical & Community College that allows high school students to take college courses in a high school setting. Qualified high school teachers, mentored by SCTCC faculty, teach courses in partner high schools. In some cases, courses might be taught by SCTCC Faculty. Students simultaneously earn college and high school credit. Discovery Academy, or concurrent enrollment, is similar to Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO), which allows high school students to take college courses on the SCTCC campus.
Additional information on concurrent enrollment can be found at:
- Minnesota Statute: 124D.09 Postsecondary Enrollment Options Act, specifically subdivision 10a.
- Minnesota Department of Education
SCTCC is accredited by the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP).
- AUTO 1508 Automotive Suspension & Alignment
- AUTO 1510 Chassis Electrical
- AUTO 1516 Brakes
- AUTO 2502 Engine Ignition and Emission Systems
- ETEC 1515 Safety Awareness
- ETEC1517 Maintenance Process & Production
- ETEC 1526 Quality Practice
- ETEC 1528 Maintenance Awareness
- HLTH 1402 Nursing Assistant
- WELD 1505 Arc Welding Processes I
- WELD 1515 Thermal Welding and Cutting Process
- WELD 1529 Print Reading & Math Applications
Course information can also be found in the SCTCC Course Catalog.
- TRAN 1503 General Service
- Health Care Core Curriculum
- AUTO 1509 Electrical
- AUTO 1522 Engine Performance