Upcoming MCC Events
If you need disability related accommodations to make these events accessible, please contact Accessibility Services at 320-308-5064. TTY users may call MN Relay Service at 711 to contact the college.
Community Events & Calendars
- IMMOC - Indigenous Men and Men of Color - Summit Information
- Minnesota State Office of Equity and Inclusion Trainings and Programming
- St. Cloud State University Multicultural Resource Center
- College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University Fine Arts Series
- Smithsonian Heritage and History Month Events
- Harvard Divinity School Multifaith Calendar
Fall 2022 Multicultural Center Series
Using the Multicultural Center
The Multicultural Center is now taking reservation requests. If you would like to host your club meeting once a month in the center or host your weekly meetings, contact Njeri Clement at multiculturalcenter@sctcc.edu. We are open to working with students who are not a part of a club to host programs on identity, social justice, equity and inclusion.
Meeting Resources
- The center has a monitor and access to a sound system.
- If a group needs other audio visuals, the group organizer will need to make their own audio request from IT.
- Everything in the center is on wheels and moveable. The space should easily adjust to meet your needs.
- If food or drinks will be used in the space during an event, we ask that all guests help maintain a clean and healthy environment by disposing of all waste and recyclables.
- Food arrangements must be made through SCTCC's Consolidated Food Management Services at cmco66@consolidatedmgmt.com
The Multicultural Center organizes cultural identity-based graduation events for graduating students to celebrate their culture and recognize the accomplishments of the graduating class. We invite you to participate in the Latinx, African, and African American, Asian, Pacific Islander, Middle Eastern, and Native American and other cultural graduation ceremonies. For more information, contact multiculturalcenter@sctcc.edu.
Are you an SCTCC student and interested in working at the Multicultural Center? Available positions can be found at this link.
Application Process
- Please check with the Financial Aid office if you are eligible for work study.
- Complete the application form available at the Multicultural Center Room 313 or click the link: Multicultural Center Employment Application
- Email your completed application form to njeri.clement@sctcc.edu using the subject line “Multicultural Programs Student Assistant”
- Interview with the Director
Hours Per Week Required: 20 hours per week (flexible days and hours).
Pay Rate: $12/hr.
Available positions can be found at this link.
Media & Resources
- Ask Me': What LGBTQ Students Want Their Professors to Know: LGBTQ students inform faculty about how they want to be addressed and treated.
- Teaching Tolerance (YouTube Channel): Although geared toward educating the K-12 population, the Southern Poverty Law Center's Teaching Tolerance program has a variety of videos discussing the diverse lives of Americans as it relates to inclusion.
- Why Cultural Diversity Matters | Michael Gavin | TedxCSU: A Tedx California State University talk by Professor Michael Gavin.
- National Diversity Council (NDC):The National Diversity Council (NDC) is the first non-profit organization to proactively bring together private, public and non-profit sectors to examine the many dimensions and benefits of a multicultural environment.
- Ohio State University (OSU) Office of Diversity and Inclusion: Highlights programs and events as well as offering student profiles.
- University of Virginia (UVA) Office for Diversity and Equity: Central repository for links to information. It also highlights UVA's commitment to diversity by demonstrating the UVA Vice President's personal involvement and commitment with these issues.
- Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Division for Inclusive Excellence: Features opportunities for engagement as well as links to a useful graphic of their overall model.
- Dropping the Ball on Disabilities: Students with disabilities say the ignorance of faculty and staff members makes it difficult to get the help they need -- and in some cases, makes them less willing to disclose their condition.
- Employment and Adults Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: How hard of hearing and deaf adults manage in the work world.
- How to discuss diversity & Inclusion - Inside Higher Ed: Higher Ed article discussing how to bring up the topic of diversity & inclusion with co-workers.
- Latina College Student Used ‘Hence’ In Paper, Is Accused Of Plagiarism: Latina student at Suffolk College accused of plagiarism by professor for word choice.
- The Multicultural Library – a gateway to a cultural diverse society in dialogue: The International Federation of Library Associations and Institution created a manifesto to make libraries inclusive and diverse as to reflect the communities they serve.
- Transgender individuals' workplace experiences: The experiences of transgender professionals in the workplace.
- When a Grad Student Called on Black Academics to Vent, Hundreds Answered: A graduate student is interviewed about his Twitter conversations with other Black academics and their experiences as students and as faculty.
- Why Diversity Matters: A Roundtable Discussion on Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Librarianship: A roundtable discussion between librarians at the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) 2015 Conference discussing racial issues within the profession.
Source: https://libguides.reynolds.edu/diversity/diversity-videos-articles
Check out the below podcasts to hear from diverse voices and learn how you can advocate for change.
- The Diversity Gap
- The Will To Change: Uncovering True Stories of Diversity & Inclusion
- Living Corporate
- Diversity Deep Dive
- The Element of Inclusion
- Choose Inclusion Podcast
- Code Switch
Want to learn about something specific or have an article, podcast, or other item that could be listed?
Email multiculturalcenter@sctcc.edu with your suggestions.
Multicultural Grand Opening
On Wednesday, Nov. 10, the grand opening took place in its new location, Northway Building room 1-313, with Pres. Cheek, SCTCC students, and the mayor of St. Cloud making remarks on the history and necessity of the Center for SCTCC. Vice President of Cultural Fluency, Equity, and Inclusion, Debra Leigh, emceed. The event was livestreamed from the Center.
“Human beings are social creatures, and we all have a fundamental motivation to be accepted into relationships with others and be part of social groups,” said SCTCC Pres. Cheek. “The need to feel a sense of belonging is something we all share. It is part of being human. The SCTCC Multicultural Center is our college’s recognition and acknowledgement of everyone’s need to belong. It is a clear indication, a shining signal, and tangible evidence that everyone is welcome at SCTCC.”

MCC News & Blog

Azania Tripp Highlights African American Food Stories as SCTCC's Artist in "Resin"dence

Rising Stars Brings Krewe to the Crew