Visit the Veterans Resource Center
Room 1-328
The Veterans Resource Center is a dedicated space for veterans, current service members, and dependents to find information and resources on a variety of subjects, such as benefits, employment, and community events. It provides a place for peer networking, studying, or just relaxing in between classes. The Student Veterans Organization also uses the space for meetings and events. The center is staffed by the MDVA Regional Coordinator and work study students.
The mission of the SVA is simple: ensure all student veterans have access to the tools they need for success and create a campus atmosphere that promotes student veteran success.
The SVA strives to provide academic, administrative, and personal support to student veterans, investing in their success inside and outside of the classroom.
The SVA's officers are dedicated to listening to our student veterans voices, ensuring they are heard; as they participate in the Student Senate on their behalf. The goal of the Cabinet is to connect our student veterans with resources and events, on campus and off.
Become a Member
Being a member of the SVA has many advantages:
- Stay connected with current school affairs
- Participate in bi-weekly meetings
- Meet local and national leaders of Veterans Organizations
- Lots of free snacks and coffee
- Most importantly you get a FREE SHIRT!
If you're ready to join or would like to know more about the SVA at SCTCC, contact Heidi Smith.