Artistic Type
Artistic types have artistic, innovative, or intuitive abilities and like to work in unstructured situations using their imagination and creativity.
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Artistic Types:
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Career Resources
Our Career Services Office is here to help you guide you to a job or internship. Ask us for help!
The SCTCC Job Fair is held every spring where students and employers can network. All SCTCC students and alumni are welcome.
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Career options for Artistic Types
* Wage data is from Minnesota DEED and Placement rate from self-reported data of employment in field of study up to one year post graduation.

Marketing & Design
At SCTCC we ensure every student will find success, by developing creative and technical skills in copywriting, public relations, design, and photography.

Culinary Arts
The Culinary Arts program prepares students to be professional chefs, making the opportunities and possibilities for lifetime careers endless. With a Culinary Arts degree from SCTCC, you are certain to find success in your future career.

Liberal Arts/AA
The Associate of Arts degree exposes students to a variety of courses that develop key communication and critical thinking skills needed to succeed in the workforce or in further education. The courses we offer even introduce students to new, diverse, and critical thinking ideas that can help uncover talents, skills, and interests you might not have known you possess.

Computer-Aided Mechanical Design
A Computer-Aided Mechanical Design degree from SCTCC prepares graduates for a career of creating designs and graphics for products and machines. Mechanical designers help engineers with the design and development of new products and tools and updating present equipment.