Social Type
Social types like to work with people to enlighten, inform, help, train, or cure them, or they are skilled with words.
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Career Possibilities for Social Types
* Wage data is from Minnesota DEED and Placement rate from self-reported data of employment in field of study up to one year post graduation.

At SCTCC, we ensure every student can choose their area of study so they can follow the path right from them. Our students can choose to focus on early childhood studies, special education, or elementary education.

Business Transfer Pathway
In our classrooms, we emphasize on developing skills in decision-making, interpersonal communication, critical thinking, project management, and problem-solving. By learning the above skills, students are certain to succeed in their future careers

Marketing Sales Management
Students will have an in-depth emphasis in marketing, management, and sales studies: marketing management, branding and promotion, sales management, professional sales, human resource management, customer service, entrepreneurship, business math, and accounting.

Dental Assistant
With a degree from SCTCC, our graduates have found jobs with dentists' offices. Students have even worked as dental office managers in both public and private practices, in dental product sales, and as OSHA compliance officers.

Dental Hygienist
With a dental hygiene degree from SCTCC, students graduate as licensed primary healthcare professionals. After learning skills in the classroom, students take the National Dental Hygiene Board exam, the Central Regional Board exam, and upon completion, get a license in the state they want to practice in.

Nursing (RN)
Our Nursing program makes certain that every student succeeds by combining classroom lectures, simulation labs, clinical activities, and numerous other learning opportunities. We ensure that every Nursing student is prepared for the workforce.

Practical Nursing (LPN)
Our students work closely with physicians, registered nurses, and other health care professionals in the delivery of delegated medical care and skills. SCTCC’s program gives students the opportunity to assist patients to meet their basic human needs.

Paramedicine / EMT
In the SCTCC's paramedicine program, our students receive a high level of training to make certain they will provide advanced care through medications and invasive procedures in the pre‐hospital and hospital environment.