Student Senate Executive Cabinet is looking for students to join our team!
- Do you enjoy working with others for positive change?
- Are you someone who has good verbal and written communication?
- Do you have good organization and planning skills?
- Are you interested in serving in an executive position?
If this description fits you, please complete the Student Senate Executive Cabinet Officer Application and submit the following:
- Online Application
- Letter of Support from a SCTCC faculty/staff member (can be emailed directly from faculty/staff to Campus Life Director (Shaun Keeley)
- Copy of your most current transcript (to show proof of credits enrolled (minimum of 6) and 2.5 GPA requirements)
Student Senate is also seeking more general Student Representatives!
Student Representative, or Senators, serve as overall representatives of SCTCC’s student body (at-large). SCTCC students who would like to be on Student Senate, but do not belong to a recognized club/organization and/or are enrolled in programs that do not have club/organization affiliation may apply.
- Do you have interest in student government on a broader scale?
- Are you interested in being a leader on campus and within the greater community?
- Would you like to have an active voice on campus regarding Student Senate events/activities, Tuition and Fees, Community Services, Partnerships, etc.?
Senators are required to serve on one committee per year and submit one report per semester. If you are interested, please complete the Senator (At-Large) Application.
The role of the Student Senate:
- To act as the official communication link between SCTCC’s student body and SCTCC’s administration regarding all student, educational, and administrative concerns.
- To serve as leaders across campus and represent the power of the student voice by advocating on behalf of and in the best interest of all SCTCC students.
- To encourage student participation in all campus-wide events/activities as well as in the greater, regional community.
- To adhere to, align with, and promote SCTCC’s College Outcomes and Competencies.
- To demonstrate personal and social accountability
- To think critically
- To communicate effectively
- To understand social and global perspectives
- To apply knowledge
- To build and maintain professional communication with SCTCC administration, faculty, and staff.
- To represent SCTCC at Lead MN.
- To serve on SCTCC’s Student Life Committee, Tuition and Fees, Technology Fee Committees and participate in the consultation process as stated in Minnesota State Board Policies.
If you are interested in running for office, complete the Student Senate Executive Cabinet application, contact Shaun Keeley or Nate Hiestand, or stop by the Student Senate/Campus Life Office (Heartland B024) for more information.
Have an issue you’d like to bring to the Student Senate?
To have your item placed on the agenda, contact the Student Senate President no later than the Tuesday prior to the next Senate meeting.
You're always welcome to join us! If you’d like to be involved, no matter your interests, please call 320-308-5922. You can also visit the Student Senate office, located in the Basement of the Heartland Building B024.
Staff Co-Advisors: Shaun Keeley (Campus Life Director)/Nate Hiestand (Athletic Director)
Have Questions? Contact: