You had 26 minutes to figure out why this thing won’t start. Why? What’s going on? Why won’t my hydraulics raise or lower?
Nicholas Sakry talks Medium Heavy Truck, jobs, and SkillsUSA
There’s a lot of opportunities with welding.
Jasslyn Dahl
I’ve been loving meeting new people every day. Everybody is so welcoming here, and it’s really cool because you can learn different points of view and perspectives of people from all over.
The Commencement Student Speaker talks about her path - where she's been and where she's going
This school, man. I love how this school has so many different options to choose from where to study.
Is Celena Madrid-Dahl SCTCC's biggest fan?
Find something you’re going to love. Find something you’ll be happy doing a long time. Find something in an area that really tickles your curiosity and you want to know more about.
The SCTCC retiree and alumna comes back for the people
Do what you want. Especially this time in life, people get caught up in what they should be doing. Pursue what your needs are and what you want to do.
Jonalyn Lahr knew it was meant to be
You’re together here more than you are typically with your family during the week. We all supported each other, and it just felt good.
Flexibility was key to choosing SCTCC's PN program
There are many people around us who can help us, and we can look for that if we need help. We have a lot of help around us.
Berenice Juarez has plans to help others overcome obstacles she faced
Don’t be scared of different programs. Go check them out and see what we have to offer.
The 2010 Land Surveying grad started teaching fall semester.
It is the fastest 20 minutes of your life. When the lights are on, it goes really fast.
The International Student continues to meet his goals and look to the future
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