To respond to concerning student behaviors by bringing together multiple sources of campus information, forming a more complete picture of a student's behavior, and determining options
- To communicate with the campus community on how we can identify students in need of extra support and connect them to the correct resources
- To foster a culture of support and care for all students and employees
In situations of immediate threat, call 911.
- Attack/assault/threatening behavior that poses an immediate safety threat to self, others, and/or campus environment
- Medical emergency
- Use of illegal substance and/or criminal behaviors
- Suicide ideation with a plan and access to lethal means
*Submit a Cyclones CARE referral after the situation has de-escalated
- Central MN Mental Health Center, 24-hour Mental Health Crisis Hotline: (320) 253-5555 or 1-800-635-8008
- Central MN Sexual Assault Center, 24-hour crisis response hotline: (320) 251-4357 or 1-800-237-5090
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 24-hour suicidal crisis or emotional distress hotline: at 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
For non-911 situations concerning a student’s well-being, please submit a CARE referral.
It is not unusual for college students to undergo change, as they experiment with new behaviors or voice thoughts and feelings they had hid in the past. However, the stresses of academic and social life in college can lead to behaviors that indicate more serious problems. These behaviors can include, but are not limited to:
- Loss of interest, lack of energy or difficulty concentrating
- More socially withdrawn or animated than usual
- Disturbing content in student work or its presentation
- Trouble with Interpersonal or professional boundaries
- Anxiety or depression
- Expressed suicidal ideation without a clear plan and/or access to lethal means
- Past trauma or recent crisis/loss
- Elevated/unmanageable stress
- Excessive exhaustion, falling asleep in class repeatedly
- Homelessness and/or barriers relating to food, clothing, transportation
- Incidents of bias or discrimination relating to race, class, gender, or religious identity
- Continual seeking of special academic provisions
- Deterioration in academic performance
- Frequent or prolonged absences
- Repeatedly engaging in disruptive behaviors in class
If the concern is purely academic, please refer to the Academic Advising Center (advising@sctcc.edu) or the Center for Academic Success (cas@sctcc.edu).
Cyclones CARE Team Members

Accessibility Services Coordinator