General Information
Planned Medical Absences
If a student shares that they will be needing a Planned Medical Absence at some point during the semester (i.e., scheduled surgery or procedure, scheduled hospitalization, scheduled specialist visit, etc.), please refer the student to Accessibility Services to accommodate their absence.
- Faculty should not request or require medical documentation from students.
- Accessibility will request documentation from the student and, once the student is approved, Accessibility will inform the faculty of what accommodations need to be made to support the student due to their unplanned medical event.
- For Planned Medical Absences, like other disabilities we support, it is not reasonable to retroactively apply accommodations.
- Faculty should not need to provide their own supportive measures.
- If the student chooses not to connect with Accessibility Services to support their medical absence in advance, that is their choice to refuse the accommodations.
- Planned Medical Absences do not cover:
- Standard primary care doctor’s appointments or lab work
- Standard illness (i.e., a cold or fever)
- Non-Medical Absences (i.e., a planned funeral)
- If you are not sure, please connect with Accessibility Services.
Unplanned Medical Absences
If a student shares that they are needing a medical absence that was unplanned (i.e., unexpected surgeries or procedures, emergency hospitalization, sudden onset of serious symptoms, etc.) please connect the student to Accessibility Services ASAP to receive accommodations to support them.
- Faculty should not request or require medical documentation from students.
- Accessibility will request documentation from the student and, once the student is approved, Accessibility will inform the faculty of what accommodations need to be made to support the student due to their unplanned medical event.
- Due to the nature of an Unplanned Medical Absence, there may be situations where accommodations need to be implemented retroactively.
- We ask faculty to work with us to ensure that the essential course functions are met while working to ensure that the student receives their reasonable accommodation due to disability.
- Faculty may provide supportive measures independently in between the student notifying their faculty and approval of accommodations.
- Once an accommodation plan is sent, faculty are discouraged from providing their own supportive measures that fall outside the accommodation plan.
- Unplanned Medical Absences do not cover:
- Common, short term, illnesses (i.e., a standard cold or fever)
- A condition flare up (i.e., a migraine when a student has chronic migraines)
- If a student has a flare up condition, they should connect with Accessibility Services early in the semester to set up an accommodation plan.
- Non-Medical Absences (i.e., sudden death of a relative)
- If you are not sure, please connect with Accessibility Services.
If a student discloses to you that they have a disability and are not currently receiving services from Accessibility Services, please refer them to us. A referral to Accessibility Services could take many forms. Some examples are:
- walking them down to the Coordinator’s office in 1-454 (near Door 4)
- supporting them in writing an email to the Coordinator to set up a meeting (
- showing them the website and process for accommodation on the Getting Started page
- encouraging them to call the office (320-308-5064)
- calling/emailing the Coordinator yourself to have them reach out to the student
If a student has not disclosed to you that they have a disability, but you have reason to suspect that they would benefit from meeting with Accessibility Services, we suggest bringing Accessibility Services up in conversation along with other campus resources. It can be helpful to explain that Accessibility Services supports any student with disabilities, no matter how big or small. For example, anxiety, mental health concerns, gender dysphoria, diabetes, etc. are all covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and can receive accommodations through Accessibility Services
If you believe the student may struggle to advocate for themselves, you may complete the Cyclones Care Referral Form (Behavioral Intervention Team Referral Form ( Cyclones Care focuses on early intervention supports for students and could support this student by reaching to them directly. Link here to Cyclones Care Page Cyclones Care | St. Cloud Technical Community College (
Zoom Accessible Features Overview Video (3.5min)
Free 15 Minute Zoom Accessibility Training with Completion Badge
- Be sure to log in through SSO with
- If the Training doesn't pop up right away, go to the search bar and look for "Accessibility Features for Zoom Hosts"
Accommodation Information
Faculty/Staff Tools for Implementing Accommodations
As needed, accommodations (modifications to policies and practices) are provided to ensure equitable access for qualified students with disabilities. While accommodations may change the way a student accesses information or demonstrates knowledge, accommodations should never compromise the essential element of a course or program. Accommodations for students with disabilities are protected by federal law.
- With the key exception of online/asynchronous assessments, students are required to submit a testing request for all assessments they would like to receive accommodations for.
- For all online/asynchronous assessments, faculty should add the student’s additional time to D2L without prompt once they receive the student’s accommodation plan. This will automatically add their time to all assessments on D2L. Click here for a step-by-step process of how to add accommodated time to students in D2L.
- Once a student submits a testing request to Accessibility Services, it is forwarded to the instructor along with a confirmation of accommodation. Then faculty will give Accessibility Services a copy of the exam (can be emailed to or dropped off at 1-452) with written proctoring instructions and preferred delivery method (scan to email, campus mailbox, or office drop-off).
- The exam must be delivered to Accessibility Services at least one hour before the exam is to start.
- After the student completes the exam, Accessibility Services will refer to the instructors preferred delivery method (scan to email, campus mailbox, or office drop-off).
- If you would like to have the exam in your campus mailbox, please include your mailbox number in your email to Accessibility Services.
- If you chose to receive the completed exam via email, we will ask for a delivery receipt on the email so that we know you received it. Once we have confirmation that you have received the exam, we will shred or securely delete the copy we have.
- See Testing Accommodation Policy and Procedure
- Once a student has put in a request for a peer note taker, Accessibility Services will email the instructor that a note taker needs to be found. It is the responsibility of the instructor to ask the class for volunteers willing to share their notes with a student. Note taker announcements can be made on D2L, during an in-person class time, or over email to students. If any student volunteers come forward it is the instructor’s responsibility to inform the volunteer to email Accessibility Services for next steps.
- Instructors may not disclose any information regarding the student who is requesting a note taker. This is considered private student data and should not be disclosed or insinuated to any other student in class, even students who are volunteering to be note takers.
- See Note Taking Policy and Procedure
Faculty Flex Accommodation Plan form
The "Flex Accommodation Plan" creates tailored flexibility for students for each class they are taking. It removes the need for student and faculty to collaborate directly about the reasonability of an accommodation multiple times during the semester. Accessibility Services and the faculty will collaborate through the use of the Flex Accommodation Form (above) to learn about essential course functions and where flexibility would be reasonable.
Faculty Steps for Flex Accommodations
- Accessibility Services emails faculty notification to complete the form (linked above)
- Faculty completes the Flex Accommodation Form within 72 hours of receipt
- Faculty may complete the form before they receive a request from Accessibility to do so.
- Accessibility Services creates the Flex Accommodation Determination based off the faculty responses to the form
- Accessibility Services sends the Determination draft to faculty for review/feedback
- Faculty have 4 days (96 hours) to send any feedback on the determination to Accessibility Services.
- Accessibility Services sends the Official Determination to the student and the faculty member.
- Once the Official Determination is sent, these Flex Accommodations are in place.
For additional information on this process, please connect directly with Accessibility Services - | 320-308-5757
Accommodations labeled “Consideration for…” are accommodations that may be appropriate from a disability perspective depending on the situation.
The implementation of this accommodation is at instructor discretion. Students with “Consideration for…” accommodations are expected to connect to the instructor each time they would like to request use of that accommodation.
Accommodations that are listed as temporary are only applicable during the semester they were approved. The date a student was approved is located on the upper right of their plan. If the student is within that semester timeframe, please provide the accommodations as you would for any other student with accommodations.
For clarity, average, non-temporary, accommodation plans do not “expire” and should be followed regardless of date on the plan. If you believe that a student has an outdated temporary plan, please connect with Accessibility Services to be sure before you deny the accommodation.
Best Practices
- Follow the student's Accommodation Plan as it is written.
- Maintain the confidentiality of all disability-related information and be mindful of your environment when discussing accommodations with the student.
- Add the Accessibility Services Syllabus Statement to your syllabi.
- Bring any questions regarding implementing a student's Accommodation Plan to Accessibility Services.
- Expect students to meet the same class expectations as their peers.
- Make a general announcement at the beginning of the semester when going over the syllabus to encourage students to seek out services who may need it.
- Understand that not all disabilities are stable and due to this student might require changes to their accommodation plan throughout the semester.
- It is key to not overly accommodate students past what is reasonable. They are capable students who were admitted on their own merit and have met the same admissions requirements as other students.
- Understand that accommodations are made to "even the playing field" and should not be applied to all students in the class, unless it follows the principles of universal design.
- Students with disabilities know themselves best and are the best sources of information regarding their disability and the impact it has on their academics.
- Keep in mind that many students are concerned about the stigma of disclosing a disability. A positive reaction to the student’s self-disclosure and need for accommodation is an important way to promote disability inclusion on campus.
- Don’t challenge the legitimacy of a student's disability. Accessibility Services is the designated office to determine accommodations for students and any student with an Accommodation Plan has met the qualifications for services.
- Provide as many auditory cues as possible since visual cues may not be available. For example, when calling on a student say their name versus simply pointing at them.
- Be mindful of interacting with a service animal. Service animals are not pets and when they are in the classroom, they are working. If you must interact with the service animal, ask the student for permission beforehand. Service animals must be allowed in the classroom with the student.
- If you see the student is struggling with something, ask if they would like help and wait for a response before acting.
- Give students plenty of advance notice regarding required textbooks and any assignment or research paper that may require using various reading materials or sources as the student will most likely have to find or order enlarged or braille copies.
- Any information that is given in writing should also be verbalized for access.
- To assist students with low vision, be sure that any handouts are enlarged (or can be enlarged online) and all written information during lecture (i.e., whiteboard or PowerPoint) is in large print.
- Make sure you have the student’s attention before speaking. This can be done by waving in their line of vision, flickering lights (mindfully), and vibrations (such as tapping on their desk).
- Make sure your face is clearly visible. If you are wearing a mask, please come to Accessibility Services to collect a clear mask for this class.
- Talk directly to the student(s) when utilizing an ASL Interpreter to communicate. Do not ask for the interpreter’s opinion or ask them to chime in during class as they are there solely to facilitate communication.
- Utilizing visual aids, facial expressions, and gestures can be helpful in clarifying your message.
- In group discussions, encourage students to speak one at a time.
- Deaf/Hard of Hearing students will get the most support out of a circular seating arrangement as they will be able to get visual cues from all participants.
- If you would like to show a video, please make sure to test the captioning ability and accuracy of the video in advance. Interpreters are not expected to interpret videos, videos must be captioned.
ASL Interpreter Best Practices
- The Do’s and Don'ts of Working with an ASL Interpreter - Niki's Int'l Ltd. (
- Using Sign Language Interpreters During a Zoom Meeting – NECC Faculty & Staff (
- If you see the student is struggling with something, ask if they would like help and wait for a response before acting.
- If a classroom or lab space is inaccessible, the classroom or lab space must be made to be accessible or an alternative classroom or lab space must be located.
- Do not penalize a student for coming in a few minutes late to class. Folks with disabilities that impact their mobility may frequently be a few minutes late.
- Classes taught in lab settings usually require some modifications of workstations. Considerations include furniture with a universal design.
- Connect with the student on the first few days of classes and ask if they would need assistance in an emergency. If yes, work with them to make a plan should an emergency occur.
- If your course requires a field trip or fieldwork, please inform the student as early as possible so they can plan for their transportation. Do not penalize a student for being unable to attend.
- Systemic disabilities would be: Cancer, Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Crohn’s, etc.
- Systemic disabilities frequently fluctuate, meaning that what a student needs could change often. Flexibility with these students is critical.
- Examples of where instructors may need to be flexible would be:
- Attendance policies
- Leaving Class Early or Unexpectedly
- Homework Deadlines
- Exam Retakes
- Connect with the student on the first few days of classes and ask if they would need assistance in an emergency. If yes, work with them to make a plan should an emergency occur.
Faculty/Staff Resources
- The Cyclones CARE Team is an interdisciplinary team that triages referrals and provides low-level, early interventions to assist students with challenges that may be interfering with their ability to be successful at college. Referral concerns and/or reportable behaviors include (but not limited to):
- Change in class attendance or participation
- Academic Difficulty related to a mental health or basic needs issue
- Suspected Substance use or abuse
- Change in personality or Sudden/Erratic changes in behavior
- Mental Health needs
- Behavioral Intervention Team Referral Form
- Interacting with People with Disabilities: Etiquette Tips & Guidelines (
- Disability Language and Etiquette, Northwest ADA Center (
- Disability Etiquette: Appropriate Language and Terminology (
*Third party links are not monitored by SCTCC. If a link is broken, redirects you, or is no longer what is listed here, please contact Accessibility Services to get the link updated or removed. Thanks!
- Faculty Accessibility Handout
- SCTCC Accessible and Inclusive Teaching
- Multicultural Education
- Teaching Well-Being
- An Inclusive Pedagogy
- Asynchronous Strategies for Inclusive Teaching
- Differentiated Instruction
- Pedagogies of Care: Open Resources to Support Students
- A Guide to Creating an Inclusive Classroom for Students with Disabilities
- Accessible Teaching Strategies
- Humanizing Online Classes
- Determine Essential Requirements
- Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TILT)
- Identify and Name the Hidden Curriculum
- Designing an Accessible Online Course - Explore Access
- Learn | National Deaf Center
- Communication on Vimeo
*Third party links are not monitored by SCTCC. If a link is broken, redirects you, or is no longer what is listed here, please contact Accessibility Services to get the link updated or removed. Thanks!
Contact Us

Accessibility Services Coordinator