SCTCC staff and faculty are required to use complex passwords on all SCTCC email and network accounts.
IT has outlined the following criteria for creating complex passwords and included various tips to help you in your selection. In accordance with best business practices, passwords will now consist of 3 of the 4 items listed below:
- At least one upper case letter. (A - Z)
- At least one lower case letter. (a - z)
- At least one number. (0 - 9)
- Special Characters: Note: The following characters: ~ ! $ % ^ & * () _ = , . / ; [] " <> {} \ | - are allowed. Spaces, @, ', ?, +, : are not allowed)
Reset My Password
Changing your password: According to Minnesota State security rules, you must change your password every 180 days at the StarID Self Service site.
How to change my password for email, the network, the intranet and D2L?
Email, the network, intranet, and D2L Brightspace all use your StarID to login. Change your password at the StarID Self Service site and you only need to change it once to update all three accounts.
Reminders of pending password expiration are sent in two ways. When logging in to the network a notice will be given that passwords are about to expire. You can also set an email address for email reminders to be sent when in StarID Self Service.
If you do get locked out of your account and are not able to access it, please visit room 1-215 and we would be happy to assist you. Please be prepared to show your campus ID so we can verify your identity.

Northway Room 1-215
1540 Northway Drive
St. Cloud, MN 56303