Student Center
Did you know there is a student center in the basement of the Heartland (Library) Building? You can find it by going in the south entrance. While you’re still in the entryway, take the door to the right, head downstairs, and then head straight down the hallway to the end. There’s a large room with a pool table, TVs PS4, and comfy chairs.

…and the Library?
Speaking of the Library, did you know that the Heartland Building is where the Library is these days? Sure, you have to walk across the parking lot to the teal building, but we promise that it’s worth it. It’s a great place to study, with a cozy fireplace, student study rooms, and a computer lab.
We have a lot of program options. Like, a lot.
If you’re taking classes first semester and they don’t seem like your thing, there are a LOT of other options that SCTCC offers. Like Plumbing or Medical Coding or Dental Assistant or Auto Body Repair. And if your plan is to take your generals, make sure to check out the transfer pathways to get the most out of your time here: Biology, Psychology.
The SCTCC Foundation gives out nearly 250 scholarships each year, and chances are good if you’re willing to take about a half an hour to fill out the application. As for the application, all you need to do it fill out ONE application and you’re considered for ALL qualifying scholarships. That can equal some serious cash!
Career Advising
Sometimes, a person just doesn’t know what s/he wants to do for a career. We’ve got a way to help you out with that. You have access to an online assessment that will help you figure out what you would be best at, and there are Career Advisors specifically who can you find the right path. Check out sctcc.edu/career-advising
Cyclones Care
If you’ve noticed that someone you know isn’t acting like they normally do and you think they might need some help, the Cyclones Care team made up of knowledgeable staff is here to help. To refer someone, or even if you want help yourself, just reach out and we will get a hold of you. Things that you may notice: self injury like cutting or suicidal thoughts, excessive drinking or drug use, stalking, assault, bullying, depression symptoms, mood swings, personality changes, etc.
Jump starts!
Before you spend the cash to get someone here to jump start your car, call Security! They will come jump start for free!
Free(ish) Microsoft software
While you’re a student here, you have access to Microsoft Office 365. This means you can use a bunch of Microsoft apps right in your browser AND get a terabyte (TB) of cloud storage. This also means you can download and install Office 2016 right to your computer. There are also a few other discounted software packages, like a student price for Adobe Creative Cloud.
Online tutoring
You can head to the CAS for some tutoring during the daytime, but what happens when you’re doing homework at 11 p.m. and get stuck? Enter Tutor.com. Each SCTCC student has access to 15 hours of online tutoring each academic year. Just login to D2L and click on Tutor.com underneath Resources. You’ll be logged in to Tutor.com automatically.
Your email
It’s no secret: email is an official form of communication here at SCTCC. But here’s the secret: YOU NEED TO CHECK IT. Make sure you check your email daily to learn about important dates and stuff that’s happening on campus.