Who can help?
If you have questions using SCTCC computer equipment, here’s where you can go for answers.
Instructors - instructors are your best contact for using any machinery or software specific to a class.Open computer labs - our open computer labs have helpful assistants who’ve been trained to answer basic questions about logging into the campus network, using your campus email, and showing you how to save files into your D2L Locker or OneDrive. We have open computer labs located in Northway Building 1-405 and HSB 117.
Campus Wireless
SCTCC Wi-Fi network: SCTCC Wireless *see front desk for password*
Enable your Wi-Fi
- Start > Control Panel > Network Connections
- Right click on your wireless connection and enable.
- Some older laptop computers also have a switch on the outside of the case. Make sure that this is in the ON position.
Connect to SCTCC Wireless
- Right click on your wireless connection again.
- Choose “View available wireless networks”.
- If nothing shows up, click refresh.
- When you see SCTCC Wireless, choose it and connect.
- For the password, see front desk
- Open your web browser (ex. Internet Explorer or Firefox).
- Make sure your Wi-Fi is on by clicking on the Wi-Fi symbol in the upper right of your menu bar.
- The Wi-Fi networks should automatically populate in the menu under the Wi-Fi symbol.
- Choose SCTCC Wireless as your network.
- For the password, see front desk
With eduroam you can use your school's Wi-Fi authentication at any eduroam hotspot in the world and join instantly and securely, including at SCTCC. The first time you use it on any device you should use the configuration assistant to connect. After that, you can connect by clicking on Eduroam from the list of available Wi-Fi networks and entering your StarID credentials.
Laptop Program
First-year students in the programs listed below are required to purchase Windows laptop computers and software. Laptops running Windows 11 or newer are highly recommended. Apple devices, Chromebooks or tablets using Android OS are NOT recommended for these programs.
Instructions for viewing required laptop specifications and available bundles:
- Go to the vendor website where you will find laptop pricing and specifications NowMicro Store
- Register as an individual and follow the prompts to set-up online profile or login in if you already have an account.
- Once you submitted registration please check your email for password.
- Once logged into the store site, enter keyword “SCTCC” under the product search to access school-approved laptop bundle options.
- Check in the specifications section for the relevant programs
- NOTE: Customers must select Credit Card as Payment Method, and either FedEx Ground or Will Pick Up at Store as Delivery Method. Orders that do not comply with these instructions will not be processed.
- Architectural Construction Technology
- Computer Programming
- Information Technology:
- Network Administration
- Cybersecurity
- Land Surveying/Civil Engineering Technology
- Mechanical Design Engineering Technology
- Robotics & Industrial Controls:
- Mechatronics
- Energy Technical Specialist
- Robotics and Automation
- Instrumentation and Process Control
Students in programs requiring laptops may order their computers from a recommended vendor.
The recommended company has established a website for our students’ use and computer specs and prices will be posted on the site. Sales tax will be added to the cost of computers and software.
The recommended laptops are dependable and capable of performing the functions needed. They are high-end computers that will perform well during college years as well as after graduation.
Computer Lab locations
- Open Lab - Northway 1-405
- Health Sciences Building 117
- Library and Student Center
This posting serves as official notice to all students, faculty, and staff that it is a violation of federal law and SCTCC policy to share and/or distribute copyrighted materials without the permission of the copyright holder.
Violators may be subject to civil and criminal prosecution under the provisions of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). See more information on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act at:
File sharing software is most commonly used to download music and other media. Many do not realize that this software may turn your personal computer into a server or an upload site, even if that was not your intent. Files on your network-connected computer may then be illegally shared with every other person connected to the Internet. It is imperative that the file sharing capability of these systems be disabled.
If you do not know how to disable this function, please contact the IT Services Help Desk in room 1-215.
Industry representatives aggressively monitor the Internet to discover incidents of illegal file sharing. When violations are discovered, they contact the network owner and/or the Internet Service Provider and demand that the offending device be disconnected from the network. To protect the user and SCTCC from responsibility under the DMCA or SCTCC policy, IT Services will disable network access to any machine for which a DMCA complaint has been received.
The Higher Education Opportunity Act requires all colleges and universities to offer legal alternatives to unauthorized downloading. This link to Educause includes all of the legitimate online services that they are currently aware of. No endorsement or evaluation is intended.
Thank you for taking this notification seriously.
Other services
Free Microsoft Office While you're a student, you can download MS office to your computer. Download and Install InstructionsSCTCC On The Hub : Purchase Microsoft software, such as Office and Windows, online at an academic discount. This is a big savings over retail prices.AzureDev Tools: Formerly Microsoft Imagine, puts professional, no-cost developer tools, including Visual Studio Enterprise, in the hands of students and faculty.

Northway 1-405 (Computer Lab)
1540 Northway Drive
St. Cloud, MN 56303

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