Kate Wallace

Electrical Students on the way to State Skills Competition
After the on-campus SkillsUSA competition, five Electrical students are on their way to the state conference this spring to compete. The local competition was judged by the 292 IBEW representatives...
Kate Wallace

MESA Hopes for A Great 2024 Toys for Tots Campaign
This is the third year the MESA Club in Electrical is collecting Toys for Tots for the St. Cloud region. Two boxes are located in the Northway Building through Dec. 11, one near Door 8 and one near...
Kate Wallace

SCTCC Brings the Excellence to Atlanta
After an excellent showing at the state competition, six SCTCC students traveled to Atlanta for the SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference June 24-28, where the excellence stuck around...
Kate Wallace

SCTCC, AgCentric, & Advanced Manufacturing Center Host HS Teachers
When SCTCC’s Advanced Manufacturing Center opened in late 2023, one of the objectives of the new space was welcoming the community to experience the Center and use it for learning, engaging, and...
Kate Wallace

After State, SCTCC to Send Six to SkillsUSA Nationals
When SCTCC students head to the SkillsUSA Minnesota competition, they mean business. And this year, business was good. After competing on campus to determine who will attend the state Leadership &...
Kate Wallace

MESA Club Collecting Toys for Tots
The Electrical MESA Club is once again collecting Toys for Tots through Dec. 7. Two boxes are located in the Northway Building: one by Door 8 and one near the Commons. New, unopened toys are welcome...
Kate Wallace

Beanbag Tournament Brings Camaraderie
In October, several of the trades area programs finished up a bean bag tournament organized by Commissioner Al Raeker with competition spanning over the course of several weeks. Each program...
Kate Wallace

Electrical MESA Club Fall Cleanup
The Electrical program’s MESA Club spent Tuesday, Oct. 17, cleaning up their section of roadway for their Adopt-a-Highway project on a two-mile stretch east of St. Cloud on County Road 8. “It was a...
Kate Wallace

Electrical Students Help Shape 75
Here at SCTCC, we are getting ready for our 75th Anniversary Celebration and everyone has pitched in. When Electrical instructor Craig Fischer floated the idea of a big 75 made out of conduit, the...
Kate Wallace

Three Students Compete at SkillsUSA Nationals
Students Kody Alickson (Electrical Construction), Spencer Doran (Auto Body), and Carson Richter (HVAC/R) represented SCTCC well at the 2023 National SkillsUSA competition held in Atlanta June 17-23...
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