Kate Wallace

After State, SCTCC to Send Six to SkillsUSA Nationals
When SCTCC students head to the SkillsUSA Minnesota competition, they mean business. And this year, business was good. After competing on campus to determine who will attend the state Leadership &...
Kate Wallace

Beanbag Tournament Brings Camaraderie
In October, several of the trades area programs finished up a bean bag tournament organized by Commissioner Al Raeker with competition spanning over the course of several weeks. Each program...
Kate Wallace

Three Students Compete at SkillsUSA Nationals
Students Kody Alickson (Electrical Construction), Spencer Doran (Auto Body), and Carson Richter (HVAC/R) represented SCTCC well at the 2023 National SkillsUSA competition held in Atlanta June 17-23...
Julianne Quandt

SCTCC Snags Seven Podium spots at SkillsUSA state Competition
Despite challenging weather conditions, SCTCC had a great showing at the Minnesota SkillsUSA competition. College and high school students from across the state gathered at several locations to...
Kate Wallace

Two SCTCC Students Place at National SkillsUSA
SCTCC students Nick Lanham and Alec Schrupp brought the SCTCC spark to the SkillsUSA National competition held June 20-24 in Atlanta, Ga. Lanham competed in the Electrical Construction Wiring and...
Kate Wallace
SCTCC Students Secure Wins at SkillsUSA Competition
Several SCTCC students took part in the statewide SkillsUSA State Leadership and Skills Conference held April 7-10 in Minneapolis, and two are set to represent SCTCC at the national level. The state...
Kate Wallace

Graduating Students Back at It
After two months of empty hallways and silent classrooms, students were back in action on the SCTCC campus this week. Gov. Walz signed an executive order on May 11 that allowed the Minnesota State...
Kate Wallace

SCTCC students sweep HVAC/R contest
SCTCC Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration students swept the HVAC/R skill contest at the 2017 SkillsUSA Minnesota State Conference held March 31-April 2. John Clemmer, from Grasston, MN...
Kate Wallace

SCTCC students place in 2016 SkillsUSA Championship
St. Cloud Technical & Community College students Randy Schunk and Casey Warner participated and placed in the SkillsUSA Championships that were held in June in Kentucky. The SkillsUSA competition...
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