Semester Request Form
After you are approved at SCTCC for accommodations, please fill out this form once at the beginning of each semester.
Alternative Format Textbook Request
Textbooks in alternative formats are provided to students who have been approved by Accessibility Services for this accommodation in their Accommodations Plan.
Testing Request Form
This form must be completed no fewer than 3 business days prior to the test, exam, and/or timed assignment as scheduled in the syllabus. If there are fewer than 3 business days, please contact Accessibility Services ASAP.
Please note, this form must be completed for each assessment with one exception. This form is not required for Online Asynchronous assessments.
Note Taker Request Form
Note taking accommodations are only provided to students who have been approved by Accessibility Services for this accommodation in their Accommodations Plan.
- Students are not required to share the nature of their disability with their faculty members. If a faculty member requests documentation of your disability or asks you share the nature of your disability, you are within your rights to refuse them and direct them to the Accessibility Services Coordinator.
- If you are comfortable sharing the nature of your disability, you are more than welcome to do so, but you should never give your disability documentation to your instructors at any time due to the sensitive nature of the documentation.
- If a faculty member asks for that sort of information, we highly encourage you to report this to the Accessibility Services Coordinator ( or Office: 1-448). The coordinator will meet with the instructor and reassure them that if a student has an accommodation plan that have been thoroughly assessed and approved for services.
To change or update your Accommodation Plan, please set up a Check in Meeting with the Accessibility Services Coordinator by using this scheduling link.
In this meeting, explain to the coordinator the changes you would like to make and how those changes would benefit your academic journey. The coordinator will support you in finding accommodations to support the changes you are looking for and support you in implementing them.
- To implement your accommodations, you must complete a semester request form.
- Accessibility Services highly recommends meeting with your faculty and working together to figure out the best methods for implementing your accommodations alongside their semester lesson plans. You are not required to share your disability with your faculty.
- If you have accommodations that require Accessibility Services (for example: testing accommodations, interpreting accommodations, universal furniture accommodations, etc.) please contact the Accommodations Specialist ( or drop by the office (Room 1-448) to get support and next steps.
Simply complete the semester request form and Accessibility Services will connect with your faculty and add you to the email. Once your faculty has received the email, your accommodations will be in place for that class.
Resources for Current Accessibility Services Students
If you are finding some trouble utilizing your accommodations, please schedule an Accommodation Support Meeting by going to our Bookings page. This meeting would be a short (30 min or less) meeting with Dean Wulfekuhle, our Accommodations Specialist, to get support with or answer questions regarding one of the following:
- Testing Scheduling
- Volunteer NoteTaker Requests
- Kurzweil
- Alternative Format Testing
- Alternative Format Textbooks
- Assistive Technology (e.g., Smart Pens)
This meeting can be held either in person or online via Zoom. Any SCTCC student currently registered with Accessibility Services may use this service
If you are wanting to check in with Accessibility Services, schedule a Check-In Meeting by going to our Bookings page. This meeting would be a short (30 min or less) check in with Avery Cook, the Accessibility Services Coordinator.
Check-in meetings can cover a range of topics including, but not limited to:
- Updating your accommodation plan
- On-campus accessibility concerns
- Instructor accessibility concerns
- Resource referrals
- Questions about Accessibility Services
- Time management skills coaching
- Organizational skills coaching
- And more!
This meeting can be held either in person or online via Zoom. Any SCTCC student currently registered with Accessibility Services may use this service.
Students registered with Accessibility Services are automatically eligible for TRIO
Center for Academic Success (CAS) and
Wellness Resource Services
Basic Needs and Mental Health Support
If you are a current student and are looking to connect with Accessibility Services, please follow this link to schedule a meeting. For questions or concerns regarding accessing your accommodations, please schedule an Accommodations Support Meeting with Dean. For any other questions or concerns, please schedule a Check In Meeting with Avery.
Contact Us

Accessibility Services Coordinator