Kate Wallace

SCTCC Dental Clinic participating in "Give Kids a Smile"
The St. Cloud Technical & Community College Dental Clinic is taking part in the Minnesota Dental Association’s “Give Kids a Smile” program on Saturday, Feb. 4, from 8:30-11:30 a.m. The clinic will...
Kate Wallace

2017 MLK Art Contest Winners Announced
The 2017 Martin Luther King Jr. Art Competition winners were announced on Monday, Jan. 23, at an awards presentation in the SCTCC Commons. The first-place winner was “Breaking Silence” by Coda Johnson...
Kate Wallace

Ibrahim named to "5 Under 40"
Hudda Ibrahim, St. Cloud Technical & Community College faculty member and advisor, was named to Times Media’s “5 Under 40” list for 2017. The "5 Under 40" awards recognize Central Minnesota leaders...
Kate Wallace

SCTCC students place in 2016 SkillsUSA Championship
St. Cloud Technical & Community College students Randy Schunk and Casey Warner participated and placed in the SkillsUSA Championships that were held in June in Kentucky. The SkillsUSA competition...
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