In order to ensure close cooperation between SCTCC’s occupational education programs and business, industry, and labor, all credit based academic programs determined by SCTCC to be preparation for initial or continued employment shall have an advisory committee. Advisory committees are essential to the success of technical and occupational programs and play an important role in guiding, strengthening, and improving programs. Each advisory committee is made up of individuals with experience and expertise in the occupational field that the program serves. An advisory committee’s role is to ensure the quality of program graduates by offering suggestions for improvements that will help the program grow and expand.
Advisory committee size and composition should be appropriate to meet the education, economic, social, and cultural needs of the program and region and maintain a manageable membership that represents these needs. Program advisory committee membership shall include employers, students, and faculty and may include industry experts, administration, and others as identified in the corresponding procedure. Each committee will develop its own organizational structure and operating procedures/bylaws and follow the guidelines developed in the advisory committee handbook. One advisory committee may serve multiple programs if committee members possess the knowledge, skills, and abilities relevant to the programs.
A college program advisory committee identifies needs and opportunities; provides recommendations on the design, development, implementation, evaluation, maintenance and revision of programs; assess program quality; validates content through curriculum review; aligns education with employer needs; provides recommendations of faculty development; assists in securing mentors and internships for students; promotes and advocates for the program within the community; and any other function directly related to the guidance, strengthening, and improvement of college programs to improve the experience of students in these programs. All advisory committees will be evaluated to ensure use of information for continuous improvement.
S3.23.1 Advisory Committee
This procedure reflects MnSCU Board Policy 3.30 and Procedure 3.30.1 Community and Technical College Program Advisory Committees, and recommendations from the Program Advisory Committee Handbook as designed by the MNSCU Division of Academic and Student Affairs and MSCF.
Update Revision Responsibility: Vice President of Academic Affairs
Purpose: A college program advisory committee provides guidance and advice to the college and faculty on the initial design, development, implementation, evaluation, maintenance, and revision of academic programs or related program activities at the college or with related programs at high schools, colleges, and/or universities.
Membership: Program advisory committee membership shall include employers, students, faculty (per MNSCU Board Policy 3.2), and may include administration, secondary and postsecondary educators, industry experts and others. Membership should primarily consist of employers with experience and expertise in the program’s occupational field. Members will identify skills to ensure employability of program graduates and represent broad viewpoints of segments of the communities being served.
Advisory committees will elect officers from its membership including a chair and secretary. It is strongly recommended that the committee chair be from business and industry and have experience in the industry or occupation that the program represents. Each advisory committee will establish its own written criteria and guidelines for member recruitment, selection, appointment, and replacement. This will include maximum terms and annual review to update membership to ensure broad based representation. Advisory committee size and composition should be appropriate to meet the education, economic, social, and cultural needs of the program and maintain a manageable membership that represents these needs.
Structure and governance: Each committee will develop its own organization structure and operating procedures (bylaws) within the guidelines of the Advisory Committee Handbook. A formal, written description of how the committee operates will at minimum include: names of committee members, purpose, membership guidelines, officers and responsibilities, meeting guidelines, subcommittee details and assignments, parliamentary authority (operating procedures), and amendment procedures. A copy of the current bylaws will be kept in the division dean’s office.
Responsibilities: The primary purpose of advisory committees is to advise educators of the design, development, implementation, evaluation, maintenance, and revision of education programs. The committee’s role is to help ensure the quality of the program and its graduates by offering suggestions for the program that will assist in its growth and success.
Based on the needs of the program and requirements of business in the community and region, each committee will develop a plan of work that aligns with college and workforce goals. This includes the establishment of annual priorities, planned committee activities and tasks, responsibilities and timelines. Data measures on program performance should be continually provided to committee members for review to ensure necessary information is available and accurate. Priorities for the advisory committee’s program of work should fall into the categories of:
- Assessment and counsel. The advisory committee members assess each program and offer advice on improvement. This can include curriculum and program modification, review of teaching materials, information on equipment, use of technology, establishment of program policy and guidelines, and technical skill assessment. The committee will establish a feedback and evaluation process to assess itself and goal achievement.
- Assistance. The advisory committee members support the program and college by assisting with student recruitment, faculty and student development, transfer development, securing internship sites, and placement of graduates. The committee may also assist in the securing of resources for the program.
- Promotion and advocacy. The advisory committee members promote the program and its students in its areas of influence. This includes marketing and advocacy for the program with legislators, civic groups, and industry.
Meetings: Meetings of advisory committees must occur a minimum of two times per academic year. Communication with members is ongoing in both formal and informal settings and additional meetings may be conducted based on the committee’s work plan and goals. Meetings should focus on an agenda developed by program faculty and the committee chair and be conducted in an atmosphere that is open, supportive, and participatory. Materials should be provided in advance for members to review to ensure meetings are productive, inclusive, and interactive. Written minutes must be submitted to the Division Dean’s office that include attendance, a summary of each issue discussed, and any assignments or recommendations that are made.
Recommendations: Advisory committees provide a set of recommendations for continuous improvement of programs. These recommendations are documented in the meeting minutes and through other communication methods. Feedback on the implementation of recommendations should be provided to committee members in a timely manner.
Evaluation: Each college advisory committee shall regularly evaluate its performance and use this information for continuous improvement of advisory committees. Advisory committee evaluation shall be based on the college’s current advisory committee policy and include assessment of committee and program performance toward committee and college goals. In addition, routine recognition and member appreciation from the faculty and administration for committee member contribution is highly encouraged.
Reference: Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (2010). Program advisory committee handbook 2010. Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Office of the Chancellor Academic and Student Affairs Division. Saint Paul, MN.