The purpose of this policy is to establish a standardized set of parameters and processes for creating, revising, or repealing College policies and procedures.
Policies are statements of principle or sets of parameters that guide decision-making
Procedures are a series of actions for implementing policy
Governing entities are those organizations or agencies, such as governments or accrediting bodies, that may impose requirements on the College
All College policies and procedures will be created, revised, and repealed according to a standardized process. The President’s Office will establish and maintain: (a) a procedure to implement this policy, (b) a standard format for all policies and procedures, (c) forms and templates necessary to support the procedure, and (d) a calendar of policy and procedure reviews.
Creating, Revising, or Repealing Policies or Procedures
Any employee or group of employees may initiate the creation, revision, or repeal of any policy or procedure irrespective of the review calendar. Students may work with employees of the College to do the same.
The procedure implementing this policy will include provisions to ensure:
- broad and transparent engagement of employees, students, and members of the community as appropriate,
- the application of an equity lens to policy development and implementation, and
- the alignment of College policy and procedure with the requirements of governing entities
Regular Review
All policies and procedures will be reviewed every five years.
Policy and Procedure Committee
A Policy and Procedure Committee will be established to support the creation, revision, and repeal of all policies and procedures. The Committee will be chaired by an administrator and, at a minimum, will include one representative from each employee bargaining unit and a student representative. The purpose of the committee is to ensure broad engagement by members’ participation and their communication with the constituent groups they represent.
S1.1.1 College Policies and Procedures Process
Creating or Revising Policies or Procedures
Any employee or student may propose the creation or revision of a policy or procedure by taking the following steps. Throughout the process, the proposal team will consider input from stakeholders and revise drafts as appropriate.
Creating or Revising Policies or Procedures
Any employee or student may propose the creation or revision of a policy or procedure by taking the following steps. Throughout the process, the proposal team will consider input from stakeholders and revise drafts as appropriate.
- Employees (originators) should begin by working with a supervisor and/or Vice President to discuss proposals to create, revise, or repeal policies or procedures. If the changes require the creation, revision, or repeal of a policy or procedure, the Vice President will notify the President’s Office, which will provide the current cover sheet and template to the Vice President. Students who wish to initiate a proposal may work with any employee.
- A proposal team comprised of the originator(s) and responsible Vice President will (a) identify other stakeholders who should be included on the proposal team and (b) notify the campus community that a proposal for the creation, revision, or repeal of a policy is being considered and identify the individuals working on the proposal. Members of the campus community may request to provide input to or be consulted by a member of the proposal team.
- A draft will be submitted for reaction or comment to the President’s Cabinet.
- A draft of any policy or procedure that covers curricular matters will be submitted for reaction or comment to the Academic Affairs and Standards Council.
- A draft will be submitted for reaction or comment to the Faculty Shared Governance Council (FSGC).
- A draft will be posted for reaction or comment by all college employees and students.
- A draft will be submitted for reaction or comment to the FSGC.
- A draft will be submitted for a reaction or comment to the President’s Cabinet.
- The President will consider the draft and will make a final determination of approval.
- A final draft will be shared with the College community and posted to the website.
The President may choose to withhold approval pending substantive revisions that take place after the second reaction of FSGC (step 7 above). In such cases, the originator will draft revisions and the process will begin again at step 2.
- The process is outlined as follows

Expedited Reviews
In some circumstances, polices or procedures must be created or modified to meet the requirements of a governing entity. There are times when these requirements must be met on a timeline that is shorter than the standard review process allows. In these cases, the President and the local MSCF President may agree to initiate an expedited review process. The President will draft a memorandum documenting the rationale for the expedited review, the stakeholders engaged thus far, and an effective date for the policy and procedure. The President will distribute the memorandum and a copy of the policy and procedure to the campus community. Policies and procedures created, revised, or repealed under the expedited process will subsequently go through the normal review process to ensure that the College meets the spirit of transparency, broad engagement, and thoughtful implementation.
Administrative and Technical Changes
The following changes are administrative or technical in nature, do not alter the substance of a policy or procedure, and are not subject to a full review.
- Chapter, policy, or procedure numbering
- Spelling changes
- Assignment of a responsible administrator
- Updating positions named by title to reflect changes in working titles
Administrative and technical changes will be logged on the College’s website in the same location policies and procedures are posted and communicated to the College community.
Changes beyond those described here must follow the full process outlined above.
Publication and Change Logging
The following will be posted in the same location on the College’s website:
- All final policies and procedures
- A change log documenting changes to policies and procedures
- A list of policies and procedures under review
- A list of policies and procedures posted for open comment with instructions for participating