To provide guidelines and establish procedures to fund authorized travel at college expense when such travel is necessary to conduct college business and to promptly reimburse employees for allowable expenses incurred in accordance with the above Authorities.
Minn. Stat. Section 15.435, Airline Travel Credit
Minn. Stat. Section 43A.38, Code of Ethics for Employees in the Executive Branch
Board Policy 5:19, Travel Management
Board Policy 5.20 and 5.20.1, Special Expenses and Chancellor/ Presidential Expense Allowances
Board Policy 7.1, Finance and Administrative Authority of Board, Chancellor, and Presidents
Operating Instruction, Driver’s License Record Check
The objectives of this travel policy are to:
- ensure all employees have a clear and consistent understanding of policies and procedures for business travel and entertainment,
- provide employees with a reasonable level of service and comfort at the lowest possible cost, and
- maximize the college’s ability to negotiate discounted rates with preferred suppliers and reduce travel expenses.
Scope and Responsibility
This procedure applies to all employees and to any other individual, including students, authorized to travel and be reimbursed for allowable expenses in conducting authorized state business. Employees or other individuals authorized to travel, including students, are responsible for complying with this procedure and for the accurate completion of all required forms, including the SEMA4 Employee Expense Form for employees and the Request for Refund – Club for students.
All travel authorizations are subject to the conditions that the particular travel is permitted by federal, state, system standards and local conditions at the time travel occurs. Assessment of the conditions of the destination communities must be conducted prior to departure.
Prior Approval
ALL travel requires written prior approval by the supervisor, and all out-of-state travel requires written prior approval by the President. You must fill out a travel request which can be obtained at http://www.sctcc.edu/ select the “information for…” drop down menu and select faculty & staff. Continue down the page and select intranet, log in, then click on College Use Forms, Travel Request form.
- For students, the Student Travel Participation Contract must be completed and signed. The form can be obtained at: https://www.sctcc.edu/club-documents.
- Written authorizations will be retained locally for audit purposes. Authorized travel is when it can be reasonably determined that:
- travel is primarily for the benefit of the state and is related to the effective conduct of business;
- cost of the travel and absence from work will be offset by benefits accruing to the state, including the professional advancement of an employee; and
- travel relates to activities that do not have as their purpose the advancement of a political party, a political candidate, or a religious denomination.
The following should be included on the travel request:
- Attach the conference or meeting information which must include time and dates of travel.
- Fill in the cost center (can be obtained from your supervisor).
- All expense estimates should be included on this form, whether you are paying for them; or they are being paid with a purchase order or company credit card.
- Whenever possible, travel arrangements should be made well in advance so a purchase order, and special expense form when applicable, can be done for such items as lodging, conference fees, airfare, etc. (this includes travel with your club).
- Any special expenses as outlined in the travel guidelines need to have prior approval. Failure to do this could result in non-reimbursement of expenses.
The travel request should not be approved without the above required information included.
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Exception to Pre-Travel Authorization Requirements
Travel without prior authorization is allowed in cases of emergency; or for travel originating outside the United States.
Spouse/Companion Travel
Travel expenses will not be reimbursed if incurred by a spouse or other individual accompanying an employee or other individual authorized to travel, including students on business unless:
- the spouse/companion is a state employee and there is a bona fide business purpose requiring their attendance,
- such expenses are provided for in collective bargaining agreement or compensation plans, or
- a spouse or other individual may accompany a state employee or any other individual authorized to travel on business, including students, at the expense of the employee or other individual.
Maximum Use of Financial Resources
Travel costs should take into consideration any financial decisions made, such as:
- An employee or other individual authorized to travel, including students, leaving a day early to take advantage of a lower airfare.
- An employee or other individual authorized to travel, including students, staying over a weekend at his/her own expense to obtain lower airfare. Additional expenses may be paid related to the reduced airfare providing they do not exceed the amount saved on the lower airfare.
- Other unusual situations that increase or decrease the trip costs.
- Travel is being paid for by an outside organization and is in compliance with ethics requirements in accordance with Minn. Stat. Section 43A.38, Code of Ethics for employees in the Executive Branch, and Minn. Stat. Section 10A.071, Certain Gifts by Lobbyists and Principals Prohibited. If an employee or other individual authorized to travel, including students, is reimbursed by the state for this travel and is also reimbursed for the same travel expense by an outside organization, the employee or other individual authorized to travel, including students, must endorse the reimbursement check over to the state. An employee or other individual authorized to travel, including students, may be reimbursed by an outside organization for travel or meal expenses, not to exceed actual expenses incurred, which are not reimbursed by the state and which have been approved in advance by the Appointing Authority as part of the work assignment.
- Employees or other individuals authorized to travel, including students, elect to drive a personal vehicle rather than fly. Reimbursement for personal vehicle use in lieu of airfare is at the lower reimbursement rate and shall not exceed the lowest round trip coach airfare.
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Travel Arrangements
Travel arrangements may be made through any travel agency. Use of the state’s preferred vendors or targeted group and economically disadvantaged vendors is encouraged. At SCTCC, the preferred business practice is to bill directly to the college using a Purchase Order (PO). Every effort should be made to try to bill through the school, otherwise; if a PO is not used, the expenses will be reimbursed through the SEMA4 Employee Expense Report process for employees and through the Request for Refund – Club for students.
If a student elects to make alternative transportation arrangements and not participate in the travel arrangements made by St. Cloud Technical & Community College as part of an off-campus trip, the student will be required to complete the Alternative Transportation Waiver form. This form is located at: https://www.sctcc.edu/club-documents and select the form.
Subpart A. Fares and Fees
1. Lowest Fare
Inquiries on fares and reservations should be made early enough to take advantage of advance purchase discounts. Find additional information at: https://help.hcm.systems.state.mn.us/htmldoc/eng/webhelp2020/index.htm#…
Travel Insurance
Travel insurance coverage purchased by employees is not a reimbursable expense.
2. Upgrades
Upgrades at the expense of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities is not permitted. Upgrades are allowed at the employee's or other individual’s personal expense. Free service upgrades for all domestic air travel are permissible with the lowest available rates. Employees or any other individuals authorized to travel including students shall not use their positions to seek or accept an unwarranted privilege of substantial value which is not regularly available to similarly situated individuals.
3. Use of Personal Aircraft
Travel in personal aircraft may be authorized by the Board Chair for the Board Trustees, by the Chancellor for Office of the Chancellor staff, and by the President at the colleges and universities when it is deemed in the best interest of Minnesota State Colleges and Universities. Mileage reimbursement in such cases shall be at the rate identified in the applicable collective bargaining agreement or compensation plan. Proof of adequate liability insurance is required and the pilot and aircraft must be in compliance with all Federal Aviation Administration requirements.
4. Checked Baggage Fee
Reasonable checked baggage fees to and from the employee’s or other individual’s flight destination is a reimbursable expense.
5. Lost Baggage
Personal items lost while traveling on authorized business are not a reimbursable expense.
6. Excess Baggage
Employees or any other individuals authorized to travel including students will be reimbursed for excess baggage charges only when the employees or any other individuals authorized to travel including students are required to have on hand equipment, books, reports, etc. which exceed the normal weight limitations.
Subpart B. Lodging
The lowest, government rate available should be secured at a reasonably priced, licensed lodging facility. Staying at the private residence of a relative or friend is not a reimbursable expense.
Room charge and tax should be directly billed to the college, university, or office of the chancellor. At SCTCC, the preferred business practice is to bill directly to the college using a PO. Every effort should be made to try to bill through the school, otherwise; if a PO is not used, the expenses will be reimbursed through the SEMA4 Employee Expense Report process for employees and the Request for Refund – Club for students.
Other miscellaneous charges such as meals, dry cleaning, telephone calls, etc. must be paid by the employee or any other individual authorized to travel including students to the lodging facility at the time of check-out. Business related expenses will be reimbursed through the SEMA4 Employee Expense Report process for employees and the Request for Refund – Club for students.
Find additional information at: https://help.hcm.systems.state.mn.us/htmldoc/eng/webhelp2020/index.htm#… under meals and lodging.
Subpart C. State-owned Vehicles.
State owned vehicles are to be used for official state business only. Authorized drivers are state employees, contract employees if authorization to drive a state vehicle is specifically mentioned in their contract, students who have been given permission by college or university administration, and an individual assisting an employee or student with a disability, if approved by the employee's supervisor, or college or university administration.
Drivers shall have a valid U.S. driver's license and shall observe all ordinances and laws pertaining to the operation of motor vehicles. This includes, but is not limited to:
- As per MS16B.85 Subd. 3 all drivers agree to a driver’s license check and must have a Vehicle Use Agreement on file
- Safety belts are to be worn at all times by the drivers and passengers in state vehicles.
- Speed limits are to be observed at all times.
- Side trips are to be avoided.
- Smoking or other tobacco use is not allowed in any SCTCC passenger or maintenance vehicles.
- Vehicles should be returned with a full tank of gas.
- Report all accidents, scrapes, bumps, etc., immediately upon return to your supervisor and Safety & Security.
Find additional information at:
Only authorized persons are permitted to ride in state-owned vehicles. Authorized persons include state employees, other persons participating in related state programs, or an individual assisting an employee or student with a disability or other school related emergency, if approved by the employee's supervisor, or for students the college or university administration. Personal guests not on state business are not allowed in state vehicles.
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Subpart D. Personal Vehicle Usage.
Employees and any other individuals authorized to travel including students may use their personal vehicle for business purposes when in compliance with state policy. Mileage reimbursements for the use of personal vehicles will be at the allowable levels and in conformance with expense reimbursement requirements defined in the respective bargaining agreement or compensation plan of the employee or any other individual authorized to travel including students and state policy as outlined.
Find additional information at: https://help.hcm.systems.state.mn.us/htmldoc/eng/webhelp2020/index.htm#…; As per policy, MapQuest is the official website to calculate mileage.
Drivers shall have a valid U.S. driver's license and shall observe all ordinances and laws pertaining to the operation of motor vehicles. This includes, but is not limited to:
As per MS16B.85 Subd. 3 all drivers agree to a driver’s license check and must have a Vehicle Use Agreement on file
Find additional information at: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/?id=16b.85.
Subpart E. Rental Vehicle
Rental of a vehicle by employees or any other individuals authorized to travel including students is authorized only when the type of trip or location of meetings is such that use of local transportation (taxis, airport limousines and airport shuttles, buses) is not practical or is expected to be more expensive. Rental vehicles shall be reserved and rented at the lowest applicable discounted rate possible or available. This is generally achieved using the State contracts in effect. Contact the Business Office or your Office Administrative Assistant regarding State contracts for rental vehicles.
The vehicle rental charge and tax should be directly billed to the college, university, or office of the chancellor. At SCTCC, the preferred business practice is to bill directly to the college PO. Every effort should be made to try to bill through the school, otherwise; if a PO is not used, the expenses will be reimbursed through the SEMA4 Employee Expense Report process.
The use of compact or mid-size/intermediate rental vehicle categories is recommended except in cases where:
- The number of passengers is three or more.
- Excess baggage for official business requires a large vehicle, e.g., booth displays, slide presentations, sales items.
- A larger size vehicle is provided at no extra charge above compact or midsize rate.
When rental vehicles are used for travel within the United States, employees and any other individuals authorized to travel, including students, are expected to decline rental vehicle insurance because the state has provisions for insuring rental vehicles against damage through the Risk Management Division, https://mn.gov/admin/government/risk/insurance/. Travelers will not be reimbursed for the cost of rental vehicle insurance for domestic travel. For international travel employees and any other individuals authorized to travel including students should accept all insurance coverage when renting vehicles in a foreign country. Insurance coverage purchased in foreign countries is reimbursable.
Drivers shall have a valid U.S. driver's license and shall observe all ordinances and laws pertaining to the operation of motor vehicles. As per MS16B.85 Subd. 3 all drivers agree to a driver’s license check and must have a Vehicle Use Agreement on file.
Find additional information at:
For information on Driver’s License Record Check go to: https://www.minnstate.edu/board/procedure/519p3g1.html
If a rental car is necessary, and a State contracted vendor is not available, use of another vendor requires that the employee purchase the liability and physical damage coverage offered by the rental company. Employees will only be reimbursed for the cost of the liability and physical damage coverage. The purchase of any other optional coverage’s will not be reimbursed. It is the employee's responsibility to ensure they are making the correct rental car arrangements. If there are questions regarding rental contracts or insurance options, the employees should check with the Business Office to ensure that proper rental and insurance option procedures are followed.
Find additional information at: https://help.hcm.systems.state.mn.us/htmldoc/eng/webhelp2020/index.htm#…
Airline Frequent Flyer Program
Minnesota Statute 15.435, Airline Travel Credit, requires any credits or other benefits issued by an airline to a public employee or any other individuals authorized to travel including students who uses public funds to pay for airline travel to accrue to the benefit of the public body providing the funding. Travelers who frequently fly and have airline frequent flyer programs for their personal travel shall obtain a separate airline frequent flyer program number to record and report receipt of credits or other benefits when using state funds. Employees or any other individuals authorized to travel will report such credits or other benefits within 90 days of the receipt of such benefits to the college business office or other administrative office as designated by the college; credits and other benefits can only be used to offset future business-related expenses.
Find additional information at: https://help.hcm.systems.state.mn.us/htmldoc/eng/webhelp2020/index.htm#…
Travel Advances
The use of state purchasing cards for authorized business expenses is strongly encouraged. An authorized card may be used for all travel-related expenses of the cardholder except food, beverages and as otherwise provided in SCTCC Procedure S7.02.
An employee and any other individual authorized to travel including students may be issued a travel advance subject to minimum amounts determined by his/her bargaining agreement or compensation plan. The amount of the advance should not include any expense that will be directly billed. Advances should be requested using the SEMA4 Employee Expense Report a minimum of 14 days before departure. An employee or any other individuals authorized to travel including students may not have more than one outstanding travel advance due to failure to settle the advance for a trip that has been completed. The advance must be submitted with an SEMA4 Employee Expense Report with appropriate receipts and documentation within five (5) days of returning from the trip. Advances not settled within 28 days of return date will be deducted in their entirety from the employee's paycheck.
Reimbursement of Travel Expenses
Subpart A. Reimbursement Form
Employees, and other authorized individuals including students within applicable policies and collective bargaining agreements or compensation plans will be reimbursed for all reasonable and necessary expenses while traveling on authorized business. Request for reimbursement of travel expenses shall be submitted on an SEMA4 Employee Expense Report form for employees and the Request for Refund – Club for students.
Click on State of MN Self Service, Business Expense, Employee Expense Report Word.
https://www.sctcc.edu/club-policies select Depositing funds at the Business Office, Request for Refund form.
Subpart B. Receipts
Original itemized receipts are required for all expenses except meals, taxi services, baggage handling, and parking meters or as required in collective bargaining agreements or compensation plans. All forms of cancelled checks and copies of credit card bills do not substitute for original receipts. An employee/student may be allowed to file an affidavit in lieu of a receipt if the original receipt is lost or a receipt is not obtained. Find form at: http://www.sctcc.edu/ select the “information for…” drop down menu and select faculty & staff. Continue down the page and select intranet, log in, then click on College Use Forms
Find more information at:
Subpart C. Direct Billing/Purchasing Cards
Air travel costs may be paid using a direct or central billing account, state purchasing card, or personal charge/credit/debit card.
Subpart D. Miscellaneous Expenses
The following miscellaneous expenses may be reimbursed:
- Personal telephone calls - if allowed by collective bargaining agreements or compensation plans, documented personal telephone calls are reimbursable.
- Laundry and dry cleaning - employees or any other individuals authorized to travel including students in travel status more than one week without returning home shall be allowed actual cost not to exceed applicable collective bargaining agreements or compensation plans for laundry and dry cleaning for each week after first week.
Find additional information at: https://help.hcm.systems.state.mn.us/htmldoc/eng/webhelp2020/index.htm#…
Subpart E. Special Expenses
Special expenses are expenses incurred in connection with official functions or duties which are not reimbursable through the regular expense regulations. Please note receipts are required for all special expenses. Special expenses include, but are not limited to:
- Conference registration fees over $1,000,
- Meals as part of a conference, workshop or seminar,
- Employee recognition awards, and
- Lodging for an employee who is not in travel status.
Employees wishing reimbursement of special expenses must obtain approval prior to incurring the expense. Their supervisor and the responsible person of the cost center from which the charges will be paid must sign the form indicating the approval. The Special Expense form is then attached to the expense report. Find form at: http://www.sctcc.edu/ select the “information for…” drop down menu and select faculty & staff. Continue down the page and select intranet, log in, then click on College Use Forms.
Find additional information at: https://help.hcm.systems.state.mn.us/htmldoc/eng/webhelp2020/index.htm#…
Subpart F. Where/When to Submit
When the SEMA4 Employee Expense form is completely filled out and the proper documentation is attached, the form should be turned in to your supervisor. Please see the attached website for information on week/payroll processing week; and taxes that could be added to your reimbursement when not turned in within the proper time frame.
For students, the completed Request for Refund – Club form is submitted to the Director of Student Life with attached receipts. Once the requested reimbursements have been approved it is submitted to the Business Office.
At the close of the fiscal year (June 30th) all travel expense reports must be received in the Business Office according to established due dates (usually 5 – 10 business days after the end of the fiscal year) or they will be charged to the next fiscal year. Expense reports received after this due date require a written explanation signed by your supervisor.
Find additional information at: https://help.hcm.systems.state.mn.us/htmldoc/eng/webhelp2020/index.htm#…
Non-Reimbursable Expenses
Following are examples of miscellaneous expenses that employees will NOT normally be reimbursed for:
- Under no circumstances will employees or any other individuals authorized to travel including students be reimbursed for alcoholic beverages,
- Parking if an employee who normally does not drive to work drives a personal vehicle because he/she will use the vehicle for official business during the day, the employee is NOT entitled to parking reimbursement at the work location.
- Supplies, books, software, office equipment, etc. These should be ordered with a PO. Your Purchasing Agent or Dean’s Assistant can assist you with this process. These items may be denied depending upon review.
- Examples of miscellaneous expenses which will normally NOT be reimbursed:
- annual fees or interest for personal credit cards,
- late payment fees or interest on state-issued corporate credit card,
- expenses of traveling companions or family members,
- expenses related to vacation or personal days while on a trip,
- loss or theft of personal cash or property,
- entertainment or amusement costs, movies,
- "no-show" charges,
- optional travel or baggage insurance,
- parking or traffic tickets, and
- incorrect or incomplete expense reports.
International Travel
Subpart A. Definition
- International travel covers all destinations outside the Continental U.S. or its territories.
- System-related travel means international travel by an employee, trustee, student, volunteer, or other participant for business purposes or in a program sponsored by or under the direction of the system, or its colleges, universities, or system office.
- Travel warning means a travel warning, alert, or equivalent determination by the United States Secretary of State.
Subpart B. Authorization/Approval
The chancellor or designee shall approve/disapprove, in writing, international travel for the presidents and office of chancellor for employees. The president or designee at each of the state colleges and universities shall approve/disapprove, in writing, international travel for college or university employees. Student, volunteer or other participants must receive written approval by the organizing official, either the college or university president or the chancellor or his/her designee prior to the proposed travel. Approval for all international travel must be obtained a minimum of 30 days prior to the dates of travel.
Participants are required to coordinate with the Business Office to fulfill Minnesota State travel insurance requirements.
Subpart C. Expense Reimbursement
Because the cost-of-living varies from country to country and the rate of money exchange fluctuates, the following expenses will be reimbursed at the actual cost unless provisions for reimbursement of international travel are referenced in collective bargaining agreements or compensation plans:
- Commercial transportation.
- Hotel/motel accommodations.
- Meals.
- Work-related long-distance calls.
- Dry cleaning and laundry services after one week in continued travel status.
- Miscellaneous expenses incurred with travel such as baggage handling and parking fees.
Receipts for expenses should be attached to the SEMA4 Employees Expense Report. If an employee or any other individuals authorized to travel including students does not have a receipt or an affidavit of expenditures, the out-of-state reimbursement limits in collective bargaining agreements or compensation plans shall be used.
Subpart D. Travel Advisories
Employees or any other individuals authorized to travel including students must NOT travel to countries for which a travel advisory has been issued by the State Department of the United States of America unless prior approval has been obtained in writing from the chancellor or his/her designee. Contact the State Department to obtain a list of current advisories at http://travel.state.gov/. Such prior approval will be granted only in limited circumstances and will consider:
- The academic, professional development or business purpose of the travel and the identity of the foreign travel host of sponsor, if any; The benefits of the travel to the system and the participants and the importance of the trip to the mission of the college, university or system;
- Whether the objectives of the proposed travel could be accomplished in an alternative location that is not subject to a travel warning;
- The political, physical, security and travel conditions in the country or region in which travel will occur, and the ability to evacuate employees or any other individuals authorized to travel including students
- The proximity of the proposed travel to a location identified by the Department of State as a safety concern;
- The manageability of legal risk to the system; and
- Any other factors identified by the chancellor or his/her designee.
Employees or any other individuals authorized to travel including students, or if a minor the parent or guardian, must sign a written release acknowledging the travel warning as per System Procedure 5.19.3 Part 10 Subpart D. For form: https://www.minnstate.edu/board/procedure/519p3-consent.html
Subpart E. Ongoing Monitoring of Health and Safety Conditions
- Employees or any other individuals authorized to travel including students are responsible to stay informed about U.S. Department of State and government health organization travel warnings and other indicators of health or safety risks in the country, region, or area where international travel is planned or occurring.
- Employees who are organizing or leading study abroad travel must regularly monitor U.S. Department of State travel safety information for the proposed travel destination(s) up to the date of departure and immediately inform the appropriate campus or system office administrators of the issuance or modification of a travel warning for the destination.
Subpart F. Suspending International Travel
The chancellor or his/her designee or the sponsoring college or university president may suspend system-related international travel at any time, including while it is in progress, if significant health or safety concerns are raised by any source, including the U.S. Department of State, travel warnings from government health organizations, national disasters, on-site officials or other indicators of potential health or safety threats. If such concerns are raised, the factors described above shall be considered in deciding whether to suspend the travel.
Subpart G. Travel Vaccine Requirements
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has travel vaccine requirements, food and water precautions and other pertinent information at the following Internet address: https://www.cdc.gov/ Travelers’ Health, Vaccinations. Employees or any other individuals authorized to travel including students are responsible to consult this site prior to undertaking international travel.
Subpart H. Emergency Travel Assistance
In case of an emergency, contact the travel agency issuing the travel documents and itinerary.
Subpart I. Foreign Currency Services and Reimbursement Conversion
Foreign currency can be obtained from any of the following locations:
- banks
- airport foreign exchange counter
- major hotels in foreign countries; or
- currency exchange outlets.
Expenses incurred and paid directly by the employees or any other individuals authorized to travel including students are converted into U.S. dollars at the actual exchange rate, supported by receipts such as a foreign currency exchange receipt or a charge/credit card billing statement. When more than one exchange of the same type of foreign currency is made during the reporting period, a weighted average exchange rate (total U.S. dollars divided by total amount of foreign currency) must be used. All expenses must be recorded in U.S. dollars, with the currency conversion rate clearly noted on the expense report and on all support receipts. If the amount claimed on the expense report is more or less than the amount of the attached receipts, a written statement explaining the differences must accompany the expense.
Responsibility and Accountability
The employee is responsible for complying with the state statutes, laws, regulations and policies; Minnesota State Colleges and Universities travel policy and procedures; the employees respective bargaining agreement or compensation plan; federal laws and IRS guidelines and the accurate completion of all required forms, including the SEMA4 Employee Expense Report. The employee’s supervisor must review all travel requests and approve them only if the necessity for travel is valid and expenses are in compliance with travel policy and collective bargaining agreements or compensation plans. Audits of travel reimbursements shall be conducted according to the audit plan approved by the Board of Trustees.
The college has primary responsibility for the accuracy of the SEMA4 Employee Expense Reports, and for ensuring compliance with collective bargaining agreements or compensation plans and all travel policies and procedures.
The college will reimburse employees, within policy and collective bargaining agreements, for all reasonable and necessary expenses while traveling on authorized college business. The college assumes no obligation to reimburse employees for expenses that are not in compliance with this policy.
Employees who do not comply with this travel policy may be subject to:
- delay or withholding of reimbursement
- disciplinary action
The student is responsible for complying with the state statutes, laws and regulations and policies; Minnesota State Colleges and Universities travel policy and procedures; federal laws and IRS guidelines and the accurate completion of all required forms, including the Request for Refund – Club, Club Advisor Travel Request From, Student Travel Participation Contract, and Club/Organization Code of Conduct for Travel and Attending Off-Campus Events/Activities.
These forms can be found at: https://www.sctcc.edu/club-documents go to SCTCC Club/Organization Business Office/Finance Forms.
Find additional information at: https://help.hcm.systems.state.mn.us/htmldoc/eng/webhelp2020/index.htm#…
Related Documents: https://help.hcm.systems.state.mn.us/htmldoc/eng/webhelp2020/index.htm#…
Collective Bargaining Agreements
Basic reimbursement charts for most contracts. Reimbursement Matrix
https://www.minnstate.edu/system/templates/index.html click on forms, Expense Reimbursement Allowances.
Map Quest – for departure address and destination address when claiming mileage.
Net Pay Calculator –