To organize the College’s work groups to ensure they align with strategic priorities, advance the College’s mission and vision, enhance communication and collaboration, and include broad representation from across the institution.
Contractual councils and committees refer to those groups established by a union contract.
College-wide committees are groups that perform specific functions that require ongoing attention.
College-wide councils are cross-functional groups that consult, deliberate, advise, or make recommendations within the scope of their charge.
College-wide task forces are small that accomplish specific, limited objectives on a definite timeline with the expectation that the group will disband after accomplishing its objectives.
Standing committees are committees established by policy.
Council, Committee, and Task Force Structure
To provide a uniform operating structure for all groups, a consistent framework will be used for all college-wide councils, committees, and task forces. The structure is intended to provide:
- Broad engagement: increasing cross-functional collaboration in decision-making and operations
- Communication: improving transparency regarding institutional initiatives and change
- Accountability: ensuring clarity of roles and responsibility
- Quality: strengthening institutional initiatives through active participation, broad dialogue, and feedback
A charter will be approved by the President for all college-wide councils, committees, and task forces. New charters will be shared with union leaders before being finalized. The President’s Office will maintain the official roster of councils, committees, and task forces along with rosters of their members and the charter of each. Chairs will review charters with members of their council, committee, or task force at least annually and recommend revisions to the President. Chairs will be responsible for ensuring meeting calendars, agendas, and minutes are posted for the College community. Meetings of these groups will typically be open to the college community.
Each charter will identify a Cabinet liaison who may also serve as a member of the college-wide council, committee, or task force. The liaison provides support to the group and generally keeps the President and Cabinet apprised of the groups work. The liaison supports the chair(s) to review and update the charter.
Any individual may propose the creation of a new council, committee, or task force according to Procedure S1.5.1.
Appointments and Membership
Contractual Councils and Committees
Appointments to and membership on each contractual council and committee is determined by the contract in effect. Three such groups are active:
- Academic Affairs and Standards Council (MSCF, Article 8, Sect. 2)
- Faculty Shared Governance Council (MSCF, Article 8, Sect. 1)
- Safety Committee (AFSCME, Article 11, Sect. 2)
College-wide Councils, Committees, and Task Forces
The charter of all college-wide councils, committees, and task forces will include a description of membership and terms. Terms should be set on a rotation to support continuity. A charter may describe special skills, knowledge, and abilities of its membership that will contribute to the accomplishment of the group’s purpose.
When members represent AFSCME, MAPE, MMA, MSCF [faculty as a whole], their appointments will be made by their respective local bargaining unit representatives. Otherwise, members will be appointed by the President.
Student Representatives
Minnesota State Policy 2.3 Student Involvement in Decision-Making and Procedure 2.3.1 require students be given the opportunity to serve as full members of appropriate college, university, or system committees. Students will be appointed to councils, committees, and task forces according to Minnesota State Policy 2.3, Part 3, Subpart B, which stipulates that “student members must be selected by the recognized campus student association(s).”
Each charter will include a statement inviting membership from a diversity of identities and perspectives. Chairs may add members to make the group more inclusive.
S1.5.1 College Councils, Committees, and Task Forces
Councils, committees, and task forces will be created, restructured, and disbanded according to a standard process.
Creating a New Council, Committee, or Task Force
Any employee may propose the creation of a new council, committee, or task force by taking the following steps.
- The employee should work with a supervisor and/or Vice President to discuss the need for the group. If a new council, committee, or task force seems warranted, the Vice President will notify the Presidents’ Office in writing, documenting the purpose and scope of the group. The President’s Office will provide a charter template.
- The Vice President will work with the employee(s) and other stakeholders as appropriate to complete the charter template.
- A draft of the charter will be read at a meeting of the President’s Cabinet for comment and a determination will be made by the Cabinet whether to recommend approval to the President.
- The President will make a final determination of approval.
Annual Reviews
Annually, each college-wide council, committee, and task force will review and recommend changes to the group’s charter and submit a brief report of accomplishments and set of priorities for the subsequent year. The President will determine whether charter changes are necessary and will identify any groups to be disbanded.
Every individual has intrinsic value, and every voice deserves to be heard. Representation on college-wide councils, committees, and task forces will be open to all employees and will reflect a diversity of viewpoints. Appointments will be made according to the following process with deadlines being determined annually, at a minimum. The process may be initiated more frequently when new groups are created, or vacancies still exist.
- Annually, each Spring, the chairs of all college-wide councils, committees, and task forces will identify to the President’s Office the vacancies expected the following year. The President’s Office will notify union leaders of vacancies needing their appointment.
- TA college-wide invitation to serve will be sent.
- Employees who wish to participate representing the faculty or staff will notify their local bargaining unit representatives. Union representatives will forward faculty or staff appointments to the President’s Office.
- Students who wish to participate will notify the Student Senate. The Student Senate will forward student appointments to the President’s Office.
- The President’s Office will notify the campus of union and student representative appointments. Others who wish to participate will submit their interest to the President’s Office. The President will complete appointments by and notify those appointed before the end of the Spring semester.
- Complete rosters will be announced to the college community and published.
Councils, committees, and task forces that require appointments outside of the regular cycle will follow the steps above on an appropriate timeline.
College-wide councils, committees, and task forces will
- publish a calendar of meetings;
- publish minutes;
- hold meetings in a format accessible to guests; each council, committee, and task force may determine the level of active guest participation, if any; and
- annually submit to the President a brief report of work accomplished during the year and a set of priorities for the subsequent year.
Members of college-wide councils, committees, and task forces are expected to actively and regularly participate and to share information with the constituent groups they represent through appropriate channels.